
It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded


Author: Chestnut

Parents Research Institute (ID: mama_cn) original debut

Recently, the most out-of-the-loop is nothing more than Liu Qihong, who has experienced three bans on broadcasting and transformed into the "most magical live fitness coach".

The first time, because of the exposed armpit hair, he was warned by the robot to be "indecent" and banned.

To this end, the steel man quickly shaved his armpits clean.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

But I didn't expect that the second time, because his large chest muscles were "too sexy", it was suspected that he was breastfeeding and engaged in rubbing the edge ball and banning it!

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

As the first male artist in history to be banned for having too large pectoral muscles, I don't allow you not to know that he is 50 years old!

As a result, the next day, when the live broadcast room resumed, Liu Qihong and his wife directly put on a heavy cotton jacket for fitness, and sent a Weibo sigh: "Our last stubbornness." ”

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

But the down jacket could not be saved, and the third time, because he said "I wish Jay Chou good health", he was once again judged to involve medical and health problems and was severely warned.

Banned many times, Liu Ruihong may be tired, but at the same time gained 10 million fans!

However, the wife Wang Wanfeivi, who stood behind him and jumped, was a "waste" in seeing and capital letters.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Seemingly simple shuttlecock exercises, with the practice of down, people have to lie down directly.

Gritted teeth, blurred face, pain mask like me!!

"Who am I, I'm so tired, when will it be broadcast?"

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

The same pain mask .jpg

Netizens watched Liu Qihong's live broadcast, and they had to watch the couple fight, dismantle the stage, show love, and eat dog food one by one.

I used to know that Liu Washong was a friend of Jay Chou, the father of a former Taiwanese paste café and puffs.

Until now, I didn't know that he was still Liu's favorite wife demon, King Kong's dadby, home fitness superstar, and Hiroshi.


It's better than success

I would rather be your husband

Flipping through Liu Qihong's Weibo, I found that eight out of ten were @ their wives.

No one guessed that before that, they had been working together for 22 years.

By chance, Liu Qihong fell in love with vivi at first sight and made a bold statement to himself: This woman is my future wife!

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Who knows, after he and Vivi are finally together, the band disbanded, Liu Lihong had a car accident while filming, and he decided to go to Vancouver to study.

The little couple who were glued together every day at that time became exotic.

Who knows, the distance does not dilute the feelings, but makes them more and more aware of the importance of the other party.

In 2004, Liu took out a diamond ring to propose, and their worlds overlapped.

Since then, all efforts have ceased to be just for oneself.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

After returning to China, the two came to Dalian, Vivi studied clothing design, and they decided to invest in the clothing business.

However, due to the lack of management experience, the entrepreneurship was not smooth, not only did not make money but also owed more than 10 million (NT$).

At that time, they were embarrassed to squeeze into a damp and smelly room, eat the cheapest fast food, and go to the supermarket to grab discounted goods.

When I was the poorest, I couldn't even go out and take the bus.

In 2005, Jay Chou filmed "Head Text D" and wanted Liu Touhong to participate together.

Vivi only said one sentence: You go, I stay in Dalian alone, continue to make money.

With the role of "broom head" in "Head Text D", Liu Ruihong returned to the show business circle. At the same time, he released a personal album, "Rainbow Paradise" became a hit song broadcast on the streets for a while.

At this time, Liu Qihong was about to propose to Vivi again, and when he entered the marriage, the company exchanged the promotion of the second album for Liu Qihong's "hidden marriage".

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

For this woman who has accompanied him all the way through the difficulties, how can he be willing to let her be wronged again?

So, at one of the concerts, Liu Proposed to Wang Wanfei again; the next year, he promised her a grand wedding, and the two finally achieved positive results after 8 years of long-distance running.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Even so, it left him with no second album.

But Liu Ruihong never regretted it: it was the most correct and courageous decision I had ever made, and I wanted to become Wang Wanfei's husband more than to become famous.


From Dink to three-child dad

The deepest impression left by Liu Qihong to the audience is "Puff Daddy".

At that time, the soft little puffs captured the hearts of the whole network, and Liu Qihong was promoted to "national father-in-law" for a while.

As everyone knows, at the beginning, he and vivi actually decided not to have children!

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

The opportunity for the switch was to visit a friend's child once. When the two of them were lying on either side of the child, one left and one right, they suddenly had a sense of happiness!

But vivi had uterine fibroids at the time and it was not so easy to conceive a child.

They tried for two years, experienced disappointments, setbacks, and too much concern from the people around them and society, which made them have a gap between them.

But Liu Told Vivi at the time that what mattered was us, not this purpose. We should still focus on ourselves.

When the knot is let go, luck creeps in.

The first baby, reporting unexpectedly. Two years of anticipation finally landed.

Even with children, Wang Wanfei is still the first place in Liu Qihong's heart.

Wang Wanfei accompanied all the examinations during her pregnancy and would surprise her on Valentine's Day and wedding anniversary.

In love for 22 years, still treat each other like a hot love.

I still remember a live broadcast, Vivi introduced herself and said: "I am Liu Qihong's wife, the mother of little puffs." ”

Liu Ruihong immediately interrupted her: "You are not who is who, you have to say your own name." ”

In his eyes, his wife was never an appendage of anyone, just Wang Wanfei.

In Liu's eyes, she is the big housekeeper of the whole family: children's education, food and travel, home finance, everything helps me take care of it well.

"Without her, I would be a tramp."

It is said that whether the family is happy or not can be seen from the child's face.

Nowadays, every time they share a small fragment of their daily life, they can see that their home is full of simple happiness.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

What The Devil's Coach is best at is verbal encouragement

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Eating and eating is the most daily happiness

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Did you find it? All the daily routines are @ wife.

Being able to feel the small happiness of life is Liu Qihong's most profound experience of life.

The love of the wife is also the best form of love for the child.

There is a loving home, there are loving parents, surround the child, accompany you crazy to play with you, accompany you to cry and laugh with you.

As he once said on Weibo, "Happiness is the way of life you can choose!" ”


He is now

It's a gold medal dad

Remember liu Qihong in "Where Daddy Goes", he had the most burly and strong body, but he also had a gentle and inclusive heart.

His thoughtful care of the little puff shows that he is not an "absent father".

On the contrary, the education he brings to his children is beneficial for a lifetime.

Sports and health are the first gifts he brings to his children

As he said on Weibo: "I am my child's physical education teacher!" ”

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

As long as he is there, his children are either on the way to exercise or in motion.

Even at home, practicing squats, handstands, high kicks ... Lay a mat and it's time.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

At his home in Taipei, a children's barrier fence is set up as soon as he enters the door, and the three babies will take turns every day.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Even play basketball with your son!

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Having a father who does not lie down, can drive exercise, and is good at encouraging children, can save the mother a lot of effort!

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Vivi voiceover may have to say: No, because this dad will practice!

Pay attention to public welfare and environmental protection, and establish children's love and sense of responsibility

Liu Ruihong often takes the family to participate in public welfare activities for children who have lost relatives, and personally cooks for the children.

Once, Liu Qihong's son kept his hair for 3 years, just to donate it to children with cancer.

Yu En cried several times and wanted to give up, but it was Liu Qihong and Wang Wanfei who continued to encourage Yu En not to give up, so that the children knew that what he was doing was great and valuable.

After a long time, Yu Eun left his hair for 3 years, and finally participated in and served as the spokesperson for the "100 People Donation Campaign".

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Allowing children to participate in public welfare from an early age and know how to give love and care is a soft education from a father.

Puff once introduced herself in a short film about wearing a second-hand pink dress given by Zhong Liti's daughter: "They are all grown up, older than us, this is their childhood clothes, and then they brought us all the clothes they had when they were young, Yeah~"

Liu Ruihong said about this: "For children, [giving away old clothes] is like the feeling that sisters share their beloved things with their hearts, and they are very happy to receive them." ”

They know that sharing love, sharing happiness, sharing care, and using life and action to make children feel the true meaning of these words.

Dad was a soft and hard shield

It is said that the daughter is Daddy's little cotton jacket. In fact, dads hope to be the backing of their children's lives.

Remember in "Where Daddy Goes", after Hum couldn't help but kiss puffs, Liu Qihong was distressed by the whole network.

Little Puff took the initiative to confess to her father that night, "Hmmm kissed me several times, probably because he liked me too much." ”

After Liu Qihong listened, he patiently told his daughter, "If everyone likes you very much, you can't kiss him everyone, and your father will be jealous and very worried."

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

"Girls can kiss, dads can kiss too", but if it's a boy, tell him "You want to kiss me with my dad's consent." ”

Unbiased and soft-spoken, this enlightenment of Puff is the first armor that Liu Ruihong gave her.

The look of fear when the younger sister Shanshan learned to swim, she felt that she was also the same as many at home.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

But Vivi and Liu Qihong are not radical or conniving at her cowardice, but use patient guidance to wait for the child to overcome the fear in his heart and take the first step.

"Accepting children's fears, courage is not just a slogan, guiding them to step out under the pressure they can bear."

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

At every step of a child's growth, being able to gain the child's trust, embrace the child's fears and accompany them through the barrier is the most valuable recognition for parents.

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded

Now, the man who once said he didn't like children put a photo with his daughter on Weibo: "Dad tried his best to shade you."

This is a declaration, but also a promise, for children and families, Liu Qihong is doing his best to shield them from the wind and rain, becoming the strongest castle.

At the same time, home is also the warmest harbor he has experienced after the storm.

The meaning of the best home is to warm each other, support each other, and tolerate everything about each other.

As Liu Said:

"If you run your family with your heart, you will feel that life has a lot more fun.

It's important to take good time with your family and don't miss it. ”

It was banned three times, and 10 million people watched the "three-child" father show his chest, and the whole network exploded


Parents Research Institute (ID: mama_cn), research on new knowledge of family education for 1-6 years old, is the mother's educational notes, is the father's baby guide, is the child's growth energy station. Please contact the Parents Institute for reproduction. Author: Chestnut. Some of the supporting images are sourced from the network, and if there is infringement, delete them.

Editing in this issue: Chestnuts