
What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

author:Don Sir rides a horse to explore the world

The article is original for Tang Sir riding to explore the world, the copyright belongs to the author, welcome to share and reprint.

Introduction: Don't care about the lights and wine, don't care about success or failure, just miss the places you have passed, and bring yourself unforgettable memories.

In the northeast, there is nothing that a bath cannot solve, if there is, then arrange another bath service, it is perfect. However, the happiness of the Northeast Bathhouse is difficult for southerners to understand, after all, in their eyes, a large group of people soaking in a large bathhouse, sincerely opposite, wouldn't they feel a little embarrassed? In particular, the so-called scrubbing feels like a piece of meat on a felt board, which can only be slaughtered. Maybe this is the difference caused by the difference in regional culture!

However, there is a saying that after experiencing the northeast bath, that kind of relaxation is a cool word! However, bathing is not a specialty of Tohoku, and in Japan, which is only one sea away from the mainland, it also has a unique bathing culture - soapland (also known as bubble bath). Even compared to to-hoku bathing, Japanese bubble baths are more widely known in terms of fame. So what is the difference between bubble baths in Japan and what services are hidden in them? Don't worry, let's explore it together in this issue!

What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise
What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

Friends who have watched Japanese dramas or Japanese cartoons must have seen such scenes. The hero who has been tired for a day, the first thing he does when he returns home is to open a can of beer, take a comfortable sip, and then go to the bathroom for a comfortable bath. Not only that, on their days off, they also like to take their families to the famous bathhouses in the surrounding area. After all, the reputation of Japanese hot springs can be said to be well-known all over the world. You can imagine how important it is for japanese people.

But don't be influenced by those gossip, what is in Japan bathing is a male and female bath. This custom does exist in Japan, but with the development of the times, it is difficult to see it now. Only in those remote mountain villages far from the city, you may still be able to see it! And most of them are mainly some elderly people, young people? It doesn't exist, what good thing do you want to do! However, the co-bathing of men and women is basically invisible, but the Japanese who can play will also play a new trick of bathing, such as the top of the bathing world - bubble bath.

What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise
What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

In fact, the bubble bath is not the first in Japan, but originated from Turkey, and its predecessor is called Turkish bath. The history of the Turkish bath is long, the original Turkish bath originated from the public baths established by the Romans, after the Turkish army captured Constantinople, the Turks inherited the special culture of the Romans who made friends through bathing. Subsequently, they also made certain improvements, adding the service industry of "bubble bather" to it, making it a unique "Turkish bath". Until later, the Japanese moved the Turkish bath to the country and incorporated the cultural elements of the Thai bath into it, reinterpreting the Turkish bath in a new way.

However, this practice in Japan is unpleasant to the Turks, who believe that they have insulted the sacred Turkish bathing culture. In 1984, Turkey even lodged a serious protest, demanding that the Japanese side should not use the term Turkish bath. Therefore, after soliciting the opinions of all parties, the Tokyo Metropolitan Special Bath Association officially renamed the Turkish bath as bubble bath, and this title has been used to this day, and has shined around the world, attracting countless people's curiosity to experience the legendary bubble bath.

What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise
What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

In fact, the origin of the name bubble bath is derived from the English "soapland", which literally means "soap heaven", which represents the place where bathing. However, unlike other bathing places, the ordinary bathhouse, the store will only charge you "bathing material", that is, the cost of bathing. This fee is actually not high, about 100 yuan, but there is no other service except for the bath, which is boring. But if you are willing to add money, then everything is different, and baths, massages, teas, and snacks can be said to be all available.

Of course, if you have a familiar master and want to designate a master to serve you specifically, in addition to "bath material" and "service fee", you also need to pay a "name material". Some stores, because they are afraid of trouble and disputes, will directly add up all the costs and name them "total amount system". In this way, you only need to pay a one-time fee to enjoy the intimate service of these technicians, and the total cost is about 2,000 yuan. I have to say that the cost of taking a bubble bath in Japan is really not small! However, people who have experienced it are basically full of praise, and rarely hear of bad reviews, after all, the professionalism of the Japanese service industry is absolutely unspeakable.

What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise
What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

Of course, some friends say that Japan's bubble baths do not seem to accept foreigners, and are only open to locals. In this regard, I can only say that you have not found the right place, after all, who does not want to earn money! Of course, there are definitely restrictions, and the key is whether you can find the right place. Would you like to experience a Bubble Bath in Japan if you have the chance? Welcome to leave a comment. #日本 #

Final conclusion

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What are the services of soapland, the top of the Japanese bathing industry? People who have tried it are full of praise

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