
Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

author:Microdull observation

According to CCTV news reports, recently, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said that the Russian military shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane near Odessa. The transport plane was carrying a large number of weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

Since the situation in Russia and Ukraine spiraled out of control, Zelenskiy struggled to seek NATO assistance. But the United States took the lead in standing up and saying that it would not send troops to Ukraine. The United States has always been the leader of NATO, and Biden's decision is enough to represent the rest of NATO members. NATO's attitude disappointed Zelenskiy.

The origins of Ukraine and NATO

Over the years, Zelenskiy has constantly sought opportunities to join NATO, and the organization has promised to get it done as soon as possible, but in the end it was blocked by France and Germany, resulting in the delay in the implementation of the plan. Although he did not officially join NATO, in the eyes of the outside world, Zelenskiy's heart has long been integrated.

You know, Ukraine has always been a pawn used by the United States to balance Russia. Including inciting war, it is also one of the U.S. plans, because if there is a conflict, it will certainly cause a drain on Russia's military, material and financial resources. At the same time, the United States has taken advantage of the opportunity to unite allies to launch economic sanctions against Russia. As long as the war continues, the negative impact on Russia will not be interrupted, and the United States naturally does not want to see the day of a ceasefire.

Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

In order to appease Zelenskiy, NATO members have sent a large number of weapons to Ukraine as support. On the surface, it seems to be a help to allies, but in fact, it is selfish. In the face of the Arch fire of the West, Putin has long warned that the weapons of the United States and NATO will be destroyed by russia when they enter Ukraine. Now it seems that Putin has indeed done what he says. It is also a wake-up call to Zelenskiy, and Putin's warnings could become a reality at any time. In this conflict, there is no NATO troops, and Ukraine is clearly not an opponent of the Russian army. Now in front of Zelenskiy, only soft clothes.

Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

Zelenskiy was obsessed

I thought that Zelenskiy would recognize the situation, but I did not think that he was still obsessed with the Bucha incident, which he directed and acted by himself. At first, the Ukrainian side released pictures and videos showing several civilian bodies lying on the streets of Bucha. The Ukrainian side insisted that the Russian military had committed it, and issued a condemnation, calling on the international community to jointly hold Russia accountable. As soon as the news came out, it aroused great concern in the international community.

The Russian Ministry of Defense responded at the first time that during the activities of the Russian army in Ukraine, the locals were free to move. In addition, the Russian side also accused this of being a fake report produced by Ukraine.

Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

The Russian side submitted a request to the United Nations to investigate this matter, but it was rejected by the British presidency. It can be seen that this matter is not as simple as imagined, and in the words of the Russian side, it is another provocation by Ukraine to Russia. As one of the members of NATO, the United Kingdom will naturally favor Ukraine and is reluctant to investigate.

After experiencing this incident, the outside world is full of doubts about Zelenskiy, which is undoubtedly a fire, and there is no unhelpful cooling of the situation. Did Zelenskiy still fail to see NATO's selfish and hypocritical face? Would you rather continue to be used?

Putin did exactly what he said, and Russia shot down a Western transport plane, carrying a large number of military reinforcements

It is reported that at present, Europe and Canada have plans to retreat. Europe, unable to resist the energy crisis, had to buy rubles at Putin's request in preparation for future imports of Russian energy. This move can have a certain role in promoting de-dollarization and can also ease the pressure of Russian sanctions. Although Canada is friendly with the United States, it chooses not to expel Russian diplomats for its own benefit. It can be seen from this that US hegemonism has long ceased to apply to the present.