
BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense


On April 22, the question about the special case of BTS military service finally ushered in the finale, South Korea's Military Affairs Agency and the Ministry of National Defense have issued a response to this matter, summed up in 8 words, that is, "military service resources reduction" and "obligation", which is the previous HYBE entertainment pressure after the official response, that is to say, BTS's plan to exempt from military service completely failed, this wave of HYBE can be said to have lost the wife and folded the army.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

Of course, there is a reason why HYBE Entertainment is so anxious and untimely to put pressure on the official, there are some insiders that everyone does not know, that is, the captain of BTS, Jin Shuozhen, is 30 years old this year, he has applied for an extension of enlistment, and this year is the deadline for Jin Shuozhen to enlist, yes, this is the deadline after the extension, obviously HYBE does not want BTS to enlist, because this company is supported by BTS.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

Here Xiaobian will give you a detail of popular science, that is, after the south Korean bill is finalized, it will be postponed for 6 months, that is to say, if the bill on the special case of BTS military service cannot be finalized in early June, then BTS can only go to military service, and now it is late April, leaving hyBE less than a month and a half, so they will be so anxious to ask for an official statement.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

It seems that there is nothing wrong with THE PRACTICE OF HYBE Entertainment, but their approach has changed the attitude of K-pop netizens to BTS-free military service, and most of the K-pop netizens have felt that there is no problem in giving BTS military-free service, because they have indeed contributed to the cultural output of South Korea, but now HYBE's behavior makes K-pop netizens feel that BTS is actively avoiding military service, which is inconsistent with the slogan they shouted before in response to the national call.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

In fact, here BTS has already lost, because the exemption from military service is basically to rely on the wind of public opinion, as long as the public feels reasonable, it is not impossible to exempt BTS from military service, but now the situation is reversed, especially Jin Shuozhen also said at the hyBE pressure official press conference that he completely listens to the company, which can be said to directly let the K-pop netizens break the defense, because he postponed enlistment in the last year, K-pop netizens bluntly said that if Jin Shuozhen really has that consciousness, he has long consciously enlisted in the army.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

The original words of the Military Affairs Department are: "If BTS and other popular culture and art want to be exempt from military service, they need to consider the setting of objective standards, fairness and other factors", that is to say, if BTS wants to be exempt from military service, then this standard for exemption from military service should be formulated, and how good it must be is a boundary, obviously this is not a short period of time, let alone to complete the formulation of the bill before June, and they finally denied that the public opinion survey was initiated by the people, so the time was completely insufficient.

BTS determined that it could not be exempted from military service, and many parties came forward to respond to the controversy, and HYBE's pressure made Korean netizens break the defense

As for the attitude of the Ministry of Defense is more direct, that is, "need to carefully consider", to know that last year after the Congress issued the implementation of BTS military service exceptions, the Ministry of Defense is to use these 6 to stop the implementation of the bill, bluntly saying that this is a unilateral decision of the Congress, and now they have re-used this 6 words to show their attitude, not only that, the representative of the Ministry of National Defense Li Zongchang also said: "To consider the fairness of travel military service, the reduction of military service resources and other issues", that is to say, you can not open a special case, Then the K-pop netizens said a murderous word, that is, Samsung's princes were not exempt from military service.