
Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well


Gout, afflicting many people.

The cause of gout is high uric acid.

Once the uric acid exceeds the standard for a long time, it is very easy to induce gout and damage the health of the human body.

In recent years, more and more people, during the physical examination, have found high uric acid, but they have not attracted attention.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

Many people "inadvertently" know that their uric acid is high.

However, what is not painful or itchy in ordinary life has not attracted attention.

However, this lays a hidden danger for "gout", and when uric acid accumulates more and more, it will induce gout.

Once gout occurs, it is irreversible, not only damaging health, but also seriously affecting the quality of life.

Therefore, people with high uric acid found, regardless of whether they have gout or not, should pay attention to lowering uric acid and reducing the occurrence of complications.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

Uric acid is high, do not touch an object

- Alcoholic beverages

People with high uric acid must avoid alcohol.

Not only beer, but any drink containing alcohol should be avoided.

Alcohol will promote the rise of uric acid, but also inhibit the excretion of uric acid, the double effect will lead to a surge in uric acid in the body, thereby inducing acute gout.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

In addition, alcohol is metabolized in liver tissue and makes extensive use of water in the blood, which leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood and allows the uric acid in the blood to enter the tissue to form crystals, aggravating symptoms.

Moreover, after alcohol enters the human body, it will metabolize lactic acid, and increased lactic acid will affect the excretion of uric acid in the kidneys, resulting in an increase in blood uric acid levels. Therefore, people with high uric acid, do not drink any drinks containing alcohol.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

High uric acid, do not drink secondary water

1. Do not drink drinks

People with high uric acid must drink less, especially sweet drinks.

Studies have found that drinking one can of sugary soft drinks a day increases a woman's risk of gout by 70%, and drinking more than 2 cans increases the risk of gout by more than 2.4 times.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

2, do not drink milk tea

Milk tea is also a drink that people with high uric acid should not touch.

Trans fats in milk tea will interfere with the normal metabolism of uric acid, thereby further aggravating uric acid deposition. In addition, there are more added sugars in milk tea, which will also affect the metabolism of uric acid. Therefore, be sure to drink less milk tea.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

High uric acid, adhere to three times

1. Drink water frequently

Uric acid is high, be sure to drink water frequently and replenish sufficient water.

Drinking enough water can dilute uric acid, reduce the occurrence of crystalline salts, and promote excretion.

Warm boiled water, 35-40 ° C is appropriate, is the best choice, to take the initiative to drink slowly.

The amount of water drunk per day reaches about 2000 ml, and people who sweat a lot should also appropriately increase the amount of water they drink.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

2. Drink tea frequently

People with high uric acid can also drink some plant tea frequently.

Often use some diuretic small plants to brew water instead of tea, which helps the excretion of uric acid.

Stir-fried blue chrysanthemum root, brewing water instead of tea, clearing liver choleretic, diuretic swelling, help urinary acid excretion, reduce gout.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that the active ingredient of fried blue chrysanthemum root can inhibit the role of enzymes in the process of uric acid synthesis, reduce the synthesis of uric acid, can be significantly reduced, hypertriglyceridemia and hyperuric acid, uric acid and hypertriglyceridemia, have a reducing effect, the effect is long-lasting and stable.

In addition, it can also improve the hyperuricemia and abdominal obesity caused by the hyperpurine diet, and comprehensively regulate the interaction of lipid, sugar and uric acid, and reduce the number of gout attacks.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

3. Frequent urination

Whether it is drinking water or drinking tea, on the one hand, it is to dilute uric acid, on the other hand, it is to promote urination, and increase the excretion of uric acid with the urine. Therefore, we should pay attention to frequent urination and not hold back urine.

Once the urine is held, resulting in urine retention, uric acid can not be excreted in time, which will lead to a spike in uric acid in the body, and even form uric acid crystalline salts, endangering health.

In addition, holding urine will also aggravate the damage to the kidneys, over time, uric acid will precipitate in the form of urate, easy to deposit in the kidneys, induce kidney lesions, and increase the risk of chronic kidney failure.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

High uric acid, do four things well

1. Eat less animal offal and seafood

People with high uric acid must keep their mouths shut and control their diet.

First of all, be sure to eat less animal offal and seafood, and if you like it, you should stuff it in your mouth less.

Because, these foods have a common feature, that is, the content of purines is relatively high.

Once the purine intake is too much, it will lead to a spike in uric acid in the body, so eat less of this type of food to reduce the burden on the body. In addition to these foods, broth, chicken soup, lentils, mushrooms and other foods have a relatively high purine content, it is recommended to pay attention to the amount of intake in peacetime, do not eat too much.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

2. Refuse high fructose foods

Fructose can speed up the production of uric acid, if too much fructose intake can cause a sharp increase in blood uric acid.

Therefore, in life, people with high uric acid should pay attention to eating less foods with high fructose content.

Sweet drinks, fruit juices, fruits with high sugar content, these should pay attention to eat less, and it is best to eat the fruit directly, do not squeeze into juice to drink.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

3, control the weight and do not be obese

Standard weight is the most basic prerequisite for good health.

Especially people with high uric acid, we must control their weight and avoid overweight and obesity.

Obesity inhibits the secretion of insulin, restricts the excretion of purines, and is not conducive to uric acid metabolism.

In addition, obese people are more likely to be found by gout, so we must pay attention to weight control.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

4. Insist on doing sports

People with high uric acid, it is necessary to insist on exercise.

Insisting on exercise can not only improve the body's functions, improve the body's immunity, improve the quality of the body, but also promote metabolism and accelerate the body's metabolism and discharge of uric acid.

However, when exercising, it is recommended not to do too intense exercise, and then, when exercising, pay attention to supplementing water, do not let the body be overly in a state of dehydration, otherwise it may increase the burden on the kidneys, but it is not conducive to the discharge of uric acid.

Uric acid is high, prevent gout, avoid touching one thing, do not drink two water, insist on three times, and do four things well

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