
What is the TV series of Baili Tusu?

author:Fragments of thoughts ing

Baili Tusu is a character in the TV series "Ancient Sword Qitan", played by actor Li Yifeng, Baili Tusu's original name is Han Yunxi, and finally turned into a desolate soul and disappeared into the world.

Synopsis of "Ancient Sword And Strange Tan"

The main story of the Ancient Sword Is that in a cave, there is a fierce sword named "Burning Silence" that is sealed, which has great power, and if you can get this sword, you can kill the ring. When the "burning silence" was about to be lifted, the Guardian Sword Han Clan was killed, and Han Yunxi, a descendant of the Han Clan, was saved by Ziyin Zhenren, who lost his memory, that is, baili Tusu who later changed his name.

What is the TV series of Baili Tusu?

Baili Tusu began to learn swordsmanship, and after many years, he went down the mountain to slowly retrieve his memory, so he began to seek revenge on his enemies, and on the way to revenge, he met Ouyang Shaogong, Feng Qingxue and others, and began a swordsman legend.

The origin of the name Baili Tusu

Han Yunxi is a descendant of the Han clan who guarded the fierce sword "Burning Silence", when he was young, the family was destroyed, he was supposed to die, because he sealed half of the Prince Changqin in his body, so he came back from the dead.

What is the TV series of Baili Tusu?

However, he always had the fierce sword qi in his body, and when the qi attacked, he was saved by Ziyin Zhenren, and then entered the Kunlun Mountain Heavenly Yong City, began to learn swordplay, and finally changed his name to "Slaughter the Ghost Qi and Awaken the Soul" with the meaning of "Slaughtering the Ghost Qi and Awakening the Soul".

The ending of "Ancient Sword And Strange Tan"

When Tu Su and Shao Gong were fighting to the death, Xun Fang appeared in front of Shao Gong, Shao Gong could not believe it, Xun Fang told the truth, and the silent Tong who had been with him was the Sun fang he had in mind, and the two of them embraced each other and died.

What is the TV series of Baili Tusu?

In the end, Yuheng fell to the ground and shattered, Tu Su was casting spells, Tu Su asked Qingxue to leave quickly, she did not want to leave, she wanted to stay and accompany Tu Su, Tu Su turned into a desolate soul to save Qingxue, disappeared between heaven and earth, he and Qingxue agreed, waiting for her to come to him. Qingxue began to look around for Tu Su, constantly looking for memories. Finally, Qingxue returned to the Peach Blossom Valley and guarded the peach blossoms in the valley.

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