
Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

author:Interesting Literary History

"Ace Pilot" may seem like a joke in a game to everyone, but Liu Yuhuan is a real practitioner of the reality of "Ace Pilot". In 2003, Liu Yuhuan, a female pilot known as the "Queen of Transport Aircraft" due to age restrictions, retired from the army and left the army.

After the news of Liu Yuhuan's retirement was spread, major domestic civil aviation companies issued interview invitations to Liu Yuhuan, hoping to get an excellent captain to stay in their own companies.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

In the end, she chose to apply for the position of captain of China Southern Airlines, and Liu Yuhuan was called "the most expensive civil aviation captain".

Two generations of flying dreams

After leaving the army, Liu Yuhuan was able to accept the olive branch thrown by various civil aviation companies not only because of her strong strength conditions, but also inseparable from her family's support and encouragement along the way. Liu Yuhuan was born into a flying family, and her parents have become important personnel in the mainland's important flying team in the last century.

Liu Yuhuan's mother, Tong Zouzhen, is a second-generation pilot on the mainland, who has participated in many material transportation and casualty escorts, as well as some important work involving state secrets, and has made many military achievements in carrying out flight missions, becoming a hero in the hearts of a generation.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

People may feel a little unfamiliar with the name Tong Zouzhen, but when mentioning the "Yellow River Flood in 1963" and the "Tangshan Earthquake", it is presumably able to evoke some people's sad memories and the glory days, tong Zouzhen is the heroic pilot who participated in these two disaster relief activities.

Whether it is the flood or the collapse of the earthquake, the people in the disaster area have suffered greatly, and those who have not actually experienced the suffering cannot imagine the helplessness of being eroded by the flood and the wounds buried by the rubble. The consequences of natural disasters are immeasurable, and the casualties they cause are difficult to express in numbers, and these two major disasters have left rescuers with one obstacle after another.

At the time of the Yellow River flood, in order to solve the problem of eating food for the people in the disaster area, Tong Zouzhen's flying team was awarded the task of airdropping food. In the execution of this task not only to ensure timeliness but also to ensure accuracy, coupled with the chaotic geographical environment, Tong Zouzhen still completed the task excellently, and the materials were successfully delivered to the hands of the people.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

The same was true in the Tangshan earthquake, which caused tens of thousands of casualties and brought a lot of pressure to the rescue. Tong Zouzhen mainly completed the task of transporting the wounded in this disaster relief, and Tong Zouzhen must ensure his flight safety in a harsh environment and transport the wounded as quickly as possible, so as to ensure that more people will not be taken away by the god of death.

Tong Zouzhen also completed this mission with excellent results, although she had many meritorious achievements, but faced life threats in the execution of each mission. Sometimes Tong Zouzhen was in a flight mission, because the landing task was not accurately completed, the aircraft itself had some deviations in the equipment, resulting in Tong Zouzhen being directly thrown out of the seat.

Previous training allowed her to take self-help measures when this crisis occurred, and only then did she save her life in the panic.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Tong Has been shining in her own flight ranks, and after she married Liu Changxiang, who is also a pilot, the two of them jointly contributed to the cause of mainland aviation. While the outstanding achievements in their careers have exposed a problem, the two people will neglect to take care of their families, especially their daughter Liu Yuhuan.

Liu Yuhuan lacked the company of her parents during her childhood, she has been living with her grandparents, and she will show strong opposition to her parents' careers. Other children will see their parents waiting after school, but Liu Yuhuan has almost no experience of being picked up by his parents after school.

All kinds of experiences have made Liu Yuhuan extremely dissatisfied with her parents, and even made her reject the profession of pilot from the bottom of her heart.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

When Tong Anduzhen and her husband reached retirement age, they returned home to find that there was an inexplicable gap between Liu Yuhuan and them. When Tong Zouzhen left the army, she looked at the fighter plane that had accompanied her for many years with deep reluctance, and when she returned home, she felt even more depressed when she saw her daughter's strangeness towards her.

Although Liu Yuhuan did not know why her mother was upset, when she saw her mother looking at her previous work materials and photos in the middle of the night, she understood her mother's love for the flying career.

When Tong Zouzhen returned home, he noticed his daughter's emotional dissatisfaction and began to make up for the lack of companionship before. Under the love and attention of her parents, the daughter also gradually understood the difficulty of her father and their good intentions, and slowly Liu Yuhuan began to accept the ranks of flying and began to like the profession of pilot.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Under the guidance and help of her parents, Liu Yuhuan's love for pilots continued to rise, and during middle school, she began to study hard, hoping to continue the glory of her mother. After the results of the college entrance examination came out, Liu Yuhuan received acceptance letters from two schools, one was a flight attendant major and the other was the Flight Academy.

At that time, people would think that a girl who became a flight attendant after learning flight attendant majors was a very good choice. Although Liu Yuhuan's parents would like her to choose the Flight Academy, they are still willing to follow their daughter's wishes. Liu Yuhuan may have had some hesitations, but thinking of her mother's contemplation that night, she decisively applied for the Flight Academy.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Her parents were very pleased with the choice Liu Yuhuan made, and she began her own flight training after entering the flight academy. The height of Tong's career once reached will now usher in the succession of his daughter.

A two-way harvest of career and love

Liu Yuhuan took her acceptance letter to Changchun Flying Basic College, where she began day-to-day training. Although Liu Huanyu has not slackened his studies, he was once distressed because of his poor sense of balance.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

When she reflected the concern to his parents, the older generation of pilots drew up a training plan for her. With the help of her parents, Liu Yuhuan's balance ability slowly improved, and she graduated from the Flight Academy with excellent results at her insistence.

After leaving the flight academy, Liu Yuhuan did not give up the opportunity to continue her studies, and in order to better continue her parents' path, she decided to join the army and become an air force. The learning experience of the flight academy made Liu Yuhuan feel the thrill of flying the plane alone in the sky, and let her meet the lover who accompanied her all her life: Zhao Jiangming.

The love of the two people is not only agreeable, but also fully supported by the parents of both sides. Liu Yuhuan chose to enter the military field, while Zhao Jiangming chose to stay in the civilian field and joined China Southern Airlines.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Both men have great achievements in flying technology, and although the two have chosen different paths, they have both made their own contributions to the development of the national cause in their respective fields. Because of their different fields, the two people do not spend a long time together, and they often live separately after they get married, but they do not regard this matter as a problem.

Liu Huanyu and his wife understand each other's hardships and difficulties, and although the married life of the two people has a long separation, there are still very sweet memories in the short reunion.

Liu Yuhuan pays great attention to her achievements in the army, and the intensity of the training she has received since joining the army is hundreds of times higher than what she has experienced in the flight academy.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Although Liu Yuhuan is a girl, she has a very strong personality, and she never gives up easily in training. With each insistence, she made great strides in her piloting proficiency and flying skills, and after a while she had become an Air Force with a solid foundation and proficiency in flying aircraft.

In the day-to-day life of the army, Liu Yuhuan better understood why her mother had such a high enthusiasm for this cause, and was more able to put herself in the position of understanding her parents' expectations of her. Her parents' support for her has evolved into a driving force for her to continue to move forward in the army, and Liu Yuhuan is always willing to take on one difficult task after another in order to improve her comprehensive quality faster.

It may be easier to receive the task in the early stage of the flight, but Liu Yuhuan can treat the completion with a serious and responsible attitude. When she was assigned some tasks with high danger factors, Liu Yuhuan was still able to maintain a strong heart, and she could safely pass through every dangerous moment and return smoothly.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Liu Yuhuan's outstanding performance has won her one title after another, such as "Ace Pilot" and "Queen of Transport Aircraft", which are all recognition of her technology. The acquisition of these titles makes Liu Yuhuan see the trust poured out by others, which is the driving force for Liu Yuhuan to continue to move forward.

The transition from military to civilian

No matter how good the pilots have an age limit, Liu Yuhuan's mother, Tong Zouzhen, also had to give up the fighter he had been driving for many years because of the age limit.

By 2003, Liu Yuhuan will also face retirement, and by this time Liu Yuhuan has been an air force for more than ten years. When she was about to bid farewell to her former comrades-in-arms and beloved fighters, Liu Yuhuan had a more comprehensive understanding of her mother's reluctance and depression, and now this nostalgia is also vividly displayed in her body.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Separation and farewell are things that Liu Yuhuan must go through, and in 2003 Liu Yuhuan officially bid farewell to the military life with whom she lived day and night. However, she did not intend to end her flying career completely, and in order to gain as much time as possible to work in the field of flight, she chose to join civil aviation.

Liu Yuhuan's various trainings in the army have made her personal comprehensive quality absolutely excellent, coupled with the actual combat operation of various fighters, her driving skills can be said to be slightly better than that of ordinary captains.

After the news that Liu Yu also wanted to join civil aviation was widely disseminated, a number of civil aviation companies issued sincere invitations to Liu Yuhuan, and they all wanted to try their best to get Liu Yuhuan to join their own team and play her extremely high value.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

Liu Yuhuan could not imagine that she could be so popular in the field of civil aviation, and she chose to join China Southern Airlines after weighing the pros and cons, when she was called "the most expensive civil aviation captain".

An important reason why Liu Yuhuan wanted to join China Southern Airlines was that her husband sought jiang ming to work in this company, and choosing China Southern Airlines could allow couples who had been separated for a long time to enjoy a normal married life, a decision that made her husband Zhao Jiangming very happy.

Even if Liu Yuhuan has excellent driving skills, she still has to undergo certain training when she transitions from the military field to the civilian field. Although China Southern Airlines is very much looking forward to Liu Yuhuan's joining, she also has to pass the assessment like other candidates to be able to work smoothly.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

She needs to be familiar with the driving skills and space structure of the passenger aircraft in a short period of time, and some of the knowledge that the captain needs to master, and perhaps some of the knowledge in these simple trainings is repeated with her previous training, and Liu Yuhuan can still maintain a fresh sense to learn.

Zhao Jiangming is also an excellent captain at China Southern Airlines, and he devotes a lot of time and energy to his wife when she needs to re-learn some knowledge such as passenger aircraft. Although the content of civil aviation is simpler and easier than the training of the troops, Liu Yuhuan will still be tired after a day of training.

A little bit of hard work is seen by Zhao Jiangming, who supports his wife in his heart to stick to his dreams, but seeing his wife's hard work wants him to rest and enjoy the moment. Liu Yuhuan did not like a plain and comfortable life, she still gritted her teeth and insisted, this spirit made her pass the examination smoothly, and successfully became the first female captain of China Southern Airlines Airlines.

Liu Yuhuan, the first female captain of China Southern Airlines: Ace pilot of the Air Force and the most expensive civil aviation captain after retirement

In 2008, Liu Yuhuan began her first mission to China Southern Airlines, and Zhao Jiangming's heart was even more excited to see her successfully enter the civil aviation field. Liu Yuhuan is even more proud that she can realize her dream and continue to insist on the field of flight.

Liu Yuhuan has been in the field of flight for more than 30 years, and her family has evolved from two pilots to four. When she looks back on the decisions she made in the past, she may miss herself who insisted on choosing to go to flight academy. Liu Yuhuan's unswervingness and the encouragement given by his parents and the companionship of his husband are the keys to Liu Yuhuan's achievements.

Liu Yuhuan's choice and persistence show the public not only the dream of the two generations, but also the unremitting practice of his beliefs. There are many moments in a person's life when decisions need to be made, and following your heart and getting the support of your family is the beginning of a correct journey.

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