
Experiences as children

author:Element rewards

When I was a child, I saw a black monster with two heads in the pond alone, the pond was covered with reeds, next to the pond was a road, the terrain of the road was relatively high, and on the other side of the road was an irrigation river, when there was a little wind blowing, I saw a black monster lying on a small island inside the pond.

Experiences as children
Experiences as children
Experiences as children
Experiences as children
Experiences as children
Experiences as children

The face shape is like a giant panda, the eyes are very large and very dark and bright, but the whole face is flat and black, lying on the island in the middle of the pond, the island can probably account for two or three people, the monster just occupied the whole island, the reeds above were all crushed by the monster under the body, and then a few days later when I passed again, just next to a few adults passing by, when I looked through the reeds again, the reeds on the island were good, as if nothing had happened, and then every time I passed, there would be shadows remembering this scene. Later, I heard my uncle say that he had also seen monsters inside, and he still remembers it vividly! Coordinates Jiangsu Jiangsu North, has anyone had a similar experience?