
After the second marriage, the husband brought home the children born to his ex-wife

author:Funny Director
After the second marriage, the husband brought home the children born to his ex-wife

"MingYi, please, let Joon Joon stay." I swear that his arrival will not have any impact on our lives and that everything about him will be taken care of by me. If I don't keep him, will I still be human? ”

Yue Xiaoliang hung his head and pleaded three times and four times.

He had fallen into the dust and could not be lowered.

Li Mingyi looked at the mottled white hair on the back of his head, and his heart still softened.

Junjun is the son of Yue Xiaoliang and his ex-wife Wang Wei, who is 7 years old this year, but he is not a healthy child, but a Tang child.

Wang Wei was 32 years old before she conceived him, and when she was four months old, she went to Tang Screening, and after drawing blood, she found that both indicators were high-risk, and the doctor recommended that she go for amniocentesis. The couple was terrified, and the child they had been tossing and turning for years had been conceived.

They looked it up online and found that amniocentesis carries the risk of miscarriage, and most importantly, even at high risk, the chances of getting really sick are small and small.

Yue Xiaoliang listened to a female colleague in their unit who had just given birth to a child and said that her indicators at that time were the same as Wang Wei's, but her family did not want her to take this risk, she did not do amniocentesis, and now the child is fine.

The four-month-old child, already had a fetal movement, Wang Wei was not willing to risk doing punctures, felt that this kind of unsustainable thing would not come to his head at all, and after listening to The words of Yue Xiaoliang's colleagues, he was even more relieved.

But the god of luck did not take care of them this time, and when the child was born, the doctor told them that the child was a Tang child.

The family fell from paradise of happiness to hell.

Yue Xiaoliang's parents almost cried to death, they could not accept that there was such a child in the family, so they blamed all the responsibility on Wang Wei, thinking that she was the source of misfortune.

After that, in order not to see and not be upset, Wang Wei returned to their hometown as soon as they were discharged from the hospital.


But the newborn's soft and cute smiling face still aroused Wang Wei's instinct as a mother.

She dried her tears and quickly accepted this cruel reality.

She searched a lot of information on the Internet on how to take care of Tang's children, and joined various Tang's groups.

When Junjun was five months old, she contacted a disability service center and regularly took her children for rehabilitation.

She hoped that Yue Xiaoliang could stand shoulder to shoulder with her and accept the test of this fate together.

But Yue Xiaoliang, who was with her and vowed to love her for the rest of her life, became a deserter.

Yue Xiaoliang has always been unable to accept the reality that Junjun is a Tang child, he complains about the injustice of heaven, hates the original carelessness, and looks at the swaddled child, his heart rises not with gentle fatherly love, but with pain and unwillingness.


Their lives were turned upside down by a patient.

Every day, Wang Wei opened her eyes to the child's eating and drinking, and when she returned from the rehabilitation center, she shared with her husband the child's progress bit by bit.

He'll call Mom, the little hand has the strength to grab a small orange, can stagger a few steps...

Yue Xiaoliang knew that behind every slight change in Junjun was Wang Wei's sweat casting, but he couldn't empathize.

He felt that life was hopeless, and every day was like living in the abyss.

The pain made him twist and deform, and when he saw the lively and lovely children in the community, he walked away quickly, and their happiness set off his misfortune even more.

Wang Wei, who resigned after her maternity leave, said it was a long battle and she needed to devote herself to it.

Later, there were more and more disputes between them, and they often quarreled over a small matter.

In fact, those things are not mentioned, they curse each other viciously, the language is sharp, mean, and full of hatred and accusations against each other.

Wang Wei often wore pajamas, unkempt but full of energy to argue with him, compared to her efforts, he was more like a spectator, her heart was occupied by great power, and because he could not do the same as her, so he was more spurned by her.

How much they used to love each other, how tacitly they once knew, how much they hated it now.


When Junjun was one and a half years old, Yue Xiaoliang told Wang Wei that he wanted to have another one.

Wang Wei screamed, "Are you still a person?" Junjun look like this you still want to regenerate? Tell you, don't think about it, I will never have a second in this life. ”

This is Yue Xiaoliang's last effort to make this marriage.

After that, he ignored Wang Wei's obstruction and chose to be sent to other cities.

He often did not call Wang Wei for half a month, showing his attitude with indifference and alienation.

Wang Wei was desperate, she took the initiative to propose a divorce, and Yue Xiaoliang agreed without thinking about it.

He left the house and savings to Wang Wei and his son and left the house clean.

Divorced, he paid half of his salary to Wang Wei's account every month.

Two years later, he met Li Mingyi, who divorced because her ex-husband cheated on him.

The two were introduced to each other, felt sorry for each other, and slowly developed feelings, and naturally married.

Shortly after the marriage, Li Mingyi gave birth to her daughter Xiaolu.

Is a healthy and beautiful baby, Yue Xiaoliang looked at her daughter's bright and clear eyes, these eyes are not like Junjun, always dazed, no focus.

He suddenly found the feeling of his father, and he was eager to give her the whole world.

His heart was healed by his daughter.

The happiness of the family of three made Yue Xiaoliang gradually forget his ex-wife Wang Wei and his Tang son Junjun.

Only when he transferred money to Wang Wei's account every month did he suddenly remember the past.


But more than half a year ago, Wang Wei suddenly found out that liver cancer was advanced, and she did not go to unnecessary chemotherapy.

Before dying, she contacted Yue Xiaoliang.

It was the first time they had met after many years, and Wang Wei was old and gaunt, and her sallow face was covered with frightening lines.

Once she was so plump and beautiful, like a plump cress, but now, life has drained all the water and vitality of her body.

Yue Xiaoliang still remembered that they had run together on the playground of the university, and she laughed in the moonlight, showing her white teeth, almost like an elf.

Although she was unwell, Wang Wei still wanted to maintain the last decency in front of him.

She tried her best to smile, greeted Junjun who was playing with Transformers on the mat next to her, took her son's small hand, pointed at Yue Xiaoliang and said, Son, this is your father, quick, call Daddy.

Junjun hesitated, she eagerly pushed her son, and said softly, don't be afraid of Junjun, Daddy loves you, Daddy will buy you a lot of toys.

Junjun hesitated, he broke free of his mother's hand, ran to pick up a colored marble that rolled off the ground, and then he shoved the marble into Yue Xiaoliang's hand, smiled at him and said, "To you."

Yue Liang's heart trembled at that moment.

The child's smile is innocent and bright and unguarded, illuminating the darkness and dirtiness that has always been in his heart.

He was almost self-contained.

Wang Wei would have preferred to die of exhaustion herself rather than say another word to him, but at this time, the candle flame of her life was about to be extinguished, and she was not at ease with who she handed over the child to.

Yue Xiaoliang is Junjun's biological father, she knows him, even if he does not love him, but the blood is there, he can at least be kind.

At this moment, she could only put aside the hatred in her heart, and begged him to accept her son and explain everything about Junjun.

She printed several pages of paper, what Joon Joon likes to eat, when to go to rehabilitation, what allergies, everything.

In the past few years, Wang Wei has suffered so much, he can't imagine.

But Joon Joon is well taken care of by her, dressed cleanly, and basically able to take care of himself.

Wang Wei looked at her son, and her eyes were full of nostalgia and reluctance.

After that, in addition to leaving five thousand yuan, she gave Yue Xiaoliang the remaining 100,000 yuan from the sale of the house.

"Junjun is not stupid, really, after I leave, you must treat him well." She squeezed his hand and said forcefully, somewhat humbly.

Soon after they met, Wang Wei died, supposedly because her sister helped her with the funeral.


Yue Liangming wanted to take his son back to his hometown, but his parents were older and simply unable and unwilling to take care of such a sick child.

He didn't know how to open his mouth to his wife.

Will she accept Joon-joon?

Would she be willing to live with this unrelated child?

He hesitated for a long time, but he still insisted on telling his wife what had happened.

Li Mingyi was stunned by this sudden news.

He only told her to meet his ex-wife, but he did not expect to bring back a child.

After they got married, Yue Liang was industrious and loved his family, had a gentle personality, loved his daughter as he was destined, and was simply a perfect husband and father.

But now, this sudden appearance of the son has put Li Mingyi in a dilemma.

Don't accept it, it seems that she is too inhuman, accept it, he is a Tang child, how much patience and love it needs to be.

She knew that she was not so great at all, and that one of her hearts, ever since the birth of her daughter Fawn, had been tied to her.

She's lost her temper and, but no matter how much she makes a fuss, he's always like you' provocative.

Finally, looking at Yue Xiaoliang's embarrassed look, she still sighed and said, then take him over, you are right, everything about him is your responsibility.

Yue Xiaoliang was simply overjoyed, he suddenly put his arms around her, ignored his daughter next to her, kissed her on the face and said, thank you wife.


Junjun carried his small school bag and stood obediently in the doorway.

He was well educated by Wang Wei, he was polite, he could speak simple words, he could brush his teeth, go to the toilet, and he could understand simple instructions.

He often had an ignorant smile on his face, and the slightest thing could make him happy.

He was still too young to understand what was happening in his life, so he always asked Yue Xiaoliang for his mother, and soon realized that he would not come to his mother anymore, so he confessed not to mention it again.

To Li Mingyi's surprise, her four-year-old daughter Xiaolu did not reject Junjun at all, and often took out her toys to share with him.

But the arrival of Junjun still brought a lot of impact to their lives.

Junjun is trained to attend elementary school normally.

But the elementary school willing to accept him is particularly far from Yue Xiaoliang's home and needs to cross half the city.

On weekends, Yue Xiaoliang sometimes takes Junjun to the rehabilitation center, and in the past, the family of three often went to the supermarket or went on outings.

Perhaps it was Wang Wei's death that stimulated Yue Xiaoliang, or perhaps he had not fulfilled the responsibility of a father in the previous few years, and Yue Xiaoliang tried his best to compensate.

His belated father's love suddenly became surging and sometimes Li Mingyi watched the father and son playing, and his daughter Fawn watched from the side, and there was actually a feeling of sadness for his daughter.

Li Mingyi didn't like or hate Junjun, a poor child, and couldn't compete with him.

But she still felt that Yue Xiaoliang's love for her daughter was partly taken away by him, and the rhythm of the family's life was broken.

Occasionally there are happy times.

On the weekend, the family sat around watching a variety show, in which the host and star suddenly compared their hearts to everyone in front of the screen, and the deer also smiled and giggled and obediently compared to their parents, Yue Xiaoliang called his son, Junjun, you are also more than a heart, which is the meaning of "I love you".

Junjun was stunned for a moment, looked at the fawn, and then looked at Li Mingyi, his thumb and middle finger rubbing together, like a cluster of burning flames.

At that moment, he was really cute, obedient, docile, dependent, and heart-wrenching.


In the evening, Li Mingyi asked, after a hundred years of ours, what will Junjun do?

Yue Xiaoliang was silent, this was the question he had been thinking about since he had brought Junjun back.

But he did not want to aggravate Li Mingyi's worries, only said: "I will talk about it later, and now I can only try to save money and leave him some assets." ”

Li Mingyi asked, "What about the fawn?" ”

Yue Mingliang didn't speak, but Li Mingyi knew that this was an unsolvable question, and she would not be satisfied with how he answered.

Since the deer was born, she has never seen the sea, and every time she sees a picture of the sea on TV, she is envious.

In August, Li Mingyi and Yue Xiaoliang discussed taking Xiaolu and Junjun to Qingdao to see the sea together, and Xiaolu was happy.

They lived in a farmhouse by the sea, rented a sun shelter and swimming rings, two children dug sand on the sand stalls for a while, and fawns clamored to swim in the water.

Yue Xiaoliang put a swimming ring on his daughter, Junjun also extended his neck to wear, Yue Xiaoliang smiled, and also put on Junjun.

The couple dragged their two children into the water, the sea was warmed by the sun, warm and refreshing, the waves came wave after wave, and the deer laughed happily. Yue Xiaoliang instructed Li Mingyi and Junjun to play in the coastal area, so he dragged his daughter's swimming ring to the place where the waves were high.

Joon Joon kept fluttering in the water, grinning happily, and it was the first time he had ever been close to the sea.

Li Mingyi's mind was not entirely on him, and she glanced at Yue Xiaoliang's father and daughter in the distance from time to time, worried that Yue Xiaoliang would not be able to take good care of her daughter.

After a while, when she looked at Junjun, she found that she did not know when, the swimming ring had slipped off his body, and Junjun was fluttering in the water a few meters away from her.

At this time, there were not many people on the sea, everyone was happily playing with the water, and no one paid attention to junjun who fell into the water.

Although the sea is not deep, it is also one person deep, which is enough to be deadly for Junjun, who does not know water.


At this moment, Li Mingyi suddenly had a vicious thought in his heart, if he didn't care about him, if he disappeared silently like this, would his life and his daughter's life return to its original state?

They will not have any burden, and the family will live happily together, instead of being as they are now, always full of inexplicable barriers.

Her heart hesitated between salvation and helplessness, like an angel at war with the devil.

However, at this moment, Junjun, who was struggling in the water, opened his eyes to see her, suddenly smiled, and then held out his hand to her.

Li Mingyi suddenly woke up at that moment, and she swam quickly toward Junjun, reached out and grabbed his armpits, and dragged him to the shore.

Junjun just choked on a few sips of water, and it was no big deal.

She was paralyzed and sitting on the beach.

By the time Yue Xiaoliang and his daughter returned to the beach happily, everything had returned to calm, and the sea was vast and boundless.

Junjun didn't know what had just happened, he didn't say anything, maybe he felt that it was just a game, except for Li Mingyi, no one would know about the thrilling scene, and no one would know the heavenly battle between her and the people in her heart.

Soon after returning home, Li Mingyi filed for divorce from Yue Xiaoliang.

She knew that Junjun was innocent, and she also knew that she might never meet a person again, and she would love her wholeheartedly and her daughter like Yue Xiaoliang.

However, she can not think about herself, but she has to think about her daughter's future.

From the time she learned not long ago that Yue Xiaoliang had quietly instilled in her daughter the idea that when her parents were old, she would need to take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her brother.

She hopes that her favorite daughter, Xiaolu, can grow up happily and lightly, can live easily, and as for Junjun, whoever is responsible will bear it.

After the second marriage, the husband brought home the children born to his ex-wife