
From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

author:Stadium Watchman
From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

With Ronaldo's hat-trick, United rekindled the hopes of a scramble for 4 in the last round of collective braking. Facing the mountain of Liverpool in this round, even if C Ronaldo is unexpectedly absent, the Manchester United crowd will still shout out "duplicity", such as "fight for 3 points" and "fight for 4" fancy slogans.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

However, reality still proves that on the football field, victory is kicked out, not shouted. With four goals from the new Red Arrow three, United once again swallowed the bitter fruit of the rout. The captain, who shouted slogans before the game, disappeared, leaving Only Lonnick to keep counting United's helpless problems and frantically calling for Klopp and Guardiola.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

As one of the Premier League's most high-profile showdowns, losing 4-0 in the Double Reds, the manager will undoubtedly face a lot of criticism, and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who was the first manchester United to leave this season, is a good example. In the first leg of the double red meeting, Manchester United lost 0-5 at home to Liverpool, almost setting the tone for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's future, coupled with the Manchester City derby and Wardford successively made up the knife, completely fulfilling the "wish" of Manchester United's top management change.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

Honestly, in the face of today's situation, Lonnick seems prescient. In the second leg of the Manchester City derby, Manchester United was also a 1-4 defeat, the difference was to score a comforting goal, and in the second leg of the double red club, Lonnick only held on to the promise that there would be no 0-5 score. Therefore, if Lonnick had signed a contract with Manchester United as a full manager, it is conceivable that Lonnick's situation would be more embarrassing than Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

However, the identity of the interim manager allows Lonnick not to please the media, fans and even the club executives for the end of the class, but to put manchester United's deep-rooted problems on the surface and repeatedly analyze them.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

In fact, before the match against Liverpool, Lonnick explained Klopp's success in 3 points: 1. the club's complete trust; 2, a clear tactical play style and a clear team play style; 3, around the tactical play and style of selection of the right players. After the game, Lonnick said bluntly in an interview that Liverpool was 6 years ahead of Manchester United.

Obviously, in the face of the embarrassing score, it is difficult for the outside world to rationally look at Lonnick's remarks, especially the fact that Liverpool is 6 years ahead of Manchester United, which seems more like a fool's dream to many fans. After all, after Ferguson's retirement, Manchester United has been trying for 10 years, and both players and coaches have already changed a few stubbles.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

In fact, the 6 years in Ronnick's mouth is not a real concept of time, but a cycle. In October 2015, Klopp took over as Rodgers coach halfway through the season as Liverpool's manager. Liverpool were 10th in the league when they took over, and in the full season that Klopp then led the team, Liverpool only took 8th place in the league.

If united's operating strategy in recent years, Klopp may well have been labeled "scum". But liverpool executives gave Klopp maximum trust and support and opened up the rebuilding plan through reinforcements from multiple locations. In terms of reinforcement strategy, Klopp unfolded exactly according to his own wishes.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

Among the players who played an important role in Klopp's tactical framework in the early days, including Mane, Matip and Firmino, all played in the Bundesliga that Klopp was familiar with, and even when he joined Liverpool, these players were not very famous, but Klopp knew how important these players were to Liverpool's rebuilding and how planned to maximize their potential.

From The 16-17 season when Liverpool stumbled into the Champions League play-offs, to the subsequent crowning of the Champions League, the Premier League, and now the impact of the 4 titles, becoming manchester United's unattainable opponents, the whole cycle is exactly 6 years of gap in Ronnick's mouth.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

It is clear that after the defeat to Liverpool, Lonnick, who does not have a crisis of dismissal, said this sentence not to excuse himself, but to warm up in advance for the upcoming role of club consultant. By interpreting Klopp's success and comparing the current visible gap between the Double Reds. The root cause of the problem, which the Manchester United hierarchy is eager to achieve, is fully explained by Longnick's "ambiguous" sentence.

In Lonnick's eyes, with the new official manager on the horizon, the club's top brass are aware that the start of a new cycle is far more meaningful than the current 4-year-old 4 fight. The 6-year gap is clearly the advice Lonnick gave to club CEO Alexander-Arnold.

From 0-5 to 0-4, Ronnick exposes the root cause of the problem, tears down the pot of reconstruction, and how Arnold backs

However, Arnold can fully accept the advice, and Lonnick seems to have no bottom, after all, in the case of Glazer's frequent resistance by Red Devils fans, the rush to achieve quick success always seems to solve the urgent need. So can Arnold, sandwiched between Glazer and the new manager, be able to make a deal out of it?