
How to do a vertical short video IP?

author:Zebra online lessons
How to do a vertical short video IP?

We are now talking about the outlet of short videos, short videos are more important to release vertical industries, which means that your short videos are all within the industry, rather than a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, which has become a smorgasbord. Vertical short videos are easier to get traffic, as well as easier to get users' attention and likes. Today, we summarized the five core points of creating a vertical short video IP, and quickly took it to collect it.

How to do a vertical short video IP?

First, the core of creating IP is to create labels. We are now wandering in the Internet, and the most important thing is your own hashtag, so that others can identify you from the vast sea of people. You need to over-over-over-retweet these tags through content so that users can remember you.

How to do a vertical short video IP?

Second, don't let you and other professionals trip you up. Your expertise can get you into a strange circle of constantly wanting to deepen and export your professional perspective. However, for users, the professional content they use is generally universal, low threshold, simple and easy to understand, and strong sense of gain. Remembering the needs of the user is the real professional content.

How to do a vertical short video IP?

third. , do what users like to see, not what you think is good. This is also the professional content we said in the last article, the user likes to see is the king, you make what you think is professional and good content, if the user does not buy it, it is still useless, can not attract the user's continuous attention and likes.

How to do a vertical short video IP?

Fourth, imitate first and then surpass. We have always known this sentence, as a novice in short video, what you need to do first is to imitate, make short videos according to other people's scripts and shooting methods, and then innovate your own ideas after proficiency. Imitating and then innovating in this way is undoubtedly the most efficient way.

How to do a vertical short video IP?

Fifth, good content + good operation is standard. We often mention that content is king, and good content must be very important. Now operation is also very important for your IP growth, because even the best content needs to be operated in front of users. In general, it is i, the content determines how far the IP can go, and the operation determines how fast the IP can go.