
Two herbs, fingers are not stiff! Cold dissipation + dehumidification, please feel

author:Dr. Ge, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In today's text, I want to talk to you about waking up in the morning and having stiff fingers and hair.

I remember when I was with my teacher, once, the head nurse of a department came to my teacher.

What's wrong with that? That is, since she gave birth to a child, when she woke up in the morning, the joints on her body felt tight, and she couldn't say anything uncomfortable. In particular, the fingers seem to be frozen, and the curve is not good.

Two herbs, fingers are not stiff! Cold dissipation + dehumidification, please feel

In the past, this phenomenon could be alleviated after a few minutes of activity. And now, until noon that day, it can be completely improved. This has some impact on the work.

When my teacher knew, he immediately showed her tongue and veins. It was found that the veins were dull, and the tongue was white and slightly greasy. The tongue is slightly chubby.

My teacher said at the time, you have a cold and wet. In the future, do not touch anything that is raw and cold. Usually, two herbs are used to brew water instead of tea. This is Qiang Huo, with five plus skins.

The specific method is to take two herbs, put them in a large warm water bottle, repeatedly brew with freshly boiled boiling water, and drink this medicinal tea when you are thirsty. If possible, it is best to drink a little more, and it is best to drink until the body is slightly sweaty. At the same time, the body parts should be resolutely protected from the cold, do not freeze, and do not let the wind blow.

Two herbs, fingers are not stiff! Cold dissipation + dehumidification, please feel

The head nurse listened and said thank you.

Later, probably more than a week later, this person thanked my teacher and said that this little method worked, and the feeling of stiffness in the fingers in the morning has improved a lot.

I watched from the side, felt very good, and quietly wrote it down - wujiapi with qianghu, to cure cold and wet morning stiffness.

Now, I'm going to share it with you.

The truth here is actually very easy to understand.

You see, the problem of this female patient, in the words of Chinese medicine, undoubtedly belongs to paralysis. And it is cold and wet.

What is chills and wet paralysis? As the name suggests, the cause of its illness stems from cold and humidity. The patient's pulse is often tight. The tongue tends to be pale, pale, slightly greasy, or the tongue is pale and fat with tooth marks.

Local symptoms, varied, including swelling, numbness, flexion, cold pain and so on. Of course, there are also some people who are reflected in joint stiffness. All of this is aggravated in the case of cold and rainy days, and the warmth can be alleviated.

Two herbs, fingers are not stiff! Cold dissipation + dehumidification, please feel

What to do at this time? It has to drive away the cold and dehumidify.

The Qiang huo here is the traditional antidote of Chinese medicine, the sexual taste is spicy, bitter, warm, into the bladder meridian and kidney meridian, can dissolve the cold, dispel wind and dehumidification, and relieve pain. On the one hand, it is good at treating colds, colds and headaches. On the other hand, bitterness can be dry and wet, and the temperature of the sex can be dissipated, which can solve the cold and wet stagnation of the meridian joints, resulting in cold and wet paralysis.

Moreover, this Qianghuo medicinal properties always go up and enter the upper part of the human body. Therefore, for the female patients in the above medical case, the upper body joints are stiff, which is particularly suitable.

The five plus peels here are traditional rheumatic and strong bone medicines. It tastes spicy, bitter and warm, and enters the liver meridian and kidney meridian. On the one hand, it can dispel rheumatism, but also water, but also strong bones. Cold and wet paralysis are trapped for a long time, and people who hurt righteousness are better to use it. People with more water in the body can also use it to dehumidify water.

Two herbs, fingers are not stiff! Cold dissipation + dehumidification, please feel

In short, Wujiapi with Qianghuo is very suitable for patients with cold and wet paralysis. Of course, the premise must be dialectical accuracy. These two herbs have a warm and dry sexual taste. If you are not sick because of cold and humidity, but because of factors such as blood deficiency and loss of nourishment, you cannot use it. The body contained in damp heat, the body of yin and fire, cannot be used.

All in all, for the stiffness, swelling, cold pain, discomfort and numbness of the limbs caused by cold and wetness, it is good to treat it with Qiang Huo and Wujiapi. This little experience, today I say to you, I hope to help you to a certain extent.