
As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

It all started with a weibo post not so long ago.

Not long ago, the incident of the mother of eight children in Feng County attracted much attention, and before the official notification of the investigation team of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee came out, many people still questioned the "chain girl" DNA test statement given by Feng County.

Some netizens posted on Weibo and mentioned a person:

Deng Yajun.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Who is Deng Yajun?

Female forensic doctors, female doctors... But even more curious is her current profession:

DNA paternity tester.

Yes, this is a profession that specializes in helping people identify whether your child is your child or not.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Just a hair, a nail, a cigarette butt, a few drops of blood... Men and women with doubts can easily get an answer.

All the secrets that cannot be told will also be revealed.

So paternity testers also have a nickname: marriage shredder.

In the past 19 years, Deng Yajun's appraisal center has staged too many plots that destroy the three views.

There were pregnant girls who brought four or five cheerful boys to do the identification, the reason was that the girl's family was too rich, and her parents urged marriage, she simply found several boys at the same time.

Whoever the child is, she marries, and the other party will receive a Ferrari reward from her father-in-law.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

There are three generations of grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, and children to do identification, in this family, parents have intellectual problems, but the children born are normal.

The villagers chewed their tongues and said that the child was Grandpa's, and Grandpa shouted to test for self-innocence, and the results identified that Grandpa was really the biological father of the child.

Another husband and wife came with a dragon and phoenix fetus and found that the daughter was born to the father, but the son was not.

This means that women have had relationships with different men within 12 hours.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Deng Yajun said that she receives an average of 10,000 paternity tests per year.

Of these, 10 percent resulted in "exclusion of blood relations."

In other words, every year, she witnesses 1,000 people wearing "green hats."

Countless screams, curses, and fights take place here, ethics are torn to pieces, and love is broken by lies.

Can cut away those dog blood and gossip, paternity testing center, more is the most complex and real human nature and marriage.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Infidelity is the most common story of paternity testers.

A woman met with netizens before marriage, got married, gave birth to a child, and her husband found that the baby was not her own.

When a man's affair ran away, leaving a child, he took it home and lied to his wife that he had picked it up.

But most extramarital affairs ultimately point to only two endings.

There was once a man surnamed Zhao who took a 9-year-old boy to a paternity test.

When the test results of "showing that it is indeed a parent-child relationship" came out, he frowned.

A few days later, the man brought another 5-year-old boy and asked for an expedited identification.

As a result, this time the child was not biological.

The man cried on the spot.

It turned out that he had a very happy family and a good career, but he couldn't hold back and cheated on the young female assistant.

At first, he also had a playful mentality, until one day, the female assistant came to him with a pregnancy test report and insisted that she was pregnant with his child.

I don't know where to open a paternity test report, showing that the original child is not his own.

In a fit of rage, the man involuntarily divorced his original partner and married a female assistant.

But during the 5 years of remarriage, the female assistant went to three twilights and was caught by him several times.

The man was suspicious, and when he tested it, he found that the little son who had been baby for 5 years was not his own at all.

The original paternity test report was just a fake certificate from the female assistant.'s office.

The real 9-year-old son was disgusted and rejected by him for many years.

On that day, the man sat outside the door of the identification center for a long time, his back depressed and lonely.

Carefully woven lies can be uncovered, and wrong marriages can be stopped.

But the wife has left, the son does not want to recognize him, the lover is only betrayed, and the whole family is torn apart.

Living to middle age, he ended up with nothing.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

A paternity tester named David recorded a case he had personally experienced.

A man in his 50s who left home to work as a migrant worker in the city.

Usually, the money saved is sent to the wife and children in the hometown.

But there is often rumor in the village that the child is not like him.

The man of Mu Ne hesitated for a long time, but still picked up the cigarette butts left over from his son and used them for identification.

As a result, the son who has been raised for more than 20 years has nothing to do with himself.

The man silently returned home.

Not long after, David heard that after returning home that day, the man poured a bottle of liquor, took a knife, cut off his wife's leg, and drank pesticide to commit suicide.

Fortunately, he was found in time and saved his life.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Some people say that infidelity is the secret desire of human nature.

Man is shaken in the face of desire or many to some extent, and those who cross moral boundaries deceive themselves into thinking that they can receive what is good, and it is not a big deal.

But they overestimate the sincerity of their lovers and underestimate the harm they do to their partners.

Wang Shuo has a very reasonable passage:

"Defilement is like two greedy people digging up treasure in the ground and digging out a skeleton."

The causes planted by your ghost fetus will bear the fruit of a skeleton one day.

When fate plays its cards, it will not reason with you at all.

As a result, how many extramarital affairs begin with passion, end with mental exhaustion, and the light wife is separated, and even the family is destroyed.

The retribution of derailment, no one can run away.

If there is a crack in the marriage, either it will be solved or ended, and before you want to use the extramarital affair to escape the problem, please think about it, can you bear the corresponding price?

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

There was a family of three who went to the appraisal together.

The child looked to be four or five years old, and when he came, the father bought the child a lot of snacks and comforted him that he was just doing a check-up.

The child screamed in pain when he collected blood, and the father held the child in pain.

A few days later, they came together to get the report.

The results showed that the child was not biological.

The father's face was like ashes, and he pushed away the child who was walking toward him, and left without turning his head.

Only the little child was left, crying in ignorance and grievance.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Such images are not uncommon in paternity testing centers.

Adults make mistakes, but the biggest victim is the child.

Whether born or unborn.

Deng Yajun had met many young women, mistressed elderly rich people, and became pregnant.

But the other side only wants boys.

The young girl secretly went to the illegal pregnancy test to confirm the sex of the fetus.

The boy stayed; the girl, shed.

Moreover, only do the medicine flow, save the pregnancy sac, and do the paternity test.

After that, go to the rich man with the report confirming the parent-child relationship so that he can get a large amount of compensation.

Deng Yajun had also hoped countless times that his test results were wrong.

There was a 5-year-old child who was brought by his uncle for sampling.

He was not as lively and active as the other children, with a silence that did not match his age.

His parents gave birth to him before they were married.

When she was only a few months old, her mother ran away with someone, and soon after her father beat the person to serious injuries and sentenced him.

From birth to the present, he has lived in his uncle's house.

My uncle was just a farmer, and the family already had two sons, and life was already very poor.

When a child reaches school age, according to the regulations, a child born out of wedlock must undergo a paternity test when he or she goes to the household registration with his father.

But it turned out that this child was not born to the father.

Deng Yajun could not even bear to tell, but let colleagues review the sample, and the same result was obtained.

Innocent and timid in the eyes of the child, he has been abandoned by his mother, and now even the connection with his father's family has been cut off.

No one knows whether the already poor family will continue to adopt an unrelated child.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Deng Yajun wrote in his diary:

"Many times, I want to hold the wronged children and tell them that it's not your fault."

Unfortunately, every time there is a mistake, there are people who have to bear the result. And the child, that's the result.

When children "pick their parents" in heaven, they do not think that their parents have only irresponsibly given them life and cruelly ruined their lives.

Some people use children as chips, as bets, as a product of casual play.

Born, adults can still pat their butts regardless of it, but the inferiority and humiliation that can be pressed on the child cannot be shaken off for a lifetime.

I hope that every adult understands that not having children is the most conscious person and the most basic respect for life.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Sometimes, even those "confirmed paternity" appraisal reports do not all bring great joy.

Deng Yajun once met a woman in her 40s.

Alone, with the blood sample of the old father, asking for identification.

More than 40 years ago, a woman's father had a sterilization and her mother was pregnant again.

At that time, there was no DNA identification technology, and the man said that he did not believe that the child was his, and insisted that his wife had stolen people outside.

Without hesitation, he threw his wife out of the house.

The woman's mother had a big belly and begged for a living bitterly.

For as long as she can remember, her mother has lived in shame, in the scolding of those around her.

As a teenager, my mother died of depression.

The father was married again, had a new home, and had children.

Women grow up like weeds and wander around. I am afraid of returning to my hometown, being blinded and disliked by my neighbors; I am even more afraid of making friends with new friends, because of my unspeakable life.

Inferiority and humiliation, accompanied her through the small half of her life.

Until she was in her 40s, at a "family search meeting" activity, she learned about Deng Yajun's identification center.

She was like catching a life-saving straw.

A few days later, the woman received an appraisal report confirming that she was born to her father.

She cried uncontrollably and howled.

For the absurdity of the era of lack of medical knowledge, for the first half of her life, but also for the mother who did not wait for innocence all her life.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

In the early years, there was also a pregnant woman who anxiously came to the door.

At that time, the identification of the fetus in the womb required the pumping of amniotic fluid, and there was a 1% chance that it would lead to miscarriage.

But she insisted on doing it.

But three times he went to the operating table and was carried down three times.

Because she couldn't control her emotions, every time she started pumping amniotic fluid, she cried a lot.

Tossed a few times, and finally did it.

Deng Yajun later learned why women were so aggrieved.

Her husband suffered from oligospermia, she was pregnant, and her in-laws were humiliated, abused, and suspicious every day.

The reaction of the early pregnancy, her own grievances, and the worry about the child all weighed on her.

The results of the appraisal showed that the child was indeed born to the husband.

The in-laws changed their attitude, smiled and greeted each other, and begged to buy her supplements.

The woman's heart was like ashes, she didn't say anything, and after giving birth to a child, she filed for divorce from her husband.

In marriage, there are contradictions and flaws that can be repaired, but the gap of trust cannot be bridged.

A suspicious heart will cause a rift in the relationship.

A word of suspicion pushes the true heart farther and farther away.

It is only a matter of time before a marriage of centrifugal morality can go to the end and fall apart.

When it comes to paternity testing, even if it is found that the child is his own, what can he do?

Something is lost and can never be found again.

Relationships between people are fragile, even husband and wife.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Image source: Panorama Vision

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

In paternity testing centers, there are too many cruel betrayals, the dark side of human nature.

Some people on the Internet have also accused paternity testers of how many marriages have been destroyed and how many couples have been torn apart.

Deng Yajun also doubted her profession for a while, but she eventually firmly believed:

"I'm just the one who unravels the mystery. Was it the truth that ruined those families? No, it's a lie. ”

When the seeds of lies are sown, the fruits of evil grow quietly.

It was never a report that smashed the family, but themselves.

In this world, there are rich people everywhere, and fast-food love can be seen everywhere, and what is really missing is the sense of responsibility that should not be missing in love.


When love comes, please bring reason;

When the marriage is going on, please bring the bottom line;

When the child arrives, please take responsibility with you.

Don't let a momentary indulgence brew a lifetime of pain.

As a paternity tester for 19 years, I have seen through human nature and understand marriage

Author: Hello everyone, I am the king's ear, I don't know astronomy, I don't know geography, and I know a little bit of life in the middle. Pay attention to [Mr. Wang Ear], a middle-aged boy who can't help but roar when the road is uneven.