
After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

author:Dr. Xiaodong talks about health

With the popularization of medical knowledge, most people's health awareness is getting stronger and stronger, paying more attention to food safety and quality issues, according to medical data: more than 78% of people will add a white boiled egg to the body every morning.

As an essential ingredient on the table, eggs are known as all-round nutritious foods, rich in high-quality protein, which can supplement nutrients for physical life activities and strengthen resistance and immunity.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

I have to admit that eating eggs can bring many benefits to the body, but there are also some things to pay attention to when eating eggs, if you do not pay attention or the method is not operated properly, it will lead to worse and worse the body.


After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

1. Tea

Proper drinking of some tea in life is more conducive to health, health care but different teas, the effect is also different, the tea polyphenols and vitamins present in the tea can provide the body with rich energy substances.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

Most people are accustomed to drinking a cup of hot tea after eating now to play a degreasing effect, but it is best not to drink tea after eating eggs, mainly because there is a rich tannic acid and protein in the tea leaves.

These harmful substances will increase the digestive burden of the stomach and intestines, causing patients to have other uncomfortable symptoms such as flatulence and diarrhea, which will lead to some necrosis of cells in the body, which is not conducive to the development of physical health.

2. Rabbit meat, goose meat

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

After eating eggs, it is not recommended to eat goose meat or rabbit meat and other meats immediately, Li Shizhen mentioned in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "eggs will cause diarrhea if they are eaten with meat".

This is mainly because goose meat and rabbit meat are cold eggs and as a slightly cold food, putting the two together to eat, will lead to biological activity affected, in the intestines appear some reactions caused by gastrointestinal irritation, and even lead to diarrhea, activate bad cells in the body, physical health brings negative effects.

3. Persimmons

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

Autumn and winter are a good time for persimmons to be listed, and persimmons are sweet and rich in high nutritional value, but there are also some things to pay attention to when eating persimmons.

Persimmon as a kind of cold fruit, after eating eggs can not eat persimmons, this is mainly because persimmons have more tannic acid substances, eggs are rich in high-quality protein and sulfuric acid chemicals, will form lactic acid protein, in the body is constantly precipitated is difficult to be discharged.

It will reduce the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, cannot be absorbed and digested by the body, increase the burden on the digestive system, and even cause gastrointestinal diarrhea, gastrointestinal distention, indigestion and other conditions.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

In addition, eating persimmons after eating eggs will activate bad cells in the body, and everyone must be vigilant and never joke about their own health.

4. Sugar

From a health point of view, it is not recommended that you eat sugar immediately after using eggs, perhaps some people do not understand that when boiled eggs are white boiled, they will put some sugar into sugar water poached eggs, which will lead to the formation of high-quality protein and amino acid substances in the eggs to form fructosyl lysine conjugates.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

Continuous precipitation in the body will not only increase the digestive burden of the stomach and intestines, but also is not conducive to the absorption and digestion of the body, bringing some drawbacks to physical health, activating bad cells in the body, and damaging other organs and tissues.


For the sake of good health, it is best to stay away from these eggs

1. Hairy eggs

In the literal sense of the egg refers to the fertilized egg, the process of hatching chicks is easily affected by Salmonella and bacterial substances, the egg is not completely hatched successfully, the egg through some special means is the embryo stops developing.

Some people think that eating some hairy eggs properly can supplement the nutritional value of the body, but this is not the case, the nutritional value of hairy eggs is minimal, and there are more bacterial substances than nutrients.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

Even if cooked at high temperatures, there are some eggs and bacteria that have not had time to kill, so everyone should eat less.

2. Loose egg yolks

If you regularly use some loose yolks, it is more likely to cause diarrhea, and the spray will appear during the long-term transportation process of eggs, which will cause the yolk membrane to be destroyed, resulting in some mechanical loose yolk phenomena.

Or because it is stored for too long, it is moldy and bacterial substances that enter the inside of the egg through the stomata of the egg, destroying the original protein components and causing the yolk to break up.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

If the yolk condition is not serious and does not emit some odor, it can be eaten after cooking at high temperature, if it is found that the protein has become a spoiled phenomenon and emits a sour odor, it is recommended to throw it away in time to avoid causing bacterial infection to the body.

3. Tiger skin eggs

Tiger skin eggs are made by high-temperature frying, the bomb is actually fried protein, protein and then after high-temperature cooking will lose a part of the nutrients, but also in the intestine for too long to excrete.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

According to medical data, regular intake of some tiger skin eggs, it is likely to induce cancer in the body, fried food will produce some carcinogens - benzopyrene, not only will endanger the health of blood vessels, but also lead to excessive oxidation of cholesterol, adversely affecting the body.

4. Eggs with spots

Everyone must pay attention to such a phenomenon when buying eggs, if there are spots on the egg shell, it is likely to be infected with Salmonella, after cleaning with bacterial substances, it will bring safety risks to health.

On the other hand, the shelf life of eggs is relatively short, under normal conditions can only be stored for about half a month, if the weather is hot, the egg storage time will be shorter, prone to some spoilage.

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

The egg shell surface of the egg does not look like any sign of damage, in fact, the quality of the egg has been seriously reduced, it is best not to eat, not only does not bring health effects to the body, but also endangers health.


Read further: How should I improve my physical fitness in terms of exercise?

1. People with a peaceful constitution

According to their physical fitness and age to make a clear choice, the exercise process should be moderate, adhere to a certain exercise, more conducive to improving physical fitness, enhance immunity.

2. Qi deficiency physique

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

In daily life, we should pay attention to step by step, especially in sports, do not choose exercise with excessive intensity, avoid bringing some wet atmosphere to the body, the effect is soothing, not only can fitness, but also can strengthen their own physique.

3. Yang deficiency physique

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, people with yang deficiency should strengthen physical exercise, especially in the alternating spring and summer seasons, which can make the human body quality more powerful, and may wish to choose gymnastics, walking, jogging, dancing and so on.

4. Yin deficiency physique

In the process of exercise, we must pay attention to the maintenance of their own liver parts, you can choose small and medium intensity exercise, do not exercise too intensely, you can choose to play tai chi in winter, square dance, summer you can choose swimming, running and so on.

5. Blood stasis constitution

After eating eggs, try not to touch this object, or will it activate "bad cells"? Don't be dissuaded

People with blood stasis constitution should do more exercises that help the operation of qi and blood in their daily lives, and the common ones are tai chi, jogging, swimming, fitness and so on.

However, here to remind people with blood stasis constitution, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks will have some safety hazards, daily exercise should not be too intense, choose mild and non-stimulating exercise, pay more attention to observe the physical condition, if there is discomfort to stop immediately.

6. Phlegm wet constitution

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, there is a close connection between phlegm wet constitution and body obesity, and such people will have some physical fatigue, to strengthen exercise, do more aerobic exercise, slowly increase their own exercise, maintain the habit of exercise, can make the body more healthy and strong.

#爱乐养生指南 #