
DAIGO's wife has been complained about many times, and netizens have replied: You just steal the music, she is Kitagawa Keiko

author:Chiaki Japanese
DAIGO's wife has been complained about many times, and netizens have replied: You just steal the music, she is Kitagawa Keiko

Keiko Kitagawa, DAIGO

Japanese actress Keiko Kitagawa and the lead singer of the orchestra, DAIGO, have been married for several years, and in order to spell out their acting masterpieces, they have postponed the plan to have children, and the husband and wife enjoy the world of two. Previously, she was exposed by her husband to her private quirks, and the dialogue between husband and wife was rarely exposed.

DAIGO played a big game on the show, and revealed that her beloved wife Kitagawa Keiko has a quirk, that is, everything is put into the shredder!

He went on to further elaborate, "In short, it is like the script of a TV series that has ended, and the photos I took in the past will be broken with a shredder." He asked his wife if it was okay to throw away such an important photo? As a result, the other party looked back and said firmly, "I don't need to go over!" ”

A sentence made the guests can't help but say: "So handsome! ”

"Hearing her say this, I once again decided to follow her!" DAIGO said that in the future, like Keiko Kitagawa, it is like a declaration of "wife singing and husband", and fans directly praise "beautiful couple" and "still so good!" ”

His pet wife can be called an insider know-how, a few days ago in order to support the release of his wife's new movie, he also dragged a group of 19 people to buy tickets to watch movies together, and was laughed at by netizens "I really love my wife!" ”

This time, musician and entertainer DAIGO broadcast tv Tokyo's TV show "プレミア MelodiX" in the early morning of the 22nd! ", once again telling the trivia of his life with his wife actress Kitagawa Keiko.

DAIGO's wife has been complained about many times, and netizens have replied: You just steal the music, she is Kitagawa Keiko

Due to the pandemic, the DAIGO family decided to spend Christmas at home. "After discussing with my wife, both of us felt that we would have to eat KFC for Christmas."

DAIGO's wife has been complained about many times, and netizens have replied: You just steal the music, she is Kitagawa Keiko

Keiko Kitagawa gave DAIGO the task of booking a KFC Christmas package: "It's up to you, it's up to you." And DAIGO gladly agreed: "I will do it well." ”

When DAIGO wanted to make an appointment about two days before Christmas, he found that "the reservation stock of KFC Christmas barrels was all written with crosses and crosses." And he also made a corresponding reflection: "I still underestimate the purchasing power of people at Christmas. ”

When he reported to his wife that he had not made an appointment to KFC, Kitagawa's reaction was, "Did I tell you?" I asked you many times before and you said it was no problem? ”

In this regard, DAIGO accepted his wife's criticism: "Then I told her, I am really sorry..."

DAIGO's wife has been complained about many times, and netizens have replied: You just steal the music, she is Kitagawa Keiko

In the end, the family bought fried chicken from other stores. DAIGO has always been obsessed with his mistake: "I am still very unwilling in my heart, and having a good appointment with KFC for Christmas is what I want to achieve most this year." ”

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