
Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

author:Lynn said popular science

Maybe when it comes to lard residue, it is also very familiar in the eyes of the older generation. Lard residue is mainly the fatty tissue in pork, which is separated from the fat cell tissue by boiling and refining, and then the remaining solid hard blocks after the lard are extracted.

It contains fat cell tissue with a large amount of saturated fatty acids that cannot be separated. In the early days, many families also often like to eat lard bibimbap, which is also more delicious, this is also an animal fat, in addition to lard, like the remaining lard residue is also loved by the public.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

There are often some lard residues to stir-fry or cook dishes, and some people will eat lard residues as a small snack.

However, although the lard residue is very delicious, some people say that if you often eat lard residue, it is not conducive to the health of blood vessels, and it is easy to increase the chance of cardiovascular disease, because the oil content is relatively large.

However, some people think that the appropriate consumption of some lard residue can also play a role in preventing cancer and fighting cancer, so which of these statements is true and which is false? Let's analyze it in detail.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

What are the benefits of eating lard residue in moderation?

1, the lard residue, which contains saturated fatty acids is a hard substance, appropriate use can help improve blood circulation, inhibit platelet agglutination and thrombosis problems, the formation of beneficial to the health of blood vessels.

2, and like lard residue can help provide heat for the body, enhance a certain sense of satiety, appropriate use can meet the body's fat needs for a day, maintain normal functional operation.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

3, lard residue can also help the body drain wastewater, play a role in reducing swelling and dampness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and recently digest and absorb food.

4. Lard residue also has the effect of laxative, which can promote the metabolism of toxins in the intestine, prevent the emergence of constipation and other problems, and keep the intestine clean.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Does lard residue have anti-cancer effects?

Doctor: Not sure, no scientific basis.

There are many people who say that some of the nutrients like lard residue are good for human health and can play a certain anti-cancer effect, but in fact, there is no scientific basis for this statement.

Although the nutritional value of lard residue is high, but it can not play a role in preventing cancer, after all, this is also a kind of food, if you want to achieve the effect of medicinal use is also impossible, so like pork residue can not play a role in cancer prevention, I hope you are no longer stupid and deceived.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Eating lard residue can clog blood vessels?

Many people say that like some lard residue, the oil content is relatively high, and high intake can easily cause obesity, and it will also block blood vessels to induce the risk of vascular diseases.

Indeed, the food we ingest is basically composed of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin mineral water, and like protein, fat and sugar belong to macromolecular substances that cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by the human body, it will be digested and absorbed by the intestine, and decomposed into absorbable small molecule substances under the action of a variety of digestive enzymes.

The oil content in pork residue is relatively high, which will also increase the burden of blood vessels, which will lead to blockage of blood vessels, induce cardiovascular disease, and endanger personal health, so like lard residue is also recommended to eat less and eat less, to avoid increasing the burden of blood vessels.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Therefore, like some lard residue, it can indeed play a role in hurting blood vessels, which can easily lead to grease, which exceeds the standard to increase the burden of blood vessels and induce blood vessel blockage, not only that, pork residue will also lead to the problem of fattening in the human body, because after all, the oil content is relatively high.

Most people think that lard residue can play a role in preventing cancer, but in fact, it is easy to cause the risk of carcinogenesis.

Because the lard residue is easy to produce certain harmful substances after the frying process, such as benzopyrene, which is also a carcinogen, which will increase the risk of cancer and affect personal health, so like lard residue is also, it is recommended to eat less and eat less.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Therefore, when eating lard residue, we must pay attention to controlling the amount and reducing the intake, so as to help reduce the stimulation of blood vessels and stay away from cardiovascular disease.

Extended reading: Before eating lard residue, cardiovascular disease is rare? Now I don't eat it, but I get sick more?

Like lard residue has a long history, in the past few decades, lard residue is also loved by many people, as a snack or wine dish, the taste is very fragrant, but many people may raise such a doubt, that is, before often eat lard residue, why are there very few people suffering from cardiovascular disease, and now do not eat the disease more?

In fact, in the past, everyone was engaged in heavy physical labor, so the body consumed more, appropriate to eat some lard residue, can replenish the oil energy, will not cause harm to the body.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

Because it does contain certain vitamins and a variety of nutrients, it is good for human health, but now that the standard of living is improving, the labor force is far less than before, and most office workers have been often sedentary and inactive.

In this way, the nutrients ingested by itself are enough, and if a large amount of lard residue is consumed, it will also lead to excessive oil, which will increase the risk of vascular disease and endanger the health of individuals.

Therefore, it is also necessary to pay attention to reducing the intake of this lard residue, so as to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease, stay away from acute cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction problems, and ensure good health.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

When eating lard residue, be sure to control it, pay attention to the following 2 points:

1. According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", the daily saturated fat intake should not exceed 1/10 of the total daily calories, if adults consume 2000 calories per day, the saturated fat intake needs to be controlled at about 22g. Therefore, like the oil injection station, it is also trying to control the intake and avoid increasing the vascular burden by excessive intake.

2. For some people with the elderly or obese people, who themselves suffer from cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to eat lard residue, so as not to aggravate the occurrence of the disease and lead to loss of physical health.

Lard residue, is it "anti-cancer", or does it hurt blood vessels? The doctor tells the truth, refer to it

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