
The global operation date of the Korean classic adaptation mobile game "Heaven's Purgatory M" is determined

The mobile game version of the classic South Korean game Dark Eden, Dark Eden M, was originally scheduled to launch on March 31 through the WEMIX platform, but a few days before that date, PlayWorks Studios indefinitely postponed the release date. Today, the developers announced a new date. The game will be released on iOS and Android mobile devices on May 4. As for the PC version of Heaven's Purgatory M, it will be delayed a bit because it is still under development. The exact release date will be announced later through official channels.

The global operation date of the Korean classic adaptation mobile game "Heaven's Purgatory M" is determined

Purgatory M is a Korean blockchain MMORPG supported by the WEMIX platform. The game takes place in a parallel universe where the world is ruled not by humans, but by vampires and werewolves. The game is based on the 1997 Korean classic PC game of the same name, which has both the characteristic elements of the original and the innovative features. For example, the wide range of RvR, coupled with more modern image quality, blockchain elements and so on.

The global operation date of the Korean classic adaptation mobile game "Heaven's Purgatory M" is determined

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