
Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it

author:Dr. Kasumi talks about health

Pork is the first place in China's meat consumer goods, and 700 million pigs are eaten every year Chinese! It is not difficult to see that pork, as a very common meat food in daily life, is loved by many families, and from a nutritional point of view, the nourishing effect of pork on the body is also very good, what are the benefits of specific pork to the body?

Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it


What are the benefits of eating some pork properly for the body?

1. Pork is rich in protein and a variety of amino acids required by the human body, and the amino acid composition mechanism is close to the human body, which can be more easily digested and absorbed by the human body after eating;

2. Pork contains cholesterol and neutral fat, which can maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body and meet daily energy consumption;

3. Pork is nutritionally comprehensive, containing a large amount of thiamine, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc., the most important thing is that pork contains hemoglobin, regular consumption can prevent anemia.

Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it

In general, the benefits of eating pork are very many, and the choice of a high-quality pork can better protect our health, although the pork is good, but not all parts can be eaten, do you know which part of the pig is the dirtiest? It is said that there are a lot of parasites and dust, it is best not to eat.


Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it

Friends who have lived in the countryside must have had such an experience, the pig at home will press the neck on the stone trough when eating feed, this kind of meat that is often pressed on the stone trough is also called pig neck or "stone trough meat", the pork in this part has been repeatedly rubbed, the meat quality is very bad, it can be said that there is no chewiness at all.

At the same time, this part gathers more capillaries, nerves and lymph nodes, and there are often even some small sarcomas in the meat, and these sarcomas sometimes contain toxins, so it is generally not recommended that everyone eat this part of the meat.

In addition, the slaughterhouse in the slaughter of pigs often in the neck part of the blood, this time a large amount of blood outflow, and finally the formation of stasis, and the pig skin is very thick, it is easy to accumulate a large number of bacteria around the neck, and even produce parasites, sometimes there will be dust, it is recommended that everyone in this part of the pork, it is best to clean several times, if you feel that you do not handle well, simply do not eat.


And how to identify inferior pork?

Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it

1. Gloss

Fresh pork is pale red or pale pink, fatty part is shiny white, while unnew pork is gray or dark red, and the surface fat part is filthy and pale green;

2. Fatty layer

Ordinary varieties of pork fat are thicker, hybrid varieties are thinner, and clenbuterol-containing pork under the skin fat is thinner, usually less than 1 cm, so too thin pork is not recommended to buy;

3. Hair root

You can pluck a few pig hairs and observe the color of its hair roots, if red is likely to be a sick pig, because the hair roots of healthy pork are white and pure;

4. Storage method

Most of the pork on the market is sour meat and hot fresh meat, most of the pork sold in the freezer is the acid meat, and the hot fresh meat is sold at room temperature, regardless of safety or taste, the sour meat is the best choice.

5. Elasticity

Good quality pork, the texture is tight and elastic, pressing the depression will be restored immediately, storage time is too long or water-injected pork, its elasticity is generally poor.

Pigs have a part that is very dirty, or very toxin and parasitic, and it is recommended that everyone not eat it

For the Chinese people, the status of pork in the diet can not be shaken, want to eat healthy and nutritious pork, in fact, there are many ways, if you are interested, you can understand this knowledge. In addition, for pork, it is best to eat no more than 2 taels per person per day, and it can also be accompanied by vegetables such as potatoes and carrots that have a degreasing effect.