
A study of 110,000 people found that going to bed early hurts more than staying up late, what time to sleep is healthy?

author:Little Black said life

When it comes to sleeping, the vast majority of young people now sleep until they wake up naturally, and sleep until they are comfortable before they get up, but for the older generation, it is "going to bed early and getting up early, good health", and if you stay up late, it will bring certain harm to human health.

But now the Internet has begun to circulate that going to bed early is not good for the body, "the earlier you sleep, the sooner you die", which has led many people to stay up late every day in order not to sleep early to support the sleepy body.

The truth about "the sooner you sleep, the sooner you die"

McMaster University in Canada published a study on early sleep in Sleep Medicine, which grouped 110,000 people into sleep hours each day and found that going to bed too early and going to bed too late is not good for cardiovascular health. People who go to bed early for a long time have a 29 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and those who sleep late for a long time have an 11 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease. After this study, it was found that people who slept early for a long time were not conducive to cardiovascular health.

A study of 110,000 people found that going to bed early hurts more than staying up late, what time to sleep is healthy?

People who like to stay up late may have such a thought when they see this side, "Fortunately, I am used to sleeping late, although sleeping late is not conducive to cardiovascular health, but the harm is always much smaller than going to bed early", if there is such a person who thinks it is a big mistake, long-term late sleep will not only increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also bring other harms to the body.

A study by Pennsylvania State University found that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day due to long-term staying up late will seriously cause dehydration in the body.

Through various studies, we should find that whether it is going to bed early or going to bed late, it will cause certain damage to our body. "Sleeping is a matter of nourishing the body, I don't want to cause harm to the body because of sleep, so in order to minimize the harm to the body, when is the best sleep time for people?" 」

Sleeping early and sleeping late is not OK, and studies have found that sleeping at this point is the best for the heart!

Through the European Heart Society' research, it was found that there are certain findings in bedtime and cardiovascular diseases at night, and through 5.7 years of investigation, it was found that:

A study of 110,000 people found that going to bed early hurts more than staying up late, what time to sleep is healthy?

People who sleep before 22 p.m. have a 24% increased risk of cardiovascular disease

People who sleep between 23 and 24 p.m. have a 12% increased risk of cardiovascular disease

People who sleep after 224 p.m. have a 25% increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Through the results of this study, we can clearly see that sleeping at different points in time will cause different degrees of harm to cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the best time to sleep at night is between 22 and 23 pm.

I don't know if you have encountered such a situation, even if you fall asleep between 22 and 23 o'clock at night, you still can't get up the next day, and even some people will sleep more and more sleepy, and sleep until 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock in the morning on rest days. So fall asleep in a safe place and get some extra sleep the next morning? Will sleeping for a long time affect your health?

If I say I can't sleep too much, maybe some people will feel that there is no scientific basis and cannot be trusted. So don't talk much nonsense, just speak with research.

A 47-year study by The University of Keele in the Uk found that people who slept more than 8 hours a day increased their risk of cardiovascular disease. The longer you sleep, the greater your risk of cardiovascular disease. After research, it was found that sleeping too much for a long time is not only not conducive to cardiovascular health, but also increases the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Therefore, it is recommended that under normal circumstances, the sleep time of a day should be maintained at about 7 to 8 hours.

Seeing this side, I believe that most people have the urge to scold people in their hearts: "Sleeping too early, sleeping too late, and sleeping too much will affect their physical health, so that people don't know how to sleep."

So for the sake of health, how to sleep in daily life?

According to different age groups, the National Sleep Foundation recommends the corresponding sleep time, which can be simply used as a reference to formulate their own sleep time according to their own situation.

A study of 110,000 people found that going to bed early hurts more than staying up late, what time to sleep is healthy?

Infants under 1 year of age: 16 hours a day;

Toddlers (1-3 years old): 12 hours per night, 2-3 hours during the day;

Children (4-12 years old): 10-12 hours a day;

Adolescents (14-17 years): Sleep time range expanded to 8-10 hours;

Young people (18-25 years): sleep time range of 7-9 hours;

Adults/middle-aged and elderly (26-64 years old): Sleep time range is maintained for 7-9 hours;

Seniors (over 65 years): Sleep time ranges from 7-8 hours.

Through this article, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of healthy sleep time, but here we should remind everyone that sleep time is important, but it is also impossible to ignore the problem of sleep quality. Having good sleep quality can guarantee good health. Therefore, in daily life, we should not deliberately let ourselves fall asleep, according to their own situation, reasonable arrangement of sleep time can be.