
Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

author:Tea talk history
Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Woolly flowers

While the children of the Nationalist government were dressed in fine clothes and followed by bodyguards, and their lives were extremely comfortable, Chairman Mao's daughter was eating chaff and fighting hunger.

Have you ever heard such a passage? The people you meet casually on the road may be people that others dream of seeing.

Chairman Mao spent his whole life searching for his eldest daughter, but the heavens always did not go against people's wishes, and Chairman Mao was unable to meet his eldest daughter in this life.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Woolly flowers

This became the greatest regret in Chairman Mao's heart.

So who is this eldest daughter, and why can she let Chairman Mao worry about her whole life?

Chairman Mao's eldest daughter, named Mao Jinhua, was the daughter of him and He Zizhen.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao and He Zizhen

He Zizhen was Chairman Mao's second wife, and the two met and fell in love over work in the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area.

The appearance of He Zizhen was a surprise for Chairman Mao, a gift from heaven.

Because He Zizhen accompanied Chairman Mao through the most difficult moments of his life, the two were not only husband and wife, but also revolutionary comrades-in-arms, and walked hand in hand through the most turbulent years.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao and He Zizhen

Second, a "golden flower" of Longyan

When the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War broke out in 1927, the Nationalist government reneged on its promise and killed communists.

As the situation intensified, in the face of the repeated failures of the urban counter-offensive, the Communists proposed in September of the same year a new path for the countryside to encircle the cities and seize power by force.

Chairman Mao and other Communists, based on their examination of China's Hunan border, opened up the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area in October 1927, which was like a spark that could ignite the plains.

It was during these years of intense fire that Chairman Mao and He Zizhen's first daughter was born.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Woolly flowers

Chairman Mao named it "Jinhua", and when it comes to the origin of the name, some people say that it is because he was born in the local Jinhua Hospital, and some people say that Chairman Mao hopes that the child will be as brilliant as a golden flower.

Golden flowers and golden flowers, the golden flowers on the "Dragon Rock", fragrant and beautiful, may you survive the most difficult years and welcome the birth of new China.

New China must also be like a golden yellow flower, strong and resolute. Beautiful golden flowers grow under the peaceful golden China.

Even such a simple request could not be fulfilled in the end. The turbulent living environment also doomed this child to an extraordinary life.

When He Zizhen gave birth to the golden flower, she was less than 20 years old, looking at this young life in her arms, she only felt warm in her heart, her small hands and feet were so cute, and her hair was even more liked.

He Zizhen can be said to be very fond of Jinhua.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao and Mao Anying

He Zizhen was a wife and mother for the first time, and she did not seek her children to be prominent for a lifetime, but only for her to grow up safely and healthily.

But who would have thought that Heaven would make a big joke with her.

It was not easy to have a child in the revolutionary years, let alone in the turbulent period of the Kuomintang-Communist Revolution.

At that time, Jinhua was not yet a year old, still a baby waiting to be fed, but war would not give people any respite, no matter who this person was.

Therefore, in the face of the large-scale counterattack of the Nationalist government, the Chinese Communists had to withdraw from Longyan first, wait for the opportunity, and then capture Longyan.

But what about the little golden flower during the march?

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

After discussing with He Zizhen, Chairman Mao decided that he could not take the golden flower on the road.

On the one hand, taking care of Jinhua will distract Chairman Mao's attention, and more seriously, it will slow down the marching process;

On the other hand, marching to fight, if the guns are not enough, the rain of bullets will hurt the children.

This is also the discipline of Iron Zhengzheng, according to the custom, the children of the Red Army are generally taken care of by the local people.

So no matter what, Xiao Jinhua will be forced to be separated from her parents.

Chairman Mao and his wife entrusted Deng Zihui to the care of Weng Qinghe, a local shoemaker in Longyan, and left 20 pieces of ocean.

In this way, Jinhua stayed in Longyan, in the place where she was born and raised.

Although he was accustomed to seeing this kind of distinction, when it was his turn, He Zizhen seemed to be in pain. Chairman Mao's heart is even less of a taste.

However, the situation was grim, the enemy would not move his heart of compassion, and for the sake of the overall situation, the two had to swallow the bitterness in their hearts and endure the pain of separation.

She said to Jinhua, you have to grow up slowly and wait for your mother to pick you up.

However, this promise, which seemed to be fulfilled in the near future, was never seen at the very end.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Wool flower (middle)

Three or four dragon rocks

After three years, in 1932, the Chinese Red Army successfully captured Longyan.

Chairman Mao and his wife did not know how long they had waited for this day.

He Zizhen calculated, Jinhua should be almost three years old now, will walk and run, and her hair should be able to tie a little. I don't know if she's fat or thin, and I don't know if I can recognize my mother.

He Zizhen read and looked forward to it every day, thinking about the appearance of Xiao Jinhua now, full of expectation.

However, when Chairman Mao led the Chinese Red Army on an eastern expedition to Zhangzhou, although it passed through Longyan, because of the urgent military situation, it could only temporarily shelve the search for gold flowers.

Afterwards, Chairman Mao entrusted his younger brother Mao Zemin to go to Longyan to inquire about the whereabouts of Jinhua.

Mao Zemin followed the clues to Find Weng Qinghe's home, but was told that Jinhua had died prematurely.

When Chairman Mao and his wife heard this news, it was as if they were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and their daughter who had been born was gone.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Wool flower (middle)

Whether it is self-blame or remorse, her daughter Jinhua cannot come back.

But what parent would be willing to acknowledge the "fact" of their child's death?

It may be psychological comfort, or it may be the kind of telepathy between parents and children, Chairman Mao and his wife are painfully determined, believing that Jinhua has not left.

However, the War between the Kuomintang and the Communists and the Japanese Invasion of China took turns, and the search for work for Jinhua was also inadequate and intermittent.

It was not until the early days of the founding of New China that everything calmed down, and the search for the golden flower was once again put on the agenda.

In 1951, when Xie Jueya, minister of internal affairs of the State Council, led a central condolence delegation to western Fujian to comfort the masses in the old district, Chairman Mao took this opportunity to entrust him to Longyan to find the whereabouts of his daughter Jinhua.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Deng Zihui

However, the result was still a great disappointment, and the party Concerned, Weng Qinghe, insisted that Jinhua had died prematurely.

After another two years, it coincided with Deng Zihui's return to his hometown and provincial relatives, and he was a communist who came out of Longyan, Fujian Province.

Chairman Mao again asked him to go to Longyan to inquire about the whereabouts of the golden flower, but the result was still the same.

I don't know whether it was because he had heard too much disappointing news, or whether his efforts had not been rewarded for so many years, Chairman Mao was not too surprised by this result.

Without the right opportunity, things were put on hold for a long time.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

In the early summer of 1963, Ren Manjun, secretary of the party group of the Fujian Provincial Women's Federation, took the lead in setting up a secret investigation team to prepare for a thorough investigation of the matter.

It was not until New Year's Day 1964 that things took a turn for the better, and a letter signed by "Yang Yuehua" pushed the case to a climax.

The person in the letter described his own life and experience, and wanted to find out his origins through the help of Wu Chaofang, deputy commissioner of the Longyan Bureau.

Coincidentally, the information described in the letter was very similar to the situation of Chairman Mao's daughter Jinhua, which instantly attracted the attention of Wei Jinshui, the governor of Fujian Province at the time.

So Shunten touched the melon, Wei Jinshui actually found the head of the shoemaker Weng Qinghe, and everyone opened up, which was not right.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

So Wei Jinshui immediately held a symposium, and the participants were all those involved in the case, Yang Yuehua and her adoptive mother Qiu Lanzai, Weng Qinghe and his wife, and his aunt Zheng Qiudi.

Through the layers of combing through the case, and Weng Qinghe also personally admitted, it was confirmed that Yang Yuehua was a maojin flower.

Fourth, the adoptive father is impermanent

When the matter happened here, did everyone think that the truth came out, and Chairman Mao and He Zizhen were reunited with their daughter Jinhua.

This is not the case. It's not over, it's trickier.

Let's look at Weng Qinghe's personality.

There are rumors that Weng Qinghe has misbehaved his character, beaten his wife and children, abducted and sold his own children, committed all kinds of evil deeds, and even lost his conscience.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

He Zizhen

However, the custodian of Jinhua was personally found by Deng Zihui, was it that the situation was urgent at the beginning, and it was a time to see it? This is unknown.

However, according to the dictation of Weng Qinghe's children, Weng Qinghe was as timid as a rat and treacherous.

When the Communists withdrew from Longyan, the Nationalist government was arresting the remnants of the Communists and declaring that any harborer would not be spared.

And who is Jinhua, she is Chairman Mao's own daughter, this crime is not small!

Therefore, Weng Qinghe quietly placed the small golden flower that was asleep at that time at the door of the South Gate Zanfeng Shop in the middle of the night, and left without turning his head back.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

Later, the owner of the Zanfeng shop found the small golden flower, saw that no one came to claim it, so he gave it to Weng Gu, who lived in the stone wall next door to the Chamber of Commerce.

And Weng Gu was so kind-hearted that she actually sold Xiao Jinhua to Zhang Xianzhi, who sold fritters for burnt cakes.

Zhang Xianzhi's wife could not have children, so she adopted Jinhua, but three years later, her wife died tragically, and Zhang Xianzhi also had no intention of living.

Later, he gave the golden flower to Qiu Yingsong, who opened a coal kiln, and Qiu Yingsong's wife Qiu Lanzai was very fond of the golden flower, so he raised it as his own daughter.

It was only at this time that the life of the little golden flower drift came to an end. And the adoptive mother Qiu Lanzai loves her very much, and Xiao Jinhua also has a stable home.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Woolly Golden Flower (first from right)

Later, when five-year-old Xiao Jinhua was fighting with her brother Yang Rongfu, she accidentally learned that she had bought it from her adoptive parents, so she also had the key letter to find her relatives.

Poor little Jinhua realized that this original warm and happy family did not belong to him, and where his biological parents were.

The seed of "searching for relatives" gradually took root in the psychology of the little golden flower, and on the surface it was still as if nothing had happened.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life


At first, Jinhua had been following her adoptive mother Qiu Lanzai's surname, called Qiu Yuehua, and later when she was 13 years old, Qiu Lanzai let Jinhua follow her ex-husband's surname, so she had the later name "Yang Yuehua".

Xiao Jinhua's mind has always been very clear, although filial piety to the adoptive mother, but the search for blood relatives, but also an important thing. But all this was destroyed by the Weng Qing River.

At first, out of fear, he chose to abandon the little golden flower, so at best it can be said that he was not determined.

However, looking at his future behavior, repeatedly concealing the truth and preventing Chairman Mao and Jinhua from recognizing each other, this is beyond reason, and it is inevitable that he has gone too far.

It was from the mouths of his children that he understood what he was. He feared the remnants of the Nationalist government.

After the founding of New China, the remnants of the Nationalist government fled the mainland, and the light of the leadership of the Communist Party shone on the earth. The fact that can be seen at a glance, Weng Qinghe is still the same rat character.

Worry about this, worry about that, lest the Chiang family kill a horse gun and severely punish those who harbor the Communist Party.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

To say that it was once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the well rope, this has not been bitten by a snake, it is so worrying to such an extent.

Not only did he have no remorse, but he actually had a bad heart for Chairman Mao —asking for money. Chairman Mao remembered his nurturing grace for Jinhua and gave him 300 yuan.

That's not enough! How can a lazy, insatiable person turn back so easily!

Just at the end of the investigation into Yang Yuehua's life, Weng Qinghe suddenly changed his mouth, did not recognize Yang Yuehua as Jinhua, and insisted that Jinhua was dead.

The contrast between the front and back of the Weng Qing River is really strange.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

We underestimated Weng Qinghe, who was not only as timid as a rat, but also greedy for money, and this was not once or twice, not only trying to deceive Chairman Mao.

Now, he actually threatened Yang Yuehua to ask for money. But Yang Yuehua has ah, there are old people in the family, there are small ones under the family, so many mouths have to eat, and the pockets are whiter than the face.

Weng Qinghe saw that the demand for money was unsuccessful, so he changed his mouth. When Mao Jinhua was young, he died prematurely.

In the end, due to the lack of Weng Qinghe's self-report, the case could not be completely ended, and Chairman Mao and his daughter Jinhua once again missed it.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Founding Ceremony

Fifth, she is the maojin flower

The case was thus shelved again until 1971.

That year, Luo Wanchang retired to his hometown of Longyan, and he was He Zizhen's older brother, an old subordinate of Jinhua's uncle He Minxue.

And Luo Wanchang's hometown is in Longyan. After returning home, the rumor that Yang Yuehua was a maojin flower reached his ears.

Therefore, he told He Minxue the contents of the rumor one by one, and when he heard the news, he was shocked and his heart was even more wild.

My sister has worked hard to find a daughter for so many years, even the slightest clue can not let go. So he immediately entrusted Luo Wanchang and Zhang Huanan, the old Red Army of Longyan, to further follow up the truth of the matter.

After many years, the party Concerned Weng Qinghe has passed away, so they thoroughly sorted out the matter by interviewing a number of insiders.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Woolly Flowers (second from right)

So many years have passed, even if there are insiders, the memory may not be clear, and the investigation has consumed a lot of time and energy.

Finally, a year later, they presented Premier Zhou with a satisfactory answer sheet, Yang Yuehua is Mao Jinhua!

In order to ensure the veracity of the results of the investigation, in August 1973, Premier Zhou sent Mao Zeqin and Zhou Jianxia, the daughter-in-law of He Yi, to Fujian to investigate.

Before leaving, they asked He Zizhen for the physical characteristics of Jinhua's birth and special markings on the body.

mole! There are two small black moles on the right knee!

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao and He Zizhen

Yes, the drama that often appears on TV has been staged, but I have to say that this logo really works.

After Zhou Jianxia returned to Longyan, she met Yang Yuehua, and on the grounds of "fleas", at the moment when Yang Yuehua lifted her pants leg, a black mole appeared.

Yang Yuehua is a maojin flower! More than forty years have passed, and Chairman Mao's daughter has finally found it.

At the moment when the truth of the matter came out, Mao Jinhua was most looking forward to meeting her own parents.

In August 1973, Mao Jinhua accompanied Du Fangying, head of the propaganda group of the local Longyan County Revolutionary Committee, went to Shanghai to see his mother.

But they stayed there for a week and didn't see each other, so they went to Guangzhou to find their uncle He Minxue.

It was learned from his uncle that his mother, He Zizhen, was bedridden and her condition was very unstable. For the sake of her mother's health, Mao Jinhua decided to wait for her mother to recover physically before meeting her.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life


6. Follow-up

In late May 1974, the organization arranged for Mao Jinhua, her husband Zheng Huanzhang, and her adoptive mother to go to Beijing to meet Chairman Mao.

Just when everyone thought that Chairman Mao could be reunited with his daughter, Chairman Mao helplessly said, let the golden peanuts return to the township.

As a result, Mao Jinhua and the three failed to meet Chairman Mao, and left Beijing on June 1, never setting foot in Beijing for half a step in their lives.

Mao Jinhua: The eldest daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen, she was fostered before she was a month old and never saw her parents in her life

Chairman Mao

The golden flowers still bloomed brilliantly on the land of Longyan, as Chairman Mao had envisioned.

Even if they did not see their own daughter, Chairman Mao and He Zizhen's hanging hearts could be put down.

Because there is a kind of happiness in the world called, as long as you live well!