
Let the resources of the Red Revolution come alive and move

author:Lü Liang Daily

Let the resources of the Red Revolution come alive and move

★ General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to protect, manage and use red resources with heart and soul. It is necessary to carry out in-depth special investigations of red resources and strengthen scientific protection. As a famous old revolutionary area, Lüliang has a very important historical position in the history of the Chinese revolution. The revolutionary sites left over from the revolutionary war years are like an immortal monument inscribed with the revolutionary history and glorious course of the people of Lüliang who fought bloody battles under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It is the unshirkable responsibility and obligation of all levels and departments to make good use of the city's rich red revolutionary resources, inherit the red revolutionary genes, continue the blood of the red revolution, and carry forward the spirit of the red revolution.

Liulin County: Make good use of red resources to spiritual "rich minerals"

□ Gao Qian, a reporter of this newspaper

Southwest of Liulin County, the Monument to the Martyrs and Heroes of Hechang stands majestically. This is a symbol of the great achievements of the loyal communist fighter Comrade He Chang who threw his head and spilled his blood for the revolutionary cause.

This monument is located in the Hechang Martyrs Memorial Cemetery, Liulin County Hechang Martyrs Cemetery is located in Hechang Martyrs' hometown of Liulin County, in order to commemorate the Hechang martyrs, by the Hechang Village Committee donated land, in the county party committee, the county government attaches great importance to and the county people under the common concern, invested in the construction of exhibition halls, Hechang statues and scenic pavilions.

History is the best textbook, and red resources are the thick and timeless chapters in the book. To give full play to the role of red resources in casting souls and educating people and cohesiveness, it is necessary to use efforts with heart and affection, and use more brains and make full efforts in protecting, inheriting and making good use of red resources. In recent years, the Hechang Martyrs' Cemetery has become a "demonstration base for patriotic education in Shanxi Province," "an education base for party members and cadres in Luliang City," and an important place for the broad masses of the people to receive red education. The Hechang Martyrs' Cemetery has given full play to its spiritual and cultural values and educational guidance functions, guided the broad masses of the people to more deeply understand the meaning of "home" and "country", carried forward the red tradition, inherited the red gene, and strengthened ideals and beliefs.

The Hechang Martyrs' Cemetery is not only an important memorial and symbol for commemorating and praising the deeds of martyrs, but also an important carrier for inheriting the revolutionary spirit and ideals and beliefs. All levels and departments of the county have combined the in-depth study and education of party history with the inheritance of the spirit of martyrs, and have encouraged the majority of party members and cadres to establish a patriotic heart in various forms of thematic activities.

Remembering heroes is not only to commemorate their great achievements, but also to inherit their spiritual character. In the martyrs' cemetery, there is a Hechang Martyrs Memorial Hall, the exhibition hall pictures, pieces of objects and the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, so that people have a deeper understanding of the revolutionary combat process of the Hechang martyrs in that year, with Hechang characteristics, the content is true and credible, the purpose of strong visual effects, fully reflect the important historical events of He Chang's life and the purpose of the contributions made, the exhibition uses light, electricity and digital technology, the construction of Hechang sculptures, bronze statues, clay sculptures and other scene restoration, so that the exhibition hall becomes a red base for party history education and study. People who visited said that although He Chang's life was short, he left a valuable spiritual wealth for future generations to glow with new vitality, and had the good effect of becoming a weathered person and strengthening his faith, which injected a steady stream of spiritual power into the new journey of forging ahead and building a new era of meritorious service.

"Although the power of the spirit is invisible, it is enough to play a role in leading the development of the times." The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Liulin County said, "Hechang Martyrs Cemetery is a red resource worth using to create a red cultural and spiritual highland, which can bring vitality to the development of the county."

"Red resources are a spiritual "rich mine", make good use of red resources, continue the red blood, dig deep and revitalize this "rich mine" can inspire people to build a new era of meritorious service with a more lofty attitude.

Xingxian: Use red cultural resources to condense the soul

□ Reporter Liu Hua

The British monument has gone through history, the heroic soul is majestic, the "Four·Eight" Martyrs Memorial Hall is pine and cypress, and the monument is towering.

"To die for the people, though it is glorious to die." "The top of Black Tea Mountain, the river by Yan'an, the people's hero, immortal." Entering the exhibition hall, you will be greeted by poems written by Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai to commemorate the martyrs of the "April 8th" air disaster.

On April 8, 1946, wang Ruofei, Qin Bangxian, and other representatives of the Communist Party of China had to fly back to Yan'an in bad weather to report and ask for instructions due to the rainy sky and the plane was disoriented, and at 2 p.m. on the same day, it was crashed into the fog at the peak of Heicha Mountain in Xingxian County, and all the personnel on board were killed.

In order to commemorate the tragic scene of The Black Tea Mountain, Xingxian County erected 13 stone carved spiritual seats commemorating Wang Ruofei and other 5 martyrs and their attachés in Zhaishang Village, Donghui Township, southeast of the county seat, and on both sides of the stone stele, respectively, recorded the martyrs' resumes and deaths. In 1980, the Civil Affairs Bureau built the old museum (memorial hall), and in 2015 it was renovated and repaired, mainly displaying the portraits of the "48th" martyrs, graphic materials, stone carved spiritual seats, etc. In 2008, a new Xingxian "Four.Eight" Martyrs Memorial Hall (main hall) with an area of more than 3,000 square meters was built, mainly displaying the current situation after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chongqing negotiations, aircraft crashes and other contents, as well as the typical deeds of the five martyrs Wang Ruofei, Qin Bangxian, Ye Ting, Deng Fa and Huang Qisheng.

After the large-scale commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the martyrdom of the "April 8" martyrs in 2016, the memorial hall was fully opened to the public, and the party members and cadres and the masses who came to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and receive patriotic education were endless. Nowadays, it has been named "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit", "National 100 Red Tourism Classic Scenic Spots", "Patriotic Education Demonstration Base of the Province", "National Defense Education Demonstration Base of the Province", especially since General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shanxi in June 2017 and visited Xingxian County, groups and scattered tourists have shown a spurt of growth, receiving an average of more than 200,000 tourists per year.

It is an important mission of red tourism to let the majority of tourists draw strength from red attractions and education bases. The "April 8" Memorial Hall adopts the means of modern media display of sound and light such as wax scene restoration and phantom scene demonstration, combined with physical objects, pictures, charts and a large number of historical materials, with prominent themes, clear lines, detailed historical materials, ups and downs, telling heroic stories that can be sung and wept, showing the fearless spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as the "April 8th" martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the people's liberation and were not afraid of sacrifice, and the great course of the Chinese Communists seeking happiness for the Chinese and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is an important place to stimulate patriotic enthusiasm, unite the people's strength, carry forward the national spirit, and inherit the red gene, and is a vivid teaching material for giving play to the role of senior government and educating people.

To promote the vigorous development of red tourism, inherit and promote red culture, it is also necessary to continuously stimulate their own vitality, improve the tourism development system, and enhance the attractiveness of red landscapes. The person in charge of the "April 8" Martyrs Memorial Hall said: "At present, we are actively promoting the all-round and integrated construction of scenic transportation, tourism and accommodation, and gradually improving the infrastructure construction such as tourist distribution centers and tourist parking lots, we will continue to improve the comprehensive quality and professional ability of scenic spot staff, enhance the appeal of red scenic spots, tell the story of revolution, and effectively play the role of provincial and municipal patriotic education bases to contribute to the development of red tourism resources." ”

Wenshui County: Let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation

□ Gao Pengyan, a reporter of this newspaper

"The greatness of life, the glory of death." Walking into the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall in Wenshui County, you will be greeted by the eight characters of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription for the martyr Liu Hulan on the square monument. Liu Hulan Memorial Hall was built in 1956 in Liu Hulan Village (formerly Yunzhouxi Village) in Wenshui County, Lüliang City, Shanxi Province, to commemorate the martyr Liu Hulan.

Martyr Liu Hulan is a heroine who gloriously sacrificed her life for the liberation of mankind and the pursuit of ideals throughout her life in China's revolutionary struggle, and is an outstanding representative of the millions of revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country in the revolutionary war. As a 15-year-old young girl and alternate member of the Communist Party of China, with a firm belief in the inevitable victory of communism, she is unyielding in the face of the enemy's threats and inducements, and regards death as a homecoming, and with the heroic spirit of "fearing death and not being a member of the Communist Party," she has inspired generation after generation to go forward and forge ahead in the socialist revolution and construction.

As the sacred mission of propagating and inheriting the revolutionary spirit, the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall has now become an important position for party members to study the revolutionary spirit and strengthen the tempering of party spirit, an important place for the masses to cultivate patriotic enthusiasm and cultivate the national spirit, and an important classroom for young people to learn revolutionary traditions and cultivate moral sentiments.

Inherit the red memory and carry forward the revolutionary deeds. Since the opening of the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall, the deeds of the martyr Liu Hulan have been widely disseminated here. In recent years, Liu Hulan Memorial Hall has the courage to explore, deeply cultivate red resources, and use innovative ideas and concepts to plan work and promote work. With the strong support of higher-level departments, multi-party fund-raising, scientific planning and layout, the overall upgrading and transformation project was carried out, especially the improvement of the display content and the use of modern multimedia technology, three-dimensional imaging of real people and other body photographs and other advanced scientific and technological means, true, vivid and three-dimensional display of the glorious and magnificent life of martyr Liu Hulan, and promoted the development and upgrading of red culture.

Relying on red resources, publicize the revolutionary spirit. Adhering to the concepts of "going out" and "inviting in", the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall held a report meeting and organized a report group on Liu Hulan's deeds composed of relatives, missionaries, and explainers of the martyr Liu Hulan, and went deep into schools, organs, and enterprises to give lectures. It also further strengthens cooperation with the media and provides them with a variety of valuable historical materials, venues and manuscript materials. At the same time, a number of institutions are invited to jointly build education bases, such as "patriotic education bases" and "moral education bases"... At present, more than 200 units have been listed here. Through various forms, relying on revolutionary sites, relics and other red resources, more people can fully understand the glorious deeds of martyr Liu Hulan and the fine traditions of the Chinese communists, thus promoting the social propaganda of red resources, stimulating the tremendous spiritual strength of carrying forward the healthy trend of the nation, and giving play to the important role of patriotic bases in consolidating the socialist ideological and cultural front.

Protect red culture and expand external influence. In recent years, the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall has mainly focused on the protection and management of the inscriptions of party and state leaders and various cultural relics and materials donated by all sectors of society as the core content, continuously strengthened the professional training of cultural relics custodians, and also hired experts and scholars to identify 362 large-scale oil paintings, calligraphy, drawings and other 362 collections in batches, all of which have been identified as revolutionary cultural relics. In addition, it took four years to collect, organize, compile, revise, publish and distribute the library's history. This measure fills the gap in the compilation of historical facts in the history of domestic memorial halls, and plays an irreplaceable role in in-depth systematic excavation and scientific and rational protection of revolutionary cultural relics and patriotic education.

Liu Hulan Memorial Hall is a national patriotic education base and a place to inherit and carry forward the red gene. In the new era, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Liu Hulan Memorial Hall continues to study and publicize heroic deeds and spirits, deeply study the laws and methods of patriotic education, study the psychological and social needs of the audience, create and develop more new forms, new ideas and new measures for patriotic education, and strive to build Liu Hulan Memorial Hall into a first-class red cultural education demonstration base in the country.