
"Dream Giant": The feeling brought by the monster that does not eat people is not particularly good, so strange

author:Wang Twenty Film Review

As an adaptation of a children's literature work, the film has the shadow of other children's fairy tale film works, especially the orphan status of the little girl in the orphanage, which inevitably brings the boring and tediousness of a common literary image setting to the movie. But fortunately, the little girl in the movie not only does not have a greedy and violent orphanage director, but also lives in a large and comfortable villa with a viewing balcony, and every night when it is quiet, she can come out to see the night view and express her feelings about everything in the world, of course, the most important thing is that she can find magical things that others can't find.

The little girl's encounter in the movie is lucky, because she met a giant who did not eat people, although she was abducted, but did not intimidate and abuse her, that is, there was this bizarre story, and it opened up a fantasy world, connecting the relationship between giants and humans, revealing the source of dreams, discovering beautiful things between giants and humans, and most importantly, bringing fantasy to the movie, making the whole story seem so vivid and interesting.

But fairy tales are fairy tales after all, in addition to bringing us those interesting childlike stories, the rest are significantly unrealistic, especially a bridge section like the Queen of England, which integrates the cold humor scenes of British aristocratic life, and makes the story plot simple and easy, as if the queen is really such a close person, not only very easy to get along with, but also to help you complete your wishes, just like Santa Claus. However, the movie does not portray the scene of the giant eating man, we can know that the giant eating man is derived from the dialogue between the characters, there is no bloody scene reproduction, so that the final end of the giant people were exiled to the isolated island, and it is really a bit sorry for them.

As a big director who is mainly commercial films, Spielberg, while playing with literary films, he also began to slowly focus his attention on the adaptation of fairy tales, but in the movie we can not see how this movie is different from other films of similar value, and even some mediocre and boring, and the general British film, relying solely on the performance of characters to enhance the film's point of view, for a big director, somewhat embarrassing. Spielberg did not give new meaning to the film, let alone create a new form of expression, and the overly conservative film approach could not even be good.

The movie makes people sleepy and even a little bored, and we can't find where the story is? There is no complex plot, no gorgeous set, not even a counted scene, and the interaction between the little girl and the well-meaning giant is only a simple question and answer, and it is difficult to enhance the feelings between the characters. This point is far less than the authentic British fantasy film "Paddington Bear" feelings to come strong, the film not only did not let the relationship between the characters from stiff to relaxed, but also did not produce a collision in the soul, the stubbornness of the little girl's personality and the gentle personality of the kind giant, in the one in and one retreat between a lot less opportunities to enhance feelings, the relationship between the two people is more like a grandson, not a good friend, which makes the plot of the character weaken a lot.

Hollywood special effects are generally real so that we can not detect, this is also a very admirable place, but unfortunately do not know whether it is the lack of funds for the film, or the special effects department cut corners, the giant people in the movie in the image is like domestic special effects as if it is particularly obvious, not only with the surrounding environment chromatic aberration contrast is quite obvious, the appearance of the entire giant is quite asymmetrical, which makes the giant look animation image, and lack of a sense of reality.

In particular, the image design of the well-meaning giant is quite weird, the head is small and the body is long and the whole becomes very flat, the man-eating giants are like freaks, but they can't see how terrible, but the only thing they have in common is that people feel fake after watching it, we hope that through the description of the movie, we can make us believe that the giants exist, but after watching the movie, we believe that the giants do not exist.

I think this is the failure of the film, it is far less than the "Chronicles of Narnia" special effects handled well, so that the scenes and characters make it easier for us to believe that the characters in the fairy tales are real, that is, there is no "Narnia Legends" like the special effects, so that this Hollywood movie has become much inferior, the kind of simple plot of the production of the low setting, let people feel that it can even be regarded as an unpopular Hollywood movie. I don't know if Spielberg deliberately did it or how, but his idea is definitely not to present the kind that the public wants, or this simple and strange idea, so that we can't accept his wrong idea, good or bad we can tell, even a famous big director, can not direct a classic film, I think this film is the most failed film in a long time.

The little girl in the movie is very impressive, she is lively and cheerful, her personality is strong, and she has not lost hope in the world because she is an orphan, but because of her very prominent personality, the story development becomes more direct. The most important thing is that her performance did not become ordinary because of the vulgarity of the story plot, but in the mediocre plot, it established the vitality brought by the role to the movie, especially in front of the camera did not show a little shyness, although there is a strong color of hard performance, but it does not prevent this role from attracting people, sometimes she is like a little adult thinking about things, but more often she still provokes a lot of things as a naughty child, it is because of the things she provokes, Let the story become a little more meaningful.

But the most regrettable part of the movie is that the well-meaning giant Mark. Rylance did not present his wonderful acting skills, although we can see that the superb acting skills brought to us by the performance of his delicate expression were only ignored by the rough CG image after the motion capture, and the unreal feeling strongly surrounded the entire film, and also let his performance fall into the embarrassing situation of the hero's uselessness, which cannot be blamed on him for not performing hard, but can only say that the film did not make good use of him, wasted such an excellent film actor, and became the biggest regret of this movie.

"Dream Giant": The feeling brought by the monster that does not eat people is not particularly good, so strange