
Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

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The Volga Plays a Very Important Role in Russia's National Economy and people's life, so it is also known as the "Mother River" of Russians, and it is also the longest river in Europe.

On its banks of the river was born Ilya Yefimovich Repin's world-famous painting "The Hauler on the Volga".

Volga Part 1

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

Volga Part 2

City of Astrakhan

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

City of Astrakhan

Astrakhan is an ancient city in the Volga Delta and is the administrative, commercial and cultural center of the Astrakhan region. In ancient times, the northern route of the Great Silk Road passed through here.

In 1717, Astrakhan gained the status of a city and became the center of the province of Astrakhan, created by the decree of Peter I. The Emperor personally visited here to oversee the construction of the Caspian Fleet. At one point, the Kremlin housed the entire royal retinue and military headquarters, which drew up plans for the campaign in Persia.

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

Astrakhan Kremlin

Astrakhan is located in the flat pre-Caspian lowlands, at the top of the Volga Delta, 1400 km southeast of Moscow. A strange geographical feature of the landscape: plains extend below sea level. Thus, the central area of Astrakhan is 23 meters below sea level.

Astrakhan occupies both sides of the Volga River and 11 islands connected by dozens of bridges. There are also several branches of the Volga river that flow within the city limits. They are often referred to as separate rivers (Kutum, Burda, Valvacevsky Canal). Residential and industrial areas stretch for 45 km along the river. In the Trussovsky district on the right bank, there is the commercial seaport of Astrakhan, where 26 berths for large cargo ships have been built. During the summer months, Astrakhan hosts dozens of cruise ships, with private yachts for thousands of tourists and travelers.

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

Astrakhan Salt Lake

Here, many islands are formed. There are also many shallow lakes, including the Solonchak Pond, which is salty and bitter and not suitable for drinking. Millions of birds nest on the shore, which is overgrown with reeds and sedges. The waters are rich in fish, especially sturgeon (beluga whales, sturgeon, star sturgeon).

Volga Delta

The Volga Delta is the largest inland river delta in the world. It is an inland delta formed by the impact of the Volga River into the Caspian Sea, the world's largest lake, with an area of more than 20,000 square kilometers.

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

Panoramic view of the Volga Delta

The Volga Delta Biosphere Reserve covers an area of 67,917 hectares and is a natural attraction in the Astrakhan region.

It is home to 280 species of birds, many of which are rare or endangered wetland species. Among them are Egyptian herons, curly pelicans and spoon birds, and their beaks are interesting, like a spoon. The delta is the "middle airport" where waterfowl migrate seasonally.

Dense willow forests, reeds and swamp shrubs are home to wild boars, wolves, foxes, otters and martens.

Magical Geography: The Volga Delta

Volga Delta Part 1