
It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies

Corn, which has always been a particularly popular coarse grain, can be eaten in all seasons, but corn in spring is particularly popular, because corn is rich in dietary fiber, which is very suitable as a staple food for everyone's weight loss period in spring.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

By Bean Fruit Food Master Fist Mom Food Memoir

Common white-grained sticky corn is cooked directly to eat, the taste is sweet and soft glutinous; yellow-grained fruit corn is also a good hand for cooking soup.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

By Bean Fruit Gourmet Peach Kitchen

When it comes to eating corn, it is nothing more than direct cooking, but corn is not a coarse grain that is particularly easy to digest. So Xiaoguo'er will teach everyone to make corn soup, corn hot drink and golden corn today, which is absolutely delicious and easy to digest


The sweet corn is made by rubbing the corn, adding ingredients such as shrimp and flour, and steaming it together with the corncoat, which not only has a soft texture, but also has a unique flavor.

- Corn corn -

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

By Bean Fruit Food Master Pick up the taste of Dad

- Ingredient List -

1 stick of sweet corn 6 shrimp

10g flour 1 spring onion

Salt 1 g

- Directions -

1. Chop the shrimp with a knife into delicate shrimp puree and set aside. The sweet taste of corn itself will mask the fishy smell of shrimp. If you want a lighter fishy taste, you can add a little lemon juice.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

2. Cut the shallots into chopped green onions. If you are more resistant to onions, you can not add.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

3. Peel the corn and remove the whiskers. Corn husks should not be discarded, they will be used later.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

4. Rub the mushrooms with a cutting board. Try to use a slightly larger hole to wipe the cutting board, the wiped out of the mushroom will not be too fine, some granular taste better.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

5. Add the polished corn and green onion and flour to the shrimp puree. You can add about 1g of salt to taste. Flour is fine with regular flour, and if you want to be more nutritious, you can add cornmeal or whole wheat flour.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

6. Stir well with chopsticks.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

7. The corn coats are washed with running water and we make the containers.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

8. Cut off about 1/3 of the head. Local materials are not only convenient, but the steamed corn sticks will carry the fragrance of corncoats.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

9. Scoop a spoonful of paste and fill it into a corncoat. If a corncoat cannot bear the weight, it can be stacked in two pieces and then scooped into the mud.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

10. Stack in a steamer, put cold water on the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and cook for another 12 minutes. The steaming time should be adjusted according to the amount of portions.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

12. Done~

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious


Hot corn drinks have always been relatively hot, in fact, the method is particularly simple, and it is especially suitable for the elderly and children to drink. The small fruit of this corn drink also adds rice, which has the aroma of rice and the sweetness of corn.

- Corn juice-

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

By Bean Fruit FoodIe Z is Morning Dawn's mother

- Ingredient List -

Corn kernels 100g rice 35g

Shimizu 1-1.2L

- Directions -

1. Prepare the ingredients and cut the corn kernels with a knife Tips: Try to use tender corn.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

2. Corn kernels weigh 100g tips: you can also add more, so that the result is a thicker corn paste

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

3. Pour corn kernels into the soy milk machine

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

4. Pour in the washed rice

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

5. Add 1L-1.2L of water tips: Generally this ratio is slightly thicker than corn juice, if you like to drink thinner, you can add some water appropriately In addition, the soybean milk machine generally requires the minimum water level, so make appropriate adjustments according to your own soybean milk machine

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

6. Press the baby food supplement or soy milk button tips: specifically according to their own soy milk machine operation, the general baby food or baby rice paste such keys, the juice is more delicate

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

7. Pour the beaten corn juice into the sieving tips: Here is to remove the corn husk coat, the corn husk coat.

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

8. Sift the corn juice

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

9. Pour into a cup and you're good to go

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious


Golden corn is a very popular snack for children, this recipe changes the traditional method, adding eggs and less oil, with a cup of hot milk, making breakfast is perfect.

- Egg fried golden corn-

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

By Bean Fruit Food Master Small New Home

- Ingredient List -

Sweet corn 1 egg

Two scoops of starch To taste the cooking oil

White sugar to taste

- Directions -

1. Break off the corn kernels

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

2. Cook the corn kernels and set aside

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

3. Drain the cooked corn kernels, but need to be moist on the surface

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

4. Add starch to the corn kernels

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

5. Mix the corn with the starch

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

6. Add egg mixture to the corn

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

7. Mix the egg mixture with cornstarch

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

8. Brush the oil in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture corn kernels and spread out, fry slowly over low heat until golden brown on both sides

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

9. Finished picture, can be sprinkled with white sugar to eat or original food

It is a "golden" staple food in spring, steamed with belt leaves, sweet, soft and nutritious

Regarding the storage of fresh corn, there is a trick for small fruits. Fresh corn that you buy back can be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap without peeling, and then directly put it in the refrigerator to freeze, and when you want to eat it, you can take it out and cook it. Such corn is fresh for half a year