
Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

author:First cuisine

"Spring rain is as expensive as oil" refers to the valley rain, the last festival of spring, is the meaning of "rain born of a hundred grains", spring always gives people a scene of growth and prosperity of all things.

Spring is coming, summer is approaching, the temperature is gradually rising, the rainfall is increasing, and it is a good time to replenish the body at the turn of spring and summer, so that your body can adapt to the changes of the next season. Remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less than 5 samples, healthy and safe into the summer.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

4 yellow

1. Pear

Directions: 【Rock sugar pear】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare a white fungus, soak in cool water for 1 hour, remove the yellow hard root after soaking, cut into small pieces, white fungus must be soaked in cool water, the taste will be crisp, soaked in hot water is relatively soft, and it is not easy to glue.

Prepare a sydney pear, remove the pear core and cut into slices.

Prepare 30 grams of rock sugar, put it in a bowl and add the appropriate amount of osmanthus sauce.

Prepare an appropriate amount of rice wine for later.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Start simmering:

Boil more water in the pot, put the cold water into the white fungus slowly boiled, after the water boiled, pour in the sydney pear, rock sugar, osmanthus flowers, cook until the water boiled again, beat off the foam in the pot, turn to a low heat to simmer for about 1 hour, do not be anxious to make the silver ear soup, simmer slowly on low heat to fully stew out the collagen inside.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

After 1 hour, the silver ear soup has become sticky, pour the rice wine into it, so that the aroma of the lees and the white ear soup are fully integrated, and a warm and nourishing silver ear soup can come out of the pot.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Spring shoots

Directions: 【Braised spring shoots in oil】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare a few spring shoots, first peel off the outer skin, scrape the outer layer of coarse fibers, and the bottom hard root should also be cut off, otherwise eat the teeth and cut into evenly long strips for later.

Cut some green and red pepper slices and use to match the color.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Blanch the spring shoots:

Boil half a pot of boiling water, pour the spring shoots into it and blanch it, which can be convenient to fry and remove the bitter taste, about 10 seconds on it, fish it out and set aside, the spring shoots are cooked for a long time and the umami taste is lost.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Start cooking:

Burn the oil in the pot, put in the onion ginger garlic slices to fry the incense, pour in the spring shoots on high heat and stir-fry evenly, add the right amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, oyster sauce can come more flavorful, pour in the right amount of soy sauce to color, and then add soy sauce, slowly burn on medium and low heat, boil the water, put in the green and red pepper strips to continue to stir-fry a few times, pour in some water starch, let the sauce evenly wrapped in the spring shoots can be out of the pot, a sweet and crisp oil braised spring shoots are ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Pineapple

Directions: 【Pineapple Grunt Meat】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare a piece of tenderloin, first cut into thick slices and then cut into relatively large diced meat into the basin, add the right amount of salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, stir hard and beat evenly, using salt penetration and mechanical pulling, so that the pork absorbs the seasoning so more flavorful, beat an egg again, the egg can be better solidified at low temperature, sprinkled with dry starch stirred into batter, marinated for 10 minutes.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

Prepare one pineapple, peel off the outer skin and cut diagonally into thick slices.

Cut some diced cucumbers and diced carrots and set aside.

Prepare two handfuls of flour, mix the diced meat with the flour, evenly dip the dry flour and stir well.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Blanch the ingredients in water:

Boil water in a pot, bring to a boil on high heat, pour in pineapple, cucumber and diced carrots, blanch the water for 1 minute and then remove the dried water and set aside.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Fry the diced meat:

Pour vegetable oil into the pot, the oil is burned to 50% heat, put the diced meat into the oil pan to fry, to one by one underground, do not pour it in at once to prevent the diced meat from sticking together, the process should always be on the medium heat, about 90 seconds of frying time, the diced meat becomes golden brown, the diced meat is fished out to control the oil.

Continue to burn the oil, increase the oil temperature, pour the diced meat into the pan and fry it once, about 20 seconds to pour out the oil control, the purpose of the re-frying is to make the shell of the diced meat more crispy and crispy.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

4. Start cooking:

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add a spoonful of tomato sauce with a spoon and fry, add a spoonful of water, a spoonful of sugar, 20 grams of white vinegar, add a small amount of salt after dissolving the sugar, a small amount of salt can make the sour and sweet taste more charming, and then hook the water starch, when the soup becomes viscous and bubbly, pour in pineapple, cucumber, carrot stir-fry for a while, pour in the diced meat wrapped in soup, open the high heat to thicken the soup to get out of the pot, a sweet and sour pineapple grunt meat is ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

4. Pumpkin

Directions: 【Sour and spicy pumpkin shreds】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare a section of tender pumpkin, cut into thin slices and then into thin wires, and after cutting, soak them in water to remove the mucus from the surface layer.

Cut some green and red pepper shreds to match the color.

To make sour and spicy things, it is natural to have onions, ginger, dried peppers, and all of them.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Sauce:

Put an appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, white vinegar, sesame oil, a little sugar and water starch in the bowl, stir and open the seasoning, like this fast stir-fry bowl material must be prepared in advance, convenient for the back of the quick out of the pot, to maintain a crisp and tender taste.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Blanch the pumpkin:

Boil water in the pot, after the water boils, pour in a little white vinegar to keep it crisp and tender, pour the pumpkin shreds into it and blanch it quickly for 3 seconds, immediately pour it out and rinse it with water quickly to cool it, the pumpkin shredded must remember not to be scalded for too long, so as not to cook the noodles.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

4. Start cooking:

Burn the oil in the pot, put in the green onion, ginger and stir-fry, put in the pepper segment to continue to fry the aroma, the pepper is slightly yellowed after pouring into the bowl to fry the aroma, immediately pour in the pumpkin shreds on the fire and quickly turn it over, and then sprinkle the green and red pepper shreds, stir-fry a few times immediately out of the pot, a crisp and refreshing sour and spicy pumpkin shredded is ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3 red

1. Red beans

Directions: 【Sachet bean flower roll】

1. Start and Face:

Prepare 200 grams of wheat flour, add 3 grams of yeast, 10 grams of sugar, promote yeast fermentation, use water and noodles, add a small amount of noodles many times, knead the dough together, knead into a smooth dough, cover with a plate, and ferment at room temperature for 1 hour.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Steam the red beans:

Prepare half a bowl of red beans, which have been soaked soft in advance, poured into the steamer basket, after steaming, start steaming for 15 minutes, take out the red beans after steaming, pour them into the basin to cool, put a spoonful of sugar after cooling, stir evenly and set aside.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Start making:

After the dough is fermented, sprinkle flour on the board, take the dough out and knead it for a while to exhaust, roll the dough into long strips, divide it into 6-8 dough seeds, knead the dough into rounds, and cover it with a fine cloth to avoid the surface from drying out by the wind.

Flatten the round dough blank, roll out into a round dough, dig in the right amount of red bean paste on the dough, and tighten the opening like a bun.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

Put it on the board and roll it into the shape of a cow's tongue, turn it over and brush it with a little water to increase the stickiness, and then roll it up from one end, and the raw blank of the red bean roll will be ready.

Cover it with a muslin cloth and ferment it again for 10 minutes, steaming it out more fluffy and soft.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

4. Start steaming:

Boil water in the pot, after the water boils, put the fermented red bean rolls into the steamer, cover the pot and steam for 15 minutes.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for another 2 minutes, scatter a heat to avoid the flower rolls from suddenly collapsing in the cold, and a simple and delicious red bean flower roll will be ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Carrots

Directions: 【Carrot fried vermicelli】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare a handful of sweet potato flour and blanch it in boiling water.

Prepare a few carrots, cut into strips, and then cut some red pepper rings and millet pepper rings for later.

Put the soft noodles over the cold water, keep the tendons to prevent sticking, and then fish out and cut into sections and put them in the pot, pour in some vegetable oil and soy sauce and mix well, so that the noodles will not stick, and the color is even.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Start cooking:

Burn oil in the pot, add a piece of pork to increase the flavor, fry the lard, pour in the shallots and ginger slices to fry the incense, add two star anise to increase the flavor, pour in the green and red pepper rings, fry the heat a little bigger, fry for a while, fry the aroma and spicy flavor, put the carrots into the middle of the fire and stir-fry, let the carrots eat all the oil, so that there will be no sweet taste when eating, until the skin is slightly soft, add the right amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, thirteen spices, soy sauce seasoning.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

Turn the heat to stir-fry the seasonings, pour a spoonful of water, pour in the vermicelli, cover the pot lid and simmer for 2-3 minutes, let the vermicelli and carrots fully taste, do not dry all the soup, because the vermicelli will continue to suck the juice after the noodles come out of the pot, leave a little soup looks oily and not easy to stick, and finally pour in the bright oil to brighten the color, after turning well, you can get out of the pot, a simple home-style carrot fried vermicelli is ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

3. Tomatoes

Directions: 【Scrambled eggs with tomatoes】

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare two tomatoes, wash them and cut into small pieces.

Beat 4 eggs into the bowl, add a spoonful of salt into the low taste, pour in a little white vinegar, drizzle with a little water starch, add white vinegar and water starch to make the taste of the eggs more smooth and tender, use chopsticks to quickly break up and set aside.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

2. Start cooking:

Burn the oil in the pot, fully slide the pot after pouring out hot oil to add cool oil, pour the egg liquid into the pot, use a spoon to slip and scatter to make it evenly heated, after the egg liquid is all set, and then stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot, the temperature when scrambling eggs is not too high, it is easy to fry the eggs old.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put in the tomato and stir-fry a few times, add 1 gram of salt, turn on the high heat to stir-fry the tomato red juice, pour in the scrambled eggs to quickly turn the pot evenly, let the eggs absorb the tomato juice into the flavor, and then sprinkle with green onions, drizzle with sesame oil, a sweet and sour tomato scrambled egg is ready.

Spring and summer alternate, remember to eat "4 yellow and 3 red", eat less 5 things, conform to the season, the body is healthier

Eat 5 less

After the valley rains the weather warms, it is easy to cause liver wood exuberance, spleen weakness, in the diet should reduce the intake of high protein, high calorie, high stimulation, high salt, high fat these 5 types of food intake, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness, to ensure adequate sleep, so that there is a healthy and healthy body, to meet the summer.

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