
If you know today, why did you know it in the first place! The elements who moved to Britain and chaotic Hong Kong became second-class citizens and vomited bitter water in groups

author:Defense Times vanguard

In 2019, the "anti-China chaos in Hong Kong" forces inside and outside Hong Kong instigated Hong Kong civilians to disrupt Hong Kong order, frequently attacking the police and smashing and looting incidents, on the pretext that the Hong Kong SAR government initiated the work of amending the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance.

At that time, most of the people involved in the riots were young people in Hong Kong, and the "anti-China" incident had made them a "hate party", and the United Kingdom "duly" launched the British National (Overseas) Passport (BNO) residence visa scheme, drawing a blueprint for a "good life" for them.

If you know today, why did you know it in the first place! The elements who moved to Britain and chaotic Hong Kong became second-class citizens and vomited bitter water in groups

Scene of the 2019 Hong Kong riots

The labels of "perfect welfare and medical care system" and "economic development" on the British give these hot-headed "yellow silk" fantasies, but reality often gives people a slap in the face.

A few days ago, a 25-year-old Hong Kong man was tragically exiled on the streets because of clashes with local Chinese in the Uk, the man was only 25 years old, he had been arrested for participating in riots and illegal assemblies in Hong Kong, and after his release, he was worried about being arrested again, so he chose to move to the UK.

He was still restless after arriving in England, and when he participated in a rally in support of hong Kong rioters in Manchester City, he was inadvertently involved in a dispute with Chinese settled in mainland Britain, and was later arrested by the British police, although he was soon released, but he also lost his job, and the landlord believed that he was a Hong Kong mob and immediately swept him out of the house, resulting in his current homelessness.

In addition to this kind of deliberate self-inflicted evil, the "yellow silk" of normal life in Britain is not good.

On April 12, Hong Kong media published an article telling the real situation of Hong Kong people who were attracted to settle in the UK by the British BNO's plan, and in a non-public exchange group called "British Hong Kong Life Exchange Zone" on the foreign social platform Facebook, a Hong Kong person living in the Uk talked about his experience of being discriminated against in the UK three times.

If you know today, why did you know it in the first place! The elements who moved to Britain and chaotic Hong Kong became second-class citizens and vomited bitter water in groups

He said that when he was working in a coffee shop, he was harassed by white female customers, and after getting a drink for the other party, he was repeatedly asked for other requests, repeatedly asked himself for trouble, and finally left without saying "thank you".

The second time was on the subway by a foreign man holding a child who forcibly asked to give up his seat, and there were obviously two empty seats next to him.

The third time puzzled him even more, he ordered coffee in a coffee shop to take away, but the foreign waitress put a stinky face on her, and after he used the toilet in the coffee shop, the clerk rushed in to clean it. When mentioning this matter, the netizen still did not figure it out: "I stayed back and forth for less than 5 minutes, and I did not have a verbal conflict with her, what is the reason why I make her so annoying?" ”

One of the things that happened last week was even more amusing.

On April 14, in another online communication community of British and Hong Kong people, a "yellow silk" posted to his companions asking: "Where can you burn your ancestors if you want to burn clothes in Britain?" Originally, there were many people who were kind enough to answer him, let him burn in their own garden, did not expect that the painting style behind them was getting more and more biased, many "people who came over" thought that they were "second-class citizens" in the Uk, and some asked netizens not to bring bad customs abroad; some said that they were "refugees" in the UK, to follow the customs, not to annoy people; and some people quickly stopped netizens, taking the example of not leaving the park after the Closure of the British Park, telling him to burn clothes once they were complained about being fined at least 1,000 pounds, At the same time, he was persuaded to accept British culture.

After the incident was moved back to Hong Kong, China, it attracted ridicule from all walks of life, and even the South Korean media reported on the matter. The Hong Kong media criticized these "yellow silk" who emigrated to the UK for not only not understanding the local customs, but also not knowing the local laws, which is very humiliating! The suffering of such people is not worth pitying at all!

As early as 2020, when the United Kingdom hyped up the "passport issue" in Hong Kong, some people analyzed that the "special channel" provided by the United Kingdom for Hong Kong people was actually a "big fool".

If you know today, why did you know it in the first place! The elements who moved to Britain and chaotic Hong Kong became second-class citizens and vomited bitter water in groups

One of the most attractive things about holding a BNO passport is the "5+1" policy, which means that you can apply for permanent residency after 5 years of residence in the UK, and you can apply for British citizenship after 1 year of residence.

But when the British hyped the BNO passport two years ago, the "British Research White Paper" issued had clearly stated the target group for the introduction of global talents: the world's most talented, most potential and creative talents. When they apply for permanent residency after 5 years, I am afraid that they will be able to truly understand what is sinister in the world. (leaf)