
Wonderful review| movie male number one Kong Lingfeng, won the Thai fierce general in the ring

author:Kunlun decides

When it comes to Chinese 70kg athletes, there must be Kong Lingfeng's name. Since appearing in the Kunlun duel ring in 2015, he has been loved by everyone, and after having fans, he has also been given some special opportunities with his handsome image. In the 2017 Kunlun 67 Sanya tournament, Kong Lingfeng fiercely fought Thai boxer Attilrei, and after three sets, he won the match amid cheers. And that competition, which happened during the period when Kong Lingfeng was filming the film as the male number one, can be said that it was Kong Lingfeng who played a game in Sanya "by the way", and also "by the way" won the championship. It can be seen that his daily skills are deep and not affected by the outside world.

Wonderful review| movie male number one Kong Lingfeng, won the Thai fierce general in the ring

Friends who often watch the game know that the Thai boxer Attilje is not an idle person. He is the champion of the Canaan Long Boxing Gym in Thailand, his style is tough, the Thai style is obvious, and the bravery and courage shown in the course of the competition have also gained a lot of fans. And that year's Kong Lingfeng, can be described as a momentum of fierce, along the way, from a young face to the familiar old face, often in the Kunlun decisive ring with the master, in that domestic 70kg has not yet been provoked by the era of the girder, the young Kong Lingfeng, but has completed the second battle with the Prince of Muay Thai. He has failed and faced doubts, but more than that, it is the expectations that the crowd has given him!

This match against Thai boxer Atiel is a backup battle for the 2017 Kunlun Battle of the Gods, with Kong Lingfeng representing the symbol and the red side of China. In the first round, the two sides were more tentative of each other, Atiri tried several times to get up on his knees without success, and the Thai boxer hugged Kong Lingfeng's head and almost punched out of the boxing ring, evenly matched, it was difficult to distinguish between them. When the game entered the second round, Kong Lingfeng began to exert his strength, first with a head-on elbow blow, knocking the opponent down to read the second. In the later matches, it was even more open to open the bow left and right with both fists, hitting the opponent in the abdomen, and then in a duel, Kong Lingfeng punched the opponent in the face, and the opponent shook a little and almost fell to the ground. Then a shocking scene appeared, the opponent actually took the opportunity to punch Kong Lingfeng in the back of the head, and then Shunshi wanted to sweep and kick Kong Lingfeng's head. This moment obviously angered Kong Lingfeng, so he punched his opponent to the ground with two consecutive heavy punches, and through the video we can see that the weight of the punch is extremely large, and this is of course not over.

Wonderful review| movie male number one Kong Lingfeng, won the Thai fierce general in the ring

As the game entered the third round, Kong Lingfeng had the upper hand throughout the game, hitting his opponent several times until he shook, and then took advantage of the victory to chase, and Attilre was read again. It can be said that in the third round, the Muay Thai boxer was beaten very badly, and in the end, Kong Lingfeng won this match with a big score. And his excitement has never stopped, around him in the fledgling time to break into the Kunlun Battle of the Gods Of the Eight, and then in a group of world masters, once again broke into the gods of the top 16 teenagers, as if to use the wonderful appearances again and again to tell everyone that he has been improving!

And this battle is also happening in 2017, Kong Lingfeng entered the War of the Gods for the third time. In the semi-finals of the Clash of the Gods group stage, he swept TKO Romanian "hyena" Claudio in a row, and then fought with Andrei Gurabin, the top Muay Thai fighter in Belarus. It can be said that in that era, in the 70kg class with such fierce competition, the emergence of Kong Lingfeng was probably like a light.

Wonderful review| movie male number one Kong Lingfeng, won the Thai fierce general in the ring

In the following years, Kong Lingfeng was still active in the ring and brought many wonderful games to everyone. And this battle with Muay Thai boxer Attilre, in addition to being able to reflect his superb skills, what we can see is also the strict requirements of an athlete for many years. As the number one of the movie men, he did not affect his training because of anything, which is exactly what he said, do not forget the original intention to start and end well!

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