
The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

Text/Su Xin

Figure/ From the Network If there is infringement contact deleted


There was a popular saying on the Internet: society is like a big tree, and we are all like a group of monkeys climbing on a tree. Look down at all the smiling faces, look up at all the butts.

A person, in different positions and situations, we see the world differently. Like a monkey climbing a tree, whether someone gives you a hot face or a cold ass is sometimes entirely because of where you are and where you are.

After reading such a story, the man had a very urgent incident in his family for a while, he was in urgent need of a large amount of money, but he had nothing but a house, and he could not sell the house for the time being, so he thought of the friends who called him brothers and brothers in the past.

But when he told him about his situation, those so-called friends avoided it, he never dreamed of it, and finally it was the colleague who usually did not fit in with him who helped him.

He said that this incident taught him a lot of lessons, people who usually get along well are not necessarily your real friends, and people with bland friendships may also help you at critical times.

What is a real friend, that is, the person who is willing to trust you when you are in a difficult situation and help you unconditionally, and this is the best way to test your friend.

Only in times of suffering can you see the truth, and if you want to test your friends, you may as well pretend to be poor and try.

There are also many such stories on the Internet, a person has already achieved fame, but he prefers to dress himself up in a bad way, the purpose is to see how those relatives and friends will look at him.

But after all, people's hearts still can't stand the test, and there are very few people who can truly associate with them.

So, don't think that you have a lot of friends, and you will know it once you fall. And a mature person will at least understand the following truths when making friends:

The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

01 Don't take yourself seriously

There are times when you really don't take yourself too seriously, someone respects you, maybe he just respects your position and your money, but when you lose it all, he simply won't look at you as a person.

So don't take yourself too seriously, even if someone lifts you up to the sky.

A friend used to be the sales manager of the company, because of his outstanding performance, he was deeply appreciated by the company, and the company also gave him a lot of authority. Therefore, he often used his authority to facilitate his friends, and always invited his friends to dinner when he was idle. For this reason, he is often surrounded by friends who call him brothers and brothers, and his residence is always full of visitors.

However, in a traffic accident, he was seriously injured, and the company saw that he could no longer do performance, so it simply arranged a vacant position for him, of course, the treatment was not as good as before, and his previous authority was also withdrawn.

He could no longer use his position to invite his friends to eat and drink, so the friends suddenly disappeared.

He had thought that he was usually impeccable, and his friends would definitely come to visit him, but to his surprise, only a few of those friends had come, and they had also hurriedly come to greet each other and then left in a hurry.

That accident made him understand a truth, a person with social status, is unable to distinguish which are true friends, so what kind of status a person is in, do not take yourself too seriously, the so-called friend, the value is not you, but your rights and status, nothing more.

The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

02 Low-key people

Be a low-key person, maybe you can see everything around you more clearly.

There is a story about a person who went to a large company for an interview, and in the corridor leading to the general manager's office, she ran into a cleaner who happened to have a lump of paper on the ground, so he picked up the scrap paper and threw it in the cleaner's garbage bag.

What she did not expect was that she was the only one left behind among the many job seekers, and the general manager of the company was the cleaner she had seen in the corridor.

This practice is also a test that many companies will set when recruiting people, because they know that people tend to behave politely in front of people of higher social status than themselves, and those who are lower than their social status are the most likely to expose themselves.

Therefore, this kind of temptation has become a way for many companies to find suitable employees.

When a person is in a humble position, the more he can see the world clearly, and the more he can see the people and things around him.

Be a low-key person, so that you will find out which people around you are really worth associating with, and which people are not worth interacting with at all.

The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

03 Learn to break away

There are not so many people who can be in harmony with our three views and have similar interests. So, everyone is either getting along with real friends or learning to be alone. Never spend precious time hanging out with "fake" friends.

I have seen such a video on the Internet, in a party, sitting around the table more than a dozen people, just as everyone pushed the cup to change the cup, and said and laughed, one of them suddenly got out of shape and leaned back in a chair.

This person did suddenly fall ill, and in the end someone called 120, but the person who hit 120 was not the so-called friends around him, but a stranger who passed by them.

And before 120 arrived, only this stranger rescued the patient, and the others seemed indifferent to it.

People who have watched this video all sighed and felt unworthy for the man who suddenly fell ill, because he sacrificed his life to accompany the people, no one regarded him as a friend, and even when danger occurred, he was eager to keep himself out of the matter.

Compared with this video, maybe we should really test our circle of friends, who is the person who can reach out to help you when it is difficult, and who is the person who avoids it when it encounters difficulties.

The best way to test your friends: pretend to be poor

I remember a friend once lamented that she once used a sum of money to circulate, but when she opened the mobile phone address book, it seemed that no one was the person who could make her open her mouth to ask for help without any concern, so she gave up the idea of asking for help from her friends, and finally she went to get a credit card.

There is a saying that goes well, "A cart of potatoes is not as good as a night pearl." "Make a hundred friends who are the icing on the cake, and none of them are as precious as a friend who can send charcoal in the snow."

Therefore, smart people have long learned to give up, invite those indispensable friends out of their own circles, and leave precious time for the most worthy people, relatives, children, true friends, or you simply learn to get along with yourself, after all, your most trustworthy and reliable friend is actually yourself.


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