
After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

author:Wise pencil

The gradual disintegration of China and Vietnam from the former socialist brotherhood to the military confrontation has a lot to do with the rise of the Lê Sun clique. Le Son, the Vietnamese people's evaluation of him can be described as "mixed reputation, some people think he is "the son of the Vietnamese people", some people think he is a belligerent "national sinner".

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Lee Sun

In addition, another reason why Le Duong has been subjected to many criticisms and scoldings from the Vietnamese people is his family. It can be said that Lê Duồng's single-handed family affairs have even affected the state affairs of Vietnam's political situation. Just when he was exhausted, but in exchange for the tragic end of his wife and children, the youngest daughter Anne was even assassinated because of him...

Li Sun: The dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon

In 1907, after coming into contact with advanced revolutionary ideas in his early years, He threw himself into the cause of communism without hesitation, fighting against colonial invaders, liberating all of Vietnam, and realizing the independence of the Vietnamese people, and soon became the second in command after Ho Chi Minh.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh, as the "father of the nation" in the hearts of the Vietnamese people, in order to achieve the success of the Vietnamese revolutionary cause, frequently traveled to China and Vietnam, and took the initiative to establish friendship with the top level of the Chinese Communist Party, which attracted many Chinese sponsorships for Vietnam.

Remembering the friendship between China and Vietnam as both socialist brothers and sisters, and thinking of the principle of having a cold lip service with neighboring Vietnam and having many friends and many roads, China tightened its belt, provided Vietnam with a large amount of materials, armaments, and ammunition free of charge, helped Vietnam build a lot of infrastructure, and even sent hundreds of thousands of PLA troops to Vietnam to fight in vietnam during the Vietnam-Us War and helped Vietnam win the War of Resistance Against the United States.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

The Anti-American And Aid Vietnamese Forces

At the same time, Lê Duạng also made great achievements in the War of Resistance Against the United States, and his prestige was greatly enhanced, and he became a national hero of Vietnam. But Lê Duần's ambitions went far beyond that, and soon he laid out his own network of connections with the Vietnamese authorities, with the intention of emptying Ho Chi Minh.

In 1969, Ho Chi Minh died of illness. Naturally, Le Son sat in the position of the top of Vietnam, but he did not choose to continue the Sino-Vietnamese friendship during the Ho Chi Minh period...

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

After experiencing the victory in the War of Resistance Against THE United States, Lê Duong's ambitions became more and more inflated, and he did not choose to let Vietnam, which had been eroded by war for a long time, but wanted to use aggression and expansion to achieve aggression and encroachment on Vietnam's neighboring countries, in an attempt to establish an "Indochina Federation" in Southeast Asia with Vietnam as the hegemon.

China, which has always advocated peace and development, naturally will not agree to aid Vietnam for its hegemonic expansion. Therefore, Le Son chose to completely fall to the Soviet camp and attempted to achieve hegemonic expansion of Vietnam through the military assistance of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was using Vietnam to expand its power and contain China, so it successfully mixed with Vietnam.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Soviet Army

Li Sun followed the Soviet Union to carry out the anti-China anti-China campaign to the end, not only isolating and suppressing the pro-China forces in the DPRK and China and squeezing out the Chinese in Vietnam, but also began to covet China's territory in the South China Sea and frequently provoked in the waters of the South China Sea on the mainland.

In the face of Vietnam's actions, in 1979, China, which had repeatedly tried to peacefully resolve without success, was forced to launch a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, sweeping up the entire territory of northern Vietnam in less than twenty-eight days, destroying all the infrastructure that China had once assisted Vietnam in.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Oath of War against Vietnam

China's heavy blows shattered Li Sun's ambitions and delusions. But the authoritarian and belligerent, he never reflected on himself, but became more and more intense. In the end, Vietnam was immersed in the quagmire of the long war, the comprehensive national strength seriously declined, the economy stagnated and collapsed, and it fell all the way into the ranks of poor countries. The high-level bureaucrats headed by Li Sun are even more notorious for corruption, and even Li Sun himself and even his wife have become synonymous with corruption.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

The corrupt Lai Son family

Li Sun had two wives in total, and his first wife, Lai Shishuang, was a typical virtuous wife and mother. When Li Sun was a poor boy, Li Shishuang married him, and since then he has devoted himself to taking care of the housework and teaching his husband and son. And Li Sun was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned for his revolutionary cause, and it was not easy for Li Shishuang to pull up four children alone.

However, when they were married for twenty years, Li Sun, who had achieved fame, resolutely abandoned his wife Li Shishuang, who had suffered with him, and married the young and beautiful Ruan Rui'e as his wife, and even the four children that Li Shishuang had raised for him were all left to him to raise.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Le Sonh greeting the Vietnamese people

Among them, the eldest son, Le Khan, chose to join the army and became a colonel in the Vietnam People's Army. The eldest daughter, Lê Thi Khần, is married to a Vietnamese cadre, the second daughter, Lai Xue Hong, is a journalist, and her husband is a professor who has participated in the reform of Vietnamese language teaching. As for the younger daughter Li Shimei, she successfully obtained a doctorate in biology.

Compared with the low-key modesty and frugality of Lai Sung's first wife, Lai Thi Shuang, Ruan Rui'e is not a difficult role. She was rich and educated, served as president of the National Salvation Women's Association and secretary of the Women's League, and also served as the chief writer of the Vietnamese "Saigon Liberation Newspaper", and on the surface, she was indeed a revolutionary and progressive woman.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

However, since Thi Thi Thi thiem came to power, the corruption of Vietnamese government officials has become more and more serious, and it has been repeatedly banned. At that time, Vietnam's domestic economy had fallen into a long-term downturn under the prolonged war, but the homes of many ordinary cadres with monthly salaries of only a few tens of yuan were filled with various high-end home appliances and trendy items.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Vietnamese streets in the 70s

Li Sung's second wife, Ruan Rui'e, saw "business opportunities" from this layer of chaos. As a result, she repeatedly used her pseudonym to raise prices in the Vietnamese market, engage in smuggling, exploit the people, and even collect high licensing fees from various government agencies to amass wealth for herself. Even after The death of Le Duện in 1986 due to illness, Nguyen Swee Nguyen continued to meddle in the struggle within the Communist Party of Vietnam under the slogan of "defending the property that Lê Duần had already been damaged" slogan.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Ruan Rui'e and Li Sun have a daughter and two sons, of which the eldest son, Li Jiancheng, became an aeronautical engineer and an associate doctor of physics through studying in the Soviet Union, and also served as the chairman of a number of companies. The second son, Lai Kin Chung, served as the customs director of Ho Chi Minh City and the deputy director general of the Second General Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and enjoyed the rank of major general.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

However, Li Sun's most beloved youngest daughter, Li Wuying, Annie, had a very tragic ending. In 1972, while studying in the Soviet Union, Anne fell in love with Victor Maslov, a physics professor at Moss University who was twenty years older than herself. After learning of his daughter's deviant love, Li Sun decided to oppose it, and with an iron heart, he let Annie return to China and arranged a family affair for her in China.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

After Anne returned home, she was disheartened and obeyed her father's arrangement to marry someone else. But she never stopped thinking about Maslov, but buried this feeling deep in her heart. When Li Sun saw that her daughter was married, he thought she was completely at ease, so he asked her to return to Moscow with her husband to complete her studies.

After Anne returned to Moscow, she naturally secretly communicated with Maslov and recounted the old love. Of course, all this was done without her current husband. After becoming pregnant with Maslov's child, Anne knew that the paper wrapper could not hold the fire, so she divorced her original husband and married Victor Maslov.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated


Knowing that the wood had become a boat, Li Sun did not have much to say, and could only forgive this most beloved little daughter. Not only that, no matter how busy Li Sun is, he will still find time to go to Moscow to meet his daughter and granddaughter, and accompany them to the circus and playground, which shows Li Sun's love for Annie.

However, the good times did not last long, and Anne was pregnant again. At this time, Le Duong was also caught up in the fierce party struggle in Vietnam, so his opponents decided to use his daughter Annie to bring him down. Anne was about to give birth to a bloodshot collapse, and the doctor eventually declared Anne dead in vain.

After the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, what happened to Lê Sun's wife and children? The youngest daughter, Anne, was assassinated

Maslov holding a portrait of his wife

But Maslov saw with his own eyes that his wife's body was covered with blister marks, and it didn't look like she had died of heavy bleeding. In this way, Anne became a victim of her father's struggle within the party, and Li Sun was also greatly hit by this incident, and from then on, she collapsed and soon died.

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