
Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

author:Mindfulness Book Mom

Yesterday at 5:00 a.m., the sperm whale that ran aground on the beach of Zhoushan for a day and a night finally returned to the sea with the efforts of the lovely rescuers! This makes people inexplicably happy and moved!

When I found out the news the day before yesterday, I immediately asked my daughter to watch it together, and we waited to do the nucleic acid while paying attention to the stranded sperm whale.

Watching the rescuers sprinkle water on the big whales one by one, although they felt a drop in the bucket, they were still touched by people's kindness and efforts, and prayed that the tide would rise quickly at night, hoping that the tide would help the sperm whales get out of trouble.

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

I thought that at 8 o'clock in the evening, the tide would rise and take the whale home, but I did not expect that at 10 o'clock at night, the tide did not pass over the whale, and although the whale could swing its tail, it still could not swim. Rescuers dragged the whale to a depth of 20 meters with a fishing boat, and it took more than 7 hours for the stranded sperm whale to return to the sea.

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

This great, well-intentioned rescue is finally complete! It lasted one day and one night!

This is also a relief!

The stranded whale was rescued by humans, allowing her daughter's dreams to shine into reality in advance, so that she could firmly believe that her dreams could be reached in the future.

What is the origin of the whale and the daughter's dream?

First, inexplicably, the whale became her daughter's favorite animal

Most kids love dinosaurs, which look ferocious, but my daughter loves blue whales.

Every time the teacher asked the children what animals they liked, the other students said dinosaurs, phoenixes, dragons or whatever, and she said blue whales with great certainty.

When my daughter was four or five years old, she accidentally came into contact with marine animals and inexplicably loved whales! So she wanted to learn more about whales, especially blue whales.

To satisfy her cravings, I bought her a plastic model of marine fish, a toy she often plays with.

Later, we often went to the aquarium together to observe marine fish, but unfortunately, we did not see blue whales. Because the blue whale is too big, the aquarium can't carry it, and it can't afford the daily food of the blue whale!

The daughter was not reconciled, saying that you helped me Baidu check whether there was a blue whale hall in the world. We found that there is really no country in the world that has established a blue whale house. Although zhuhai ocean kingdom has a blue whale museum, there are no blue whales in it, only killer whales.

Probably because of this regret, she decided to see the real blue whale in the future.

To ease her desire for a blue whale, we made a blue whale doll out of cloth and cotton. She easily spent the outline pattern of a blue whale on the cloth. I helped cut and sew, so I made a cute blue whale doll. Until now, this blue whale doll is placed in the doll she plays every day.

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

Second, protecting the ocean and protecting blue whales has also become a dream for her daughter

In the process of learning about the oceans and their life again and again, we have learned about the pollution of the oceans, the threat of marine life on the verge of human beings, and the efforts of some people in the world to save the oceans. The daughter was also deeply affected by this information.

Once, at the Aquarium, we sat in the Jiaolong submarine and put on four-dimensional glasses and experienced the underwater world. At first I was a little scared at the bottom of the black sea, I was worried that the child would be afraid, and hugged her tightly, but she was not afraid at all, looking around at the fish.

She was sad to see the polluted ocean, the fish trapped in the nets, the fish home destroyed by garbage and boats!

Probably since then, she has set up a dream of her own: to protect the ocean, to protect the blue whales.

Later, we participated in a beach cleaning activity of a non-profit organization, knowing that we could protect the ocean from the small things around us.

So, until now, she has had this dream.

I remember last Christmas, she wrote to Santa Claus and said: I hope to see blue whales.

I fulfilled her wish, I printed out some pictures of the blue whale and wrote her a letter in the tone of Santa Claus. She really believed it.

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale
Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

At the sixth birthday, she still hopes to get gifts related to blue whales. I bought her a resin ornament, a little girl sitting on a blue whale with open arms soaring in the sea, and an oversized blue whale doll.

The Blue Whale doll is often used as a mount to slide down the slide in bunk beds to experience what it's like to sit on a Blue Whale!

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

Just last week, she wanted to make a wish bottle with her father, and the wish in the bottle was to learn more about the blue whale, and her father also decided to buy him more popular science books about the blue whale.

Never see you again, that stranded sperm whale

Third, guard the dreams of children, guard all living things on the earth

His father and I don't actually have such firm dreams, many dreams will be cut by worldly values to adapt to various expectations, but I didn't expect my children to have such firm dreams!

We try to stay awake as hard as we can, without cutting her dreams away from our existing value-based standards!

Hopefully she can stick to her dreams!

Do everything you can to support her in realizing her dreams!

It's amazing to have dreams, especially dreams of protecting the creatures of the earth!

Mother Earth continuously provides us with various resources and energy, and she unconditionally supports the growth and harmonious coexistence of all living things on the earth. We also need to do everything we can to protect what Mother Earth has to offer us!

Therefore, seeing this stranded sperm whale return to the sea in the efforts of people to protect, really makes people see hope and strength,

Let your daughter also believe in her dreams even more!

I hope she can really see her blue whale in the depths of the sea one day! Instead of watching them on the shoals!

#Why whales in the deep world run aground###Headlines##中国式家庭教育 #

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