
Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

Ah, Hutou Mountain. Big Pine Tree. White Tiger Mountain

With sea instructor

Author: Li Hansheng

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

When many new recruits enlisted, they knew that the division headquarters was in Kunming, where the four seasons were like spring. Secret joy in my heart. When I arrived at Xuanwei Hutou Mountain, my heart was cold! Some say, 'Cheated!' ’...... Really think about it, people don't say anything nonsense, the division headquarters, it's in Kunming.

To be honest, I don't have much loss, nor do I feel that I can't stand it; it's not that I have a high level of consciousness, but when I joined the army, I had already been warned by friends, "The railway soldiers specially go to poor mountains and bad waters to build roads, and it is bitter!" Can you boy stand it? ”

I also painted a "Diagram of the Eagle" with the inscription 'Poem': "Moqua Mountain rises above the clouds, and soars with wings and heroes." Straight up to the top of a thousand mountains, and want to soar into the sky! ' As a farewell commemoration. Once you've made up your mind, can you still fight back? Man, with determination, you can be stable. As the saying goes: there is only the blessing that cannot be enjoyed, and there is no suffering that cannot be eaten!

After three months of training, I finally carried it. In my heart, I am still satisfied with myself. However, the chiefs and comrades-in-arms who have just become familiar with them will have to be separated again, and in their hearts, they really do not want to give up. Besides, I was assigned to the Hero Company. Glory is glory; can I bear it? Look at the other comrades who have been separated together, ahhh, good guys, most of them are all tall, tall, thick waist, very spirited. Standing behind them, I, couldn't resist looking up wow.

"The last comrade, please straighten your waist and carry your own gun!" I looked at him timidly, wow, very tall, at least one meter seven eight. The voice is still so thick.

"My name is Hai Yunsheng. Mongolian. Be your instructor. "His face is dark and red, and his eyes are small, but bright.

"Listen to my command: Stand straight, look to the right, look forward, count." ......

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲ Ascended hero Yang Liandi

"Okay. It seems that the comrades have achieved good results in the new training and are qualified. Our number is: Twenty-first Detachment. Please note that Yang Liandilian, that is what others call us. According to the internal regulations of our company, we should neither call yanglian the first company, nor one division, one regiment, one battalion, and one company. Remember? ”

We shouted in unison, "Remember, live, la!" ”

"Okay. The destination of our trip: the big pine tree. ”

Ah, the big pine tree. What a poetic name. First of all, 'Hutou Mountain' gave us a "lower Horse"; now the "big pine tree" gives us a beautiful yearning...

"I tell the comrades that as a member of our company, this responsibility is very great! Whether it is in the military, or in railway construction, or in other aspects, we even have to rush to the head. Never plaster the Hero Banner! Can only add glory to it forever! For example, at the moment, some companies take new comrades to the old company, which requires a car; and we, because the distance is not too far, we have to go on foot. Comrades, you say, is it okay? ”

"Good value for money!!! Our answers satisfied him.

"Passing by the battalion headquarters in a moment, the battalion commander wants to see us." In order to show respect, we still have to take the right steps. Although the road is uneven. Comrades, agree? ”

"One-in-one, one-in-one"

"Good! Let's go! ”

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲ In 1963, yunnan Xuanwei big pine tree, I company camp area to take a photo. Author Li Hansheng (middle)

So we followed him neatly and mightily toward the big pine tree. Along the way, he shouted passwords one by one, one by one, and from time to time he made a sound for everyone to sing military songs. It doesn't feel tired, but it also gives us a boost of spirit.

A bag hangs obliquely on his left shoulder, a water bottle hanging obliquely on his right shoulder, a backpack on his back, and a gun on his shoulder. But don't you say, I don't know, even I don't feel that I can't stand it at all. All the time, still quite spirited! No wonder the old saying always says: the well water that can't be dried up makes the strength that can't be exhausted.

The more people are reluctant to work hard, the lazier and less energetic they become. Moreover, the instructors and the old comrades who walked in front of us were older than us, and they had just arrived from the construction site.

Suddenly, I felt that their heroic majesty, like a large pine tree, stood before our eyes. I secretly thought, try hard, don't be a breeder!

During the break, the sea instructor performed Mongolian songs and dances for everyone. This makes us understand that he was also a member of the First Division's Cultural and Labor Corps. He also introduced in passing these old comrades who came to pick us up, which one was the Cloth Tribe, which one was the Servant Tribe, and so on... At the same time, he knew the ethnic component of our recruits.

I also asked two Hui comrades from the Kunming Institute of Technology: "Are you all afraid of meat and fish?" "As a result, one said yes and one said no." Well, I remember. ”

When he saw me laughing foolishly, he held out his right hand, grabbed my left hand, and looked at it with the back of his hand. Say, "How tall are you?" Weight, geometry huh? "I answered them one by one." Well, try to add food! ”......

His boldness, clarity, enthusiasm, delicacy, and strictness made me forget the displeasure of being drunk at the beginning. Secretly determined, let him fight, into iron, into steel will be hopeful.

Not long after continuing on the road, it was time to pass through the battalion headquarters. On a high mountain bag stood two rows of people. The first couple, both at the same height as our instructors, were watching us from afar. After walking closer, the instructor shouted, "Stand up for sure." "Run forward, give them uprightness, salute, report. The battalion commander said in a loud voice, "Go ahead and march." ”

The instructor raised his voice and shouted, "Step by step!" Immediately, we all walked like the soldiers on parade, taking a neat step, turning our heads in unison, and walking over with great vigor and vigor.

The officers and men of the battalion headquarters immediately applauded us loudly. ...... Turning a corner, the instructor made a loud sound: "Forward, forward, forward", "Sing!" "We immediately sang loudly, with a sonorous rhythm, a neat pace and an uplifting mood. After a while, the mountain road was finished.

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲ New to Mimarone

In the distance, I have seen an orientation arch made of bamboo poles, tied with pine and green branches, and decorated with colorful paper flowers. The instructor laughed loudly again, pointed, and said to us happily, "Look, that's the big pine camp in our company." ”

At the same time, the other side, as if it had seen our team, immediately sounded a welcome gong and drum. ...... So that our pace, suddenly changed into a pressed percussion sound, like a song and dance, a different kind of fun free cheerful funny nameless state of novel pace, fast and free to travel...

Ah, big pine trees, our "home"! My heart, as soon as I took off, I suddenly burst into a burst of inexplicable warmth and inexplicable excitement.

Hey! It was strange that after walking such a long way, I didn't feel tired; although my head was already sweating hot.

Two years passed in a hurry, and our HaiYunsheng instructor, who had quickly become the instructor of a regiment of five battalions. (At that time, the instructor of the first company was already Comrade Sun Zhijian.) )

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲Construction site agitation group

At this time, our company of five singing groups had just returned from beijing after participating in the general political department's rehearsal activities, and our leader, Chief Wang Naibin, was personally leading them to the grass-roots level of all units of the division to make a report and condolence performance.

On this day, it was to go to the front line of the famous White Tiger Mountain Tunnel Battle, which was the most difficult to gnaw at that time.

Shortly after arriving there, The Wang team took a look at the opportunity and said to us individually: "Captain Wu Fa'an, Han Sheng, after the evening performance, let's take a moment to see the old instructor." I heard he was sick. ”

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲A page of historical materials published in the military books during the General Political Survey in February 1965

Now, that meeting was the last meeting I had with the sea instructor. ...... Really, this is the world, the fate of life, can not control themselves.

About ten years ago, because the commander of a company of Lu Jixiu was on the phone, he specifically told me the telephone number of the elderly sea instructor who had been recuperating at the Xiangyang Dry Rest Center at that time, and I also spoke with him and talked for a long time. His body, his mood, are very good; his family is also happy and happy...

For me, the actual little "weak soldier" he personally led back to the company, he still cared very carefully and asked me a lot about it...

We had a great conversation. Not as good as yesterday. ......

Life is really rare, from the military to the ground, decades later, there is still a comfortable exchange Oh!

It can be said that the special intimate relationship between our two lives is really not shallow! ......

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲The Chengkun Railway Mimalong Bridge, which was built by YanglianDilian, is 70 meters high

However, looking back now, fifty-five years ago, our Night Meeting at White Tiger Mountain was the most memorable! To make a not quite appropriate analogy, at that time, he really seemed to have a little bit of a look, as if he was singing the famous Jingkun drama "Overlord Farewell".

First of all, the appearance is slightly similar to three points: the beard is forked, the hair is long and messy, the face is gray and dirty, and it is draped in the coat that is no longer very green, but black and gray, and it is hung in several places, and the old army coat is worn. Seated:

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

"Wang Da screenwriter, you see the smile, I commanded one by one, and lost the battle!" ...... alas! hi! It's been taken down! ...... How can I serve it?! ...... However, one by one, I had to obey! ...... If you have said it first, you can't complete the number of tasks that you set, regardless of the reason, you must be taken down! None of them will be given a second chance! ......

Fortunately, it is no longer in the company, but I have been in the company again! Who doesn't know to murmur?! ...... hi! I still gave the hero company a final ashes again! Saying, in front of us, the voice was already a little choked...

Captain Wu hurriedly stood up and helped him. Changing the subject, he forked and asked:

"Old chief, you see, this time we changed the reserved program created by the company's original control group from the poem recitation "Heroes Encourage Us to Advance", first changed to the counterpart Allegro "Ascend", and then changed to this group of spoken words "Ascending Heroes FollowEd by Someone"; the performance, only four people, convenient to design the picture, but also let Han Sheng finish the pre-curtain words, so as to prepare his long Shandong Fast Book... What do you think? ......

In Beijing, it is still a program that we value and welcome..."

"With Wang, the great screenwriter of our First Division's Literary and Labor Troupe, personally working on the knife, will it still be wrong?" ...... I just looked at it, the body, I felt some discomfort, so I had to tell the battalion commander for leave, to leave... Please don't have any ideas! ...... Some time ago, various newspapers in Beijing read reports about our singing group, and I was also very encouraged! ...... You add luster to the company! ...... hey! What a sight to behold! ......”

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲A page of historical materials published in the military books during the General Political Survey in February 1965

"Old Sea Fellow, didn't you often say earlier, 'Winning and losing is a common affair of soldiers'?' ...... You are a Mongolian iron man who can never be defeated! ...... This time, you even sang the group, the combination of new and old, very successful. The task was also excellent. You, the former instructor, are indispensable! ...... The division party committee also specially awarded five of them a 'collective third-class merit'. This is the first time in our division! ...... Haha, I also followed the light! ......”

Speaking of 'dipping light', at that time I happened to see the ink behind the old chief behind the incandescent light, and the ink was very new. Lou Shanguan, anxiously, couldn't help but ask him:

"Instructor, no, instructor, please, who wrote this?" I reached out and pointed to it.

"Our battalion clerks. You see, his calligraphy skills are OK?! ......”

"It's really nice! In particular, the two fourteen words of 'Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now he steps forward from the beginning' are very imposing, especially brilliant! ...... What do you see? ......”

▲Activities and tasks of the company in various periods

At this time, his expression changed sharply, he was unusually excited, and replied with a smile: "Is it really 'the hero sees a little bit the same' Huh?" You see it that way too?! ...... Now, do you still have time, and will you still have to write and draw? Don't lose a craft! ......

This is the day before yesterday, I asked him to write it for me. You're also an expert! ...... However, you, who studied Chinese painting and poetry before enlisting in the army, you also wrote not bad miles. For example, the one you published in our company's blackboard newspaper:

'The mountains are my determination, and the winds and rains do not move in the slightest.'

The rivers are my drive, gushing and rushing forward forever.

Willow is my temperament, lush and growing everywhere.

Sunflower is my heart, love and hate forever to the light. ’

No, I can still remember it all right now. Never let up and never give up! This is the temperament that our company of soldiers should always maintain! ”

By the time we had said goodbye to each other at the end of our nighttime conversation at White Tiger Mountain, you must have imagined it, but of course it had changed into another new emotion and scene.

However, I will not hide from you that I was very impressed by him coming to Hutou Mountain to pick us up at the Big Pine Tree, and suddenly I met this second night meeting at White Tiger Mountain! ......

As a result, I will never forget it again! It gave me a more complete and comprehensive sense of victory or defeat in life; so that to this day, I still have the urge to make such a memory.

Ah, Hutou Mountain... Big pine trees... White Tiger Mountain... With sea instructor

▲ In 1965, the comrades of Yang Liandi Company took a group photo at the construction site of the Mimalong Bridge of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway in Yunnan Province.

Editor: Yan Jingping