
Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

author:Li Xiaonong

Taiwan fruit mulberry, also known as super fruit mulberry, beautiful fruit mulberry, purple gold honey mulberry, is a new variety of fruit mulberry introduced from Taiwan, is an excellent variety of Taiwan experts will be large fruit mulberry and other several kinds of wild long fruit mulberry after several pollination improvement of excellent varieties, after ripe purple black, fruit length 8 ~ 12 cm, the longest 18 cm, high sugar content and no acid, suitable for fresh food. It is the hottest mulberry variety in recent years, with high economic value and nutritional value.

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

Taiwan cultivated high-quality high-yield long fruit mulberry, fruit length of 9 to 13 cm, the longest 17 cm, single fruit weight 8-10 grams, the maximum up to 18-20 grams, fruit diameter 1.3 cm, sugar content of about 18%, fresh sweet and juicy taste refreshing, rich taste, harvest period of one month, normal mu yield of about 3000 pounds The current purchase price is 30-70 yuan a catty, the retail price is 50-100 yuan per catty, and can be sold to 150 yuan per catty in some picking gardens. Its leaves can also be used for silkworm farming.

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

Due to the short storage time after ripening, the quality of Taiwan long fruit mulberry decreases 1-2 days after picking, which is more difficult to preserve, so the sales price rises and falls greatly, which is also its weakness. However, long fruit mulberry can be dried fruit, juice, fruit wine which can also make up for the sales of shortcomings, in recent years in the cold drink shop style mulberry fresh honey juice has been loved by the majority of consumers, mulberry wine as a kind of efficacy wine market prospects, there are many companies developed by the mulberry dry red wine can be comparable to wine, in the taste is no less than dry red wine, so in the mulberry deep processing is really promising!

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

Taiwan long fruit mulberry in the subtropical region can be hung fruit all year round, in April to May is the main marketing period, in some greenhouse conditions can produce 5-6 batches of fruit, fruit mulberry ripening process from green to red to purple black when fully ripe, the highest quality. In the southern region can be planted all year round, because the long fruit mulberry likes to be warm and afraid of cold, in the northern region need to pay attention to antifreeze.

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

Long-fruit mulberry does not have high soil requirements, and any soil in the area where mulberry trees grow in The country can be planted. However, large-scale high-yield gardens should choose plots with deep soil layers and fertile soil to plant. In poor slopes and aeolian wastelands, it can be properly densely planted, and the plant row spacing is 1 meter × 2 meters. Pay attention to the sanitize of the orchard when planting, pay attention to the rapid watering of the root water after the soil is solidified, and the drought-stricken areas should be watered many times to ensure that all the cultivation is alive at once. Colonization has strengthened water and fertilizer management. In the fertile plots of the plain, you can choose wide planting, the plant row spacing is 2 meters × 3 meters, before colonization, you can add organic fertilizer sanitize backfill, do a good job of drainage irrigation measures, and cultivate in some easy-to-accumulate plots.

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

After colonization, the seedlings are shortened and dried at 30 cm above the ground, and each plant can generally germinate 5-8 new shoots that year. The new shoots grow to 20-30 cm and pluck the apical heart to promote branches. Although The Taiwan long-fruit mulberry can blossom and bear fruit in that year, it is recommended that the colonization should be mainly based on tree cultivation, so as to ensure that the fruit trees in the later period can be robust and create a reliable tree body for future harvests. After the fruit is harvested in the second year, the mother branch can be shortened, leaving 2-3 buds to promote its germination and the next stubble to produce the mother branch, and the fast-acting fertilizer or urea should be applied as soon as possible after harvesting to promote the germination of its flower buds. Conditional orchards can be supplemented with the integration of water and fertilizer, and the fertilizer supply is mainly organic fertilizer.

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

In the process of fruit tree growth, it is necessary to pay attention to the management of diseases and insect pests, the most important diseases and insect pests of Taiwan long fruit mulberry are mulberry sclerotia commonly known as white fruit disease, mulberry leaf blight, and gray mold disease, etc., insect pests such as ants, tianniu, scarab beetles and caterpillars. Before colonization, it can be sterilized by carbendazim roots, and then it can be controlled and controlled by methyl tolbutazine and stone sulfur compound in the later stage, and the insect pest can be killed by oxidation fruit and insecticidal essence. According to the different pests and diseases of the orchard, consult the local agricultural material shop or agricultural technician for orchard management, and if necessary, you can also contact Xiaobian to help!

Introduction to the cultivation of new excellent varieties of Taiwan long fruit mulberry

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