
10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?


The global tour | I was in Saudi Arabia - Dammam

10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?

Hello everyone, I am Shen Dianqi, a field traveler who travels the world and pays attention to Chinese people around the world.

Saudi Arabia is an Arab country, and in theory, Arabs belong to the Semitic language family of the Caucasian race, and the Jews are close relatives and belong to the Caucasian race. But if you go to Saudi Arabia, you'll find a lot of black people living here in the city.

Slavery was abolished in the 1960s

I talked to Lao Liu about the history of black Saudi Arabia.

First, all Shariah laws are allowed, which has led to many Saudi laws having to strictly follow rules from 1400 years ago.

However, after the economic and technological development of mankind, 1400 years later, many social environments have changed.

It was only in the 1960s that the Saudis abolished slavery under international pressure, and slavery was allowed in their religious laws.

10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?

Lao Liu said that the gap between rich and poor in Saudi Arabia is very large, and oil is indeed a huge wealth, but these resources are highly concentrated in the hands of a small number of people.

So there are actually a lot of poor people in Saudi Arabia.

And in the large number of poor people, there are a large number of blacks, (in Saudi Arabia, most black people are at the bottom)

2, black people two major sources

Talking about the origin of these black people, Lao Liu told me that first of all, some black people came from slaves. Arabs were the originators of the slave trade, and Oman was the maritime empire of the time, which once made a fortune by selling slaves.

The other part of the black people were pilgrims of African origin, when the Saudi border was not so tightly controlled, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa were separated by a sea (Red Sea), and a large number of Africans were left.

10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?

After the 1960s, Saudi Arabia granted these blacks citizenship.

Lao Liu said, at that time, you only need to pay a dollar, you can get Saudi status, this is like this, Saudi Arabia has a large number of black people (I once looked at the data, black people account for about 10% of Saudi Arabia)

But in Saudi Arabia, Saudis with black characteristics, even if they have Saudi passports, will still be invisiblely discriminated against.

10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?

3, the black man of the school

Lao Liu School is a very high-notch public school in Saudi Arabia.

Lao Liu said that public schools and private schools in Saudi Arabia are not the same, and private schools pass the recommendation system, so there are more children of rich families.

Saudi Arabia's public schools, which are similar to China's college entrance examinations, pass a unified examination and enroll with uniform standards.

However, you can hardly see black students in school, and in school, black students may not be more than 1%.

I said, if you look at the global IQ distribution map, the values on it, I think it is in line with the conclusion that I have been dealing with people in different countries for so many years.

Lao Liu said that the students of our school belong to the top students of Tsinghua Peking University in Saudi Arabia and belong to the top students of the Saudi elite. But when you talk to them, you don't feel particularly smart, equivalent to the level of ordinary universities in China.

10% of Saudi Arabia's population is black, and the originator of the black slave trade is actually Arabs?