
Paradise Town: Small vegetables turn into "rich money" and "plant" a better life

author:South Plus client

When it was the rain of the Qingming Dynasty and the valley, I came to the paradise town of Xinxing County, and the neat and uniform vegetable fields were in full view, and when I looked around, the vegetables in the field were green and lush, and the growth was particularly gratifying...

In recent years, Paradise Town attaches great importance to the construction of the "vegetable basket" project, actively promotes the structural reform of the supply side of the agricultural industry, adjusts and optimizes the industrial structure and layout, promotes the upgrading of the vegetable industry, improves quality and efficiency, and strives to make the vegetable industry bigger and stronger, and the vegetable industry has changed from small vegetable gardens to large bases, from "vegetable baskets" to large markets, driving the masses to increase income and become rich, and boosting rural revitalization.

Paradise Town: Small vegetables turn into "rich money" and "plant" a better life

The breeding base gives quality assurance to vegetables

Nowadays, walking into paradise town, looking around, the continuous planting of vegetable bases is particularly spectacular, farmers are sowing, fertilizing, attracting vines, weeding, vegetable farmers are full of joy on their faces, and everyone's busy figure reflects the hope of a bumper harvest. This scene is staged daily in the fertile land of Paradise Town.

Speaking of vegetable planting, we have to mention Paradise Town, as an important agricultural town in Xinxing County, for a long time, vegetable planting has occupied more than half of the town's agricultural industry, and has won the honors of "Pollution-free Agricultural Products Production Base" and "China Fruit and Vegetable Pollution-free Science and Technology Demonstration Town" in Guangdong Province.

With the further increase in the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure, as well as the further optimization of the industrial layout, Paradise Town relies on the advantages of the local agricultural industry, around the characteristic vegetables to make a fuss, vigorously develop the planting of characteristic vegetables, the town through the guidance of farmers to adopt a diversified cooperation model to develop characteristic vegetable planting according to local conditions, cultivated a number of large-scale, high-efficiency pollution-free vegetable industry bases such as Yuantougang, Wuxi, May 2, Longping, and relying on professional cooperatives such as Tianlu, Zotye, Nuoyi, Hongli Storage and Transportation Center as the carrier. Do a good job in the intensive, large-scale and base-based development of characteristic industries.

It is reported that the vegetable cultivation area of Paradise Town is about 50,000 mu, and the main varieties of planting are beans, bitter melons, cabbage, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, watercress, lettuce, etc., with vegetable planting tradition and industrial foundation, known for excellent quality. Plum vegetables are planted about 5,000 acres; beans and bitter melons are planted about 6,000 acres; peppers are planted about 800 acres... Although the single number is inconspicuous, it reflects the determination of Paradise Town to do a good job in the "vegetable basket" of the Pearl River Delta region. According to statistics, in 2021, the annual planting area of vegetables (including multiple seeds) is 37,300 mu, with a total output of 82,000 tons and an output value of 178 million yuan.

"Agricultural technology services" have guaranteed the yield of vegetables

The country is based on agriculture, and agriculture is based on seeds. Learning advanced vegetable cultivation management techniques is necessary and inevitable. There are many vegetable bases in Paradise Town, not only for farmers to plant well, but also to harvest well, but also to sell well, in order to give full play to the economic benefits of the agricultural industry and better drive farmers to get rich.

However, many vegetable farmers still have planting misunderstandings, believing that vegetable planting relies purely on experience and luck, which vegetable sales are high, but as vegetable cultivation management technology plays an increasingly important role in promoting agricultural development, the level of vegetable management technology actually determines the yield of vegetables.

In order to improve the villagers' vegetable planting technology and ensure production, Paradise Town organized the town's "planting masters" to form a team of "agricultural technology service light cavalry", including professional agricultural technicians from the agricultural office, professional planters from agricultural companies, and experienced "big planters". The pest control technology, chemical fertilizer reduction and efficiency improvement are explained in an in-depth and simple manner, and the difficult questions raised by farmers are answered on the spot.

"Usually, the staff of the Agricultural Office will also go to the vegetable base in our village for guidance, especially when it rains, I am worried that some vegetable farmers will invest too much fertilizer in order to avoid the lack of fertilizer caused by the rainfall, but it will damage the vegetables." Longping Village Branch Secretary said.

"Before my pepper production was about 2500 pounds an acre, a few years ago, the town agricultural office came to the countryside to help me solve some problems in daily planting", the town pepper planter Gao Boss said happily, "Now, I have mastered the disease and pest control technology, fertilizer reduction and efficiency of these agricultural technologies, pepper yield per mu can reach more than 3000 pounds, an increase of more than 500 pounds." ”

Now, as long as the agricultural technicians appear, the vegetable farmers laugh and say that they have eaten a reassuring pill. The person in charge of the vegetable base in Paradise Town has said that now is the era of technology, in addition to the government's technical support, it is also necessary to continuously strengthen the learning of planting technology, improve the yield while ensuring quality, ensure the good supply of vegetables every quarter, and give full play to the role of the "vegetable basket" production base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

It is worth noting that in December last year, in order to give full play to the role of scientific and technological support, Paradise Town signed an agreement with the rural science and technology commissioner team of South China Agricultural University, and the rural science and technology commissioner went to the town and village to carry out scientific and technological assistance, actively carry out technical guidance, skills training, achievement transformation, entrepreneurial counseling and other "three rural" scientific and technological services, combined with the agricultural resources linked by the task force in the town to help the town to help the village, providing practical technical guidance for the town's vegetable planting.

Paradise Town: Small vegetables turn into "rich money" and "plant" a better life

"Online + offline" has guaranteed the sales of vegetables

The "vegetable basket" contains the daily life of the citizens and the livelihood income of the vegetable farmers. As an important "vegetable basket" supply base in the Pearl River Delta region, vegetable cultivation in Paradise Town has always been the key to farmers' income, and it is also an effective magic weapon to help get rid of poverty and become rich.

"During the Qingming Dynasty, the cabbage I planted was ripe, but thanks to the help of the department to contact the enterprise for procurement, the cabbage did not rot in the field." On the morning of April 7, watching the cabbage grown in his home loaded into the truck, Huang Zhiqiang, head of the Baosen Breeding Professional Cooperative, finally smiled.

Huang Zhiqiang told the author that his family has planted more than 30 acres of cabbage, and unlike other vegetables, cabbage will be picked after ripening, and if you put it for a few days, the quality will be much worse. However, during the epidemic prevention and control period, many vendors could not go to their homes to receive goods, and he could not deliver vegetables.

Just when Huang Zhiqiang was at a loss, the Foshan Municipal Assistance Team in Paradise Town coordinated and matched through the Foshan Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, and actively contacted and docked with the Foshan Food Distribution Industry Association, Guangdong Yaolin Catering Management Service Co., Ltd., Haoduo Supermarket and many other Foshan enterprises to negotiate procurement matters and promote the docking of agricultural product production and marketing. In recent days, some companies have acquired more than 30,000 kilograms of cabbage from his family.

What moved Huang Zhiqiang even more was that many enterprises in Foshan also provided door-to-door food collection services. Foshan purchasing enterprises have set up base direct procurement points in the vegetable base, established long-term and stable sales channels, and the cooperative has effectively increased its income.

In order to ensure the smooth sales of agricultural products, Paradise Town gives full play to the role of the "Bay Area Resources" of the Rural Revitalization Task Force in Fucun Village, actively builds the Paradise Agricultural Products E-commerce Service Platform, promotes e-commerce order agriculture, strengthens the docking of the agricultural product supply base and the sales market in the Greater Bay Area, accelerates the construction of the agricultural cooperation pattern of "Paradise Resources + Greater Bay Area Market", and relies on Yunfu and Guangzhou to jointly cooperate in the construction of the basic advantages of the "Vegetable Basket" distribution center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and sets up an important node of the "Vegetable Basket" distribution center in the town. Give full play to the convenient transportation advantages of the Shanzhan Expressway, build a smooth logistics and transportation system, and establish cooperation with guangzhou, Foshan and other central cities in the Greater Bay Area for the distribution of agricultural products.

Nowadays, through the exploration and establishment of an "Internet" sales platform, online and offline interaction is realized, and the agricultural products of the vegetable base in Paradise Town are sold more and better and farther, driving more farmers to become rich and contribute to the revitalization of the countryside.

In the future, Paradise Town will continue to do a good job in the declaration of "one village, one product, one town and one industry", vigorously develop vegetable characteristic industries, focus on "vegetable baskets", accelerate the cultivation of new agricultural business entities such as farmers' cooperatives and family farms, concentrate on creating pollution-free, excellent quality and wide market agricultural industry brands, effectively enhance the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote the high-quality development of agriculture.

Author: Liang Xiaojun Chen Liyi

Source: Editorial Office of Xinxing Window of Nanfang Daily


【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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