
LPL playoff interpretation: the current situation of RNG, TES, V5

author:Hi esports treasure 001

JY: Let's start with V5, Photic is characterized by a steady line and a fierce group. The second team of the tes team, Photic, was jokingly called "Xiao P" by the audience. After TES was heavily invested in Jackeylove, Photic was reduced to a substitute and was later replaced by the TES second team below. Later, he was recruited by V5 to become a team member, and the strength of V5 this season is absolutely very strong, which relatively proves that Photic is indeed a T1 ADC. However, there is still some gap with the championship-level ADC, and the light on the line period is stable and can not win the championship.

LPL playoff interpretation: the current situation of RNG, TES, V5

Ppgod as an auxiliary, sometimes can not withstand the opposite wave of offensive pressure, is the biggest breakthrough of the V5 team, if the opposite side of the wild gank kill him twice, Photic will have to bear a lot of pressure. In the regular season, the auxiliary Ppgod often chooses some heroes with protective effects, such as Tam, Hammerstone and Japanese Girl, which are the most used hard auxiliary auxiliaries in strong teams, and the tank flesh and blood thick heroes are indeed not so easy to die, and the fault tolerance rate is relatively high.

In general, V5's weakness relative to other teams' downside weaknesses are still on the line, if the early stage of the line is often limited, originally with The Ability to Find Opportunities with Phototic's Complementary Development and Playing Group. As well as Ppgud's proficiency in protective heroes and Leona, even if it is at a disadvantage in the early stage, V5's down road can still withstand the pressure of the early stage.

Then there's TES. Ah Shui is the kind of player who is more aggressive and gives pressure online. Before in the IG team when the S9, S10 seasons dared to directly shake the face output, such as Kasha flying face, when playing the group minion E started to hit the injury. Coupled with the fact that TES playing wild also often takes care of the lower road, this style of play is more restrained V5 style, which is also the reason why Ah Shui suppresses the first and second ADs before playing RNG.

However, it should be noted that Ah Shui's playing style does have a strong suppression force, but once it is wrong, it is easy to make a breakthrough, so naturally many of Ah Shui's violent death shots are born. If you only discuss the timing, Ah Shui's judgment is basically fine, but from the result, either it is operated by the super fast reaction of the opposite side, or the hit rate of his skills is not high enough.

LPL playoff interpretation: the current situation of RNG, TES, V5

This style is more jealous of two kinds of players, one is better at micro-exercises, more aggressive than you, such as the early years of Uzi, bang, the world's top ADC. The second is high discipline, super fast response, very calm players, such as Gala, and although Ah Shui himself has a big heart and a very good overall view, the discipline may not be as good as other players with the same level. Mark as an assistant to TES can be said to be a person who is all the way with Ah Shui, and the playing style agrees to be more radical, and there are more heroes who choose some to open the group or take the lead.

LPL playoff interpretation: the current situation of RNG, TES, V5

From a personal point of view, TES's overall discipline has room for improvement, which also creates their style of attacking fiercely in the early stages, keen on playing the group, but relatively poor operation. Therefore, once you encounter a team with the top operating rhythm, it is often very difficult.

And the RNG we talked about last time is this style of main defensive counterattack. Gala plus Ming can be said to be the strongest down road in the LPL at present. In the BO5 against TES, Gala and Ming came up with a total of eight different heroes, which is enough to show that their hero pool is very deep, and they have killed Ah Shui and Mark in the first few games. In addition, in the 9 playoff games that RNG has currently played, Ming has come up with a total of 8 heroes.

LPL playoff interpretation: the current situation of RNG, TES, V5

With such a deep hero pool, you can cooperate with others to a greater extent in the selection of heroes to choose a lineup that is more conducive to the team. Of course, Gala is not invulnerable. His line suppression is not outstanding in the top AD. But the victory is strong in comprehensive ability, and many of Gala's and Ming's line kills are playing defensive counterattacks. Once the other side is eager to attack, it is more likely to show flaws, and Gala and Ming are both players who seize the opportunity very strongly, and a detail mistake of the other side is enough for them to instantly find the moon advantage. On the contrary, when Gala and Ming take the initiative to attack, it is possible that they will not be able to handle it in place and be killed by the opposing line.