
Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

author:An old physician with popular science health knowledge

As the fountain of human life, water accounts for 70% of the weight of the human body, and water occupies an important position in human life and production, and is closely related to human development. In life, many people will choose to take a cup of water and put it on the bedside, or have the habit of getting up in the morning to drink a cup of warm water directly, thinking that such a habit is a very healthy lifestyle and is very beneficial to physical health.

However, many people hold an opposing view, believing that drinking water after waking up in the morning is extremely unhealthy, and this behavior is equivalent to drinking bacteria. They think that the mouth is full of bacteria in the morning, and if you drink a glass of water directly, it is tantamount to drinking bacteria. They believe that brushing should be done before drinking water to avoid drinking bacteria into the body. So is getting up early in the morning and drinking a glass of water equivalent to drinking bacteria?

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

First, water

1. The use of water

Our Earth looks like a blue water ball in space. Water is distributed in various parts of the earth and nourishes life. The uses of water are also diverse. First of all, water, as the fountain of human life, accounts for about seventy percent of the human body. It promotes blood circulation inside the body, provides nutrients and oxygen for the human body, so that humans can carry out productive activities and continuously create value.

Secondly, water can nourish plants very well. Plants are rich in water, accounting for about 80% of body weight, and aquatic plants have more water, which can reach more than 98%. Water can transmit nutrients to plants within the plant, promoting photosynthesis and breathing. Finally, water is also very important for industry. Because water is a good catalyst, but also the blood of industry. Participating in many steps in industrial and mining enterprises is an inseparable part of the industry.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

2. The role of water on the human body

Water accounts for a large proportion of the human body, and is closely related to the life activities of the human body and plays an important role. First, water has a dissolving and digestive function, and water is a necessary medium in many chemical reactions. It can dissolve proteins, fats and other substances well, so that it has a chemical reaction in the body, which is more conducive to the absorption of the human body. In addition, in the various digestive juices in the human body, the content of water is the highest.

Second, water can be well involved in metabolism. The metabolism of the human body is to digest and absorb nutrients, transport and excrete the body's waste. And these links must be carried out with the participation of water. Therefore, water is the key to metabolism, when the human body is in a state of dehydration, the metabolism in the body will be disordered, difficult to operate normally, and further cause various physical problems.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

Third, water also has a transport function, its solubility is excellent, can make the substances in the body into the water, and transport through the body's various organ tissues, providing nutrients and power for the body, and promoting the internal circulation of the body. And the garbage substances in the body are transported and transported out of the body to promote balance.

Fourth, water is also a lubricant. Water can well connect the various joints and muscles, and play a role in reducing friction and obstruction. Therefore, you should drink more water before exercising. Some women should also drink more water if they want the skin to be firm and soft, so that the cells are in a full state, so that the skin can be more hydrated.

Finally, water can be very good at diluting, dissolving the blood, and also has the magical effect of detoxification. Many people often have acne or dull skin, which is probably the reason for drinking less water. Because garbage substances and toxins must be integrated into the water to be metabolized out of the body. Therefore, when there is a lack of water in the body, the garbage substances in the body are difficult to metabolize, and they will be deposited in the body, causing various phenomena.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

Second, the benefits of drinking warm water in the morning

1. Laxative

Drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning can play a role in moisturizing the intestines and laxative. Because the various tissues and organs inside the body will be metabolized at night, the waste products to be discharged in the intestine are piled up, but when a drop of water is not ingested at night and is in a state of sleep, the intestines are in a dry state, and it will be difficult to excrete waste. Therefore, drinking a glass of water after getting up in the morning can well moisturize the intestines, promote intestinal peristalsis, and facilitate defecation.

2. Replenish body moisture

The water in the body accounts for seventy percent of the total body weight, and only when the water is involved can a series of life activities be carried out inside the body. It can be seen that moisture is important to the human body. Especially when people experience a night's sleep, the water inside the body has been consumed a lot. Therefore, drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning can be a good way to replenish the water inside the body and promote the circulation of the body.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

3. Play a sobering role

In life, there is "wake-up gas", often getting up for a long time, but also in a state of unconsciousness, it is difficult to concentrate or restore wakefulness. At this time, you can choose to drink a cup of warm water, which can help restore wakefulness faster. This is because after water enters the mouth, it can quickly stimulate the nervous system of the brain and play a sobering role. In addition, drinking a cup of warm water in the morning can also reduce the concentration of blood and speed up the flow of blood.

4. Delay aging

Many women who love beauty have the habit of drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning, and they think that drinking a cup of warm water in the morning can play a good role in delaying aging. This is because one of the manifestations of human aging is that the water content of cells is decreasing, and cells have problems such as folds. Therefore, timely replenishment of water can better maintain the full state of cells, accelerate the speed of metabolism in the body, better absorb nutrients, and discharge toxins and waste products.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

5. Protect the stomach and intestines

We all know that the various organs of the body only function when a person is in a state of deep sleep. While we sleep, the stomach constantly secretes stomach acid to digest and absorb food in the stomach. Therefore, after getting up in the morning, most of the food in the stomach is digested, and the stomach is in a relatively empty state. At this time, drinking a cup of warm water can well neutralize the residual stomach acid of the stomach, avoid its damage and irritation to the stomach, and is a good way to protect the stomach.

6. Protect the gums

Many people have the situation that the breath is not fresh in the morning, which is related to not drinking water at night. Because the gums will feel uncomfortable in a closed environment overnight, a series of symptoms will occur. Therefore, people get up in the morning and drink a cup of warm water can play a good role in refreshing the breath, alleviating gum discomfort, and protecting the gums.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

Drinking water in the morning is not the same as drinking bacteria

For this question, we must start with what bacteria are in the mouth.

There are many bacteria in our mouth, especially after a night of sealing, which will promote the growth of bacteria, reaching hundreds of millions. But bacteria in the mouth are not all harmful, and many probiotics are also included. According to the study, when the two bacteria in the mouth reach a balanced state, they will not cause harm to human health. Even if it goes inside the body, our stomach will destroy it.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

The second is caries inside the mouth. What we call caries is actually bad teeth, and it is one of the reasons why many people have a taste in their mouths. In addition to caries, there may be plaque or other oral problems. But these dental problems are usually relatively strong and are generally difficult to remove by brushing, so these are not easily carried into the body by water. Therefore, it will not cause any harm to our body.

Fourth, the precautions for drinking water in the morning

1. The temperature of the water

We all know that drinking water is very important for the human body, but do you know how many degrees of water are most beneficial to good health? After getting up in the morning, drinking a cup of water with moderate temperature can quickly replenish water and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and speed up metabolism. For water that is too hot, drinking into the body may burn the esophagus, and long-term drinking of overheated water can also cause esophageal cancer and damage to the gastric mucosa.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

But if you get up and drink ice water, it is also very unhealthy. Drinking ice water in the morning is like pouring cold water on a hot machine, which will irritate the stomach and intestines, resulting in gastrointestinal spasms. Therefore, it is recommended to control the temperature of drinking water at about sixty-five degrees. In order to make the hot water quickly cool, some people put boiling water into the refrigerator to cool it down, but this practice is extremely unhealthy. Because this will increase a lot of bacteria in the water. The best way to do this is to wait for the water temperature to drop on its own.

2. The amount of water to drink

In addition to the water temperature, the amount of water to drink is also very exquisite. Although adequate hydration is not only conducive to gastrointestinal peristalsis, it speeds up blood circulation and metabolism. However, too much water in the body will cause edema, and in severe cases, water poisoning will occur. Therefore, when drinking water, we must pay attention to the intake of water.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

According to medical research, the standard daily water consumption for adults is about 1500 ml to 2000 ml. For the first cup of water after early rise, it can be properly controlled at about 450 ml. Of course, do not drink too much water, or take too much water at one time, these are all behaviors that are not conducive to gastrointestinal digestion and metabolism.

3. The type of water

There are many types of water, there are boiled water, mineral water and other different types, usually these water are relatively healthy. But the idea that drinks can replace water and serve the same purpose is incorrect. For some carbonated drinks or juices, they contain more additives and sugars. Excessive intake will not only cause the loss of calcium inside the body, but also cause excessive accumulation of sugar inside the body, diabetes and other problems.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

4. Time to drink water

The timing of drinking water is also a point that we should pay attention to. Although it is very healthy to drink a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning, drinking it at different times will also have different effects on the body. Doctors recommend that the best time to drink water after waking up in the morning is around 6:30 in the morning. Because the circulation of human tissues and organs is the most exuberant at this time, drinking a glass of water at this time can play a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Of course, for many young people, it is extremely difficult to get up too early in the morning, so in addition to the time point of 6:30, you can drink a cup of warm water around 8:30, which can also play a good health care effect. At this time, it can well replenish the water in the body, promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and speed up the metabolism.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

5. The speed at which you drink water

After mastering the time, dosage, and temperature of drinking water, we should also know the correct speed of drinking water. For the difference in the speed of drinking water, it will also affect the ability of our stomach and intestines to absorb water to a certain extent. After getting up in the morning, we are still in a relatively hazy state, so we must pay more attention to the speed of drinking water.

If you drink water in large mouths, although the speed is very fast, the water also enters the body, but the water is accumulated in the stomach or intestine, it is difficult to absorb water, and the long-term accumulation will cause edema. Not only does it not play a role in health care, but it also affects physical health. Therefore, for drinking water in the morning, we should drink it in small sips many times, and slowly let the stomach and intestines absorb it and make it work. So that the body can really use the water, began to carry out the transport.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood


Water is the fountain of our life and constantly nourishes everything in the world, which can profoundly reflect the importance of water. For human health, water is even more important. It accounts for about seventy percent of the total weight of the human body. And only under the action of water, many substances in the body can be dissolved, digested and absorbed. And water can nourish our cells, making human skin smoother and shinier.

It is extremely healthy to drink a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning. Not only can it promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also help the body to defecate; it can also replenish the water inside the body very well; accelerate the wakefulness of the human body. At the same time, drinking a cup of warm water in the morning can also delay the aging of the human body and play a role in nourishing the face. Of course, drinking water can also protect the stomach and intestines and protect the gums of our human body. It is a good habit of life.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

Of course, there are also some precautions. For example, for the temperature of water, we generally choose water of about sixty-five degrees; for the time of drinking water, we can choose 6:30 in the morning or 8:30 in the morning; for the amount of drinking water, the amount of water is 450 ml as the standard amount. When drinking water, you should generally try to take a small sip as many times as possible to avoid the accumulation of water in the stomach and intestines. Finally, it is recommended not to use drinks, juices, milk tea, etc. to replace water for drinking.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria? The doctor said bluntly: Many people have misunderstood

Finally, some people think that getting up in the morning to drink water is equivalent to drinking bacteria. Because most of the bacteria they are talking about come from caries, plaque or bacteria produced inside the mouth. However, according to the investigation and research, these bacterial diseases are not all harmful, and they can be digested well in time into the stomach and will not cause harm. Problems on the teeth are fixed and do not enter the inside of the body, so this statement is incorrect.