
Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

author:Sheng Shi Yongchang

Under the Qilian Mountains, the Hexi Corridor, Shihe Nian, the rich side. The G30 even snaked through the jade dragon of the Huo Artery, pulling the economic prosperity of the east and west, and also bringing the folk customs of the north and the south. Li Jing is set like a gemstone, multiplying and living for thousands of years, and the treasures of heaven and earth are brilliant.

The Li Jing Brigade is a traffic policeman.

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

Time back to December 2002, the G30 Yongchang road section was completed and opened to traffic, in response to the needs of highway management, the Gansu Provincial Public Security Department Traffic Police Corps Expressway Detachment Li Jing Brigade was established, 7 local elite police force was drawn, and the initial high-speed traffic police team was built. By 2011, all the high-speed branches in the province have been completed, and the traffic police corps has built 4 new detachments, and the Li Jing brigade is subordinate to the second detachment. In April 2017, the whole system of the Lijing Brigade under the system reform was transferred to the management of the traffic police detachment of the Jinchang City Public Security Bureau, and the personnel were expanded, the equipment was stacked, the hardships and struggles, the bravery and tenacity, the new journey, the fine tradition has been inherited to this day.

In the late spring of March 2022, the grass is looking forward and the willows are pan-new. It coincided with the leadership of the research, invited to write an article, heard and heard, fortunately even ya.

The Lijing Expressway Brigade Office Building, 40 kilometers from Jinchang City, is located on the outskirts of Nanguan, Yongchang County, 1.7 kilometers away. The spring wind has not yet reached, and the snow is like winter. Neat courtyards, simple small buildings, epidemic prevention facilities are complete, and public security signs are clear. The brigade has three teams and one room: accident handling squadron, order inspection squadron, propaganda squadron, and integrated housekeeping room. The spirit of the indoor people, the neatness of things, the orderly entry and exit of the staff in the office hall, the monitoring of the road conditions of the command center are in full view, and the medals and pennants on the honor wall are amazing. Leaders care for fists and fists, Yin Yin entrusts, dispels the chill, and stimulates the fighting spirit.

14 civilian police officers, 24 auxiliary police officers, the average age of 30.2 years. The captain of the brigade, Cao Yongxi, was pragmatic and enterprising; instructor Zhang Yongqian joined the work in 2004 and successively went to the Huazang Temple Brigade, the Xiongguan Brigade, and the Liuyuan Brigade, and since February 2014, he has worked hard for more than eight years and is still fighting on the front line of the road. Wang Jianpeng, the leader of the comprehensive internal support room, has a gentle and introverted personality, thinks about everything in detail, and exudes a literati temperament in his demeanor and conversation. Chen Dong, the commander of the propaganda squadron, Mao Yu, the captain of the accident squadron, and Liu Sangang, the captain of the order squadron, are all the backbone of the brigade's business and the mainstay. Yao Dongmei, a female police officer in the internal staff, is warm and cheerful. More young people and auxiliary police officers are working conscientiously at their respective posts, serving the masses patiently and meticulously, behaving in a courteous manner, and having a very good impression when they meet for the first time.

Lunch was briefly eaten in the small canteen, and after a short rest, they rushed to the field—their seventy-seven point eight.

Seventy-seven.8 is a number, a distance, a ride along the way, and their jurisdiction.

Li Jing Brigade is located in Yongchang County, jurisdiction of the Lianhuo Expressway 1996.3527km to 2072.776km section, with a total of 77.8233km of ramps, east and Yangqi Brigade, west and Embroidery Temple Brigade, along the way through Yongchang County Liuba Township, Dongzhai Town, Chengguan Town, Jiaojiazhuang Township, Hongshan Yao Township, there are two schools along the line.

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

It was past noon, the sun shone through the mist, illuminating the earth as bright as new, the snow on the top of the mountain in the distance was dazzling, the livestock on the reckless meadows in the near distance were leisurely, and a warm wind blew through, conveying the message of spring to the world.

The Gan C6018 police car spun back into the G30 through the Yongchang South Toll Station and headed in the direction of the Embroidery Temple. Zhang Yongqian instructor, Wang Jianpeng group leader, and Chen Dong squadron leader accompanied.

All the way to the west.

For ordinary people, this is probably just a journey, or with the comfort of travel, or with the urgency of returning home. And for them, the high-speed traffic police of the Li Jing Brigade, on this road, it is equivalent to embarking on a journey of duty and mission.

This seventy-seven point eight, which is not long and not short, is the responsibility field they have worked hard to cultivate, the peace of the jurisdiction guarded by youth, blood and even life, and the cradle carrying glory and dreams.

Police cars at a speed of 100 miles, there is no scenery on both sides, there is no scenery in front, the same direction over some large trucks, but also by some cars, the opposite lane one after another of various colors and models of various models, the river is endless, the eyes are overwhelmed.

"How many cars are there every day here?"

Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart. Without a reserve of professional vocabulary, I can only ask with the eyes of ordinary people.

Group Leader Wang thought about it a little and replied: "The traffic on the highway is also divided into seasons and years, for example, now in March it belongs to the normal traffic flow, and after April, the weather is hot, and there are more tourist cars." From July and August until November, there are many large trucks transporting melons, fruits and cotton from Xinjiang to the interior, and the "May Day", "Eleventh" Golden Week and "Spring Festival" period is the peak period of traffic flow. In 2021, the average daily traffic flow of 20,000 vehicles in both directions, in 2020 to help resume work and production, the traffic flow of up to 35,000 vehicles per day in both directions. ”

"When there are many cars, it is also our busiest time, and the car check is often a morning, an afternoon, and the water cannot be drunk." Sometimes there are continuous police situations, and the comrades who are out of the police cannot get off the road from morning to night for a day. ”

My thoughts flew to the distance, and I switched out one picture after another like a montage movie: in the spring, it was warm and cold, the west wind was cold, and they were wind and dust servants shuttling through cars, large buses, tourist chartered cars, dangerous chemical cars, large trucks, bread workshops, checking cars and checking documents, and also doing a good job of epidemic prevention and control and safety tips; in summer, whether the sun was scorching sun or heavy rain pouring down, they could not care about themselves, full of people and held their positions; in autumn, the northern geese flew south, they were endless, In order to protect peace, they gave up their family reunions again and again; in winter, the cold wind was biting and the snow was white, and they stood as snowmen in the dim light, and erected monuments...

At that time, this part of the hard work stimulated my nervous system so clearly, and I never felt empathy before.

Passing through 2026km, the police terminal of the leader of the Wang group made a ding-dong sound. Based on my confusion, he popularized some common sense, which turned out to be a traffic integration command platform to issue an early warning and warn illegal vehicles passing through the bayonet. The images recorded by such bayonets are very clear, which can not only capture all kinds of traffic violations, but also play a huge role in synthetic operations, inspection and control, and assistance in investigating and solving cases.

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

When I reached one place, I saw a red light flickering in the distance, and a cone barrel was circled around one side of the construction section. The police car pulled on the right and we got down. The local highway maintenance department repairs the bridge deck, and the brigade also needs to follow up and inspect the on-site protection situation, which is part of traffic prevention. Instructor Zhang came forward to check, carefully inquired about the number of signal lights, night indications, fatigue driving reminders, cone barrel distance, mentioned the amount of fixed sandbags, and put forward suggestions for improvement in some details.

Follow the signs and continue. The view gradually opened up in front of me, and a plain came into view, with good fields and villages, and herds of cattle and sheep. The 2058km to 2059km section passes through the villagers' residential area of Shuiquanzi Village in Hongshan Yao Township, which belongs to the "dangerous road section" of the jurisdiction, and the traffic safety education of the surrounding villagers has become the top priority of the work, and the propaganda squadron regularly visits and talks from time to time, carries out various publicity activities and warning education activities, and enhances the villagers' awareness of highway traffic safety and prevention. Occasionally, when cattle and sheep get lost on the road, they will immediately transform into cattle and sheep, and the video of assisting in driving cattle and sheep has become popular on the Internet - traffic police uncles can also be very cute!

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

Go to 2052km into the long downhill section of the Embroidery Temple. This section of the road is narrow, belonging to the canyon area between the two mountains, through the car glass to see the sky is dark, the ground is foggy, the temperature is getting colder with the uphill road, compared to the slope is the winter and spring two days. Listen to the leader of the Wang group introduced that the climate here is changeable, the temperature difference between day and night is large, 8 months of the year is snowy days, it is very easy to overload, speeding vehicle overturning, rear-end collision accidents, belongs to the jurisdiction of the accident "multiple road section".

At this point, he looked solemn. Perhaps this section of the road is indeed a heavy responsibility for them; or perhaps it is a long way of recording too many of their memories.

Walking to the highest point of the slope, we got off the bus and felt the thin air at an altitude of 2596m and the wind of six or seven levels.

The wind swept through the face like a knife, and the big cars whizzed by, showing their own size and hardness, bringing a swirling wind that confused people's eyes, and people were like a leaf, which seemed to be rolled up at any time.

I took a deep breath and it was cold.

Working here day after day, year after year, they have the majesty of law enforcement, but also the mud and the wretchedness of the police hat snatched away by the fierce wind, and at the same time, there is always danger.

Squadron Leader Chen Dong said that although he is engaged in propaganda, the brigade has heavy tasks, the personnel are tense, and there is no strict division of labor among various departments. Then, I told a story: one cold winter snowy night, a traffic accident occurred on the slope, he and two comrades came to the scene to investigate, is in the process of arrangement, facing a semi-trailer truck out of control straight towards them, they did not have time to stop and dodge, jumped out of the fence and rolled downhill, he shouted the name of his colleague at the moment of landing, after a while he would find one in the dark, but could not find the other... In the middle of the night, they ran in the snow and shouted in search of their colleagues...

The colleague was eventually found, but also injured.

Such a thrilling plot is by no means a fictional movie scene, but a real thing that happened to them, and almost every one of them has had such a dangerous experience.

And the sacrifice, which was so close to them, really happened on the other side of the slope, and the young traffic policeman, twenty-seven or eight years old, just disappeared into the traffic.

According to statistics, in the past 10 years, for fairness and justice, for the travel safety of hundreds of millions of people, nearly 700 traffic police auxiliary police officers across the country have sacrificed their jobs.

I have a jug of wine, enough to soothe the wind and dust.

A thousand cups of unquenchable drinking, a thousand cups of bitterness sinking.

Buried bones thick land, liver and gallbladder two Kunlun.

Hard and hard work, glory and splendor

After making a U-turn at the Toll Booth at Feng Castle at 2072+0.776km, we embarked on the return journey.

To the east, another seventy-seven point eight.

Usually, a police dispatch is 150 kilometers straight up and down, coupled with the joint logistics linkage task of the traffic police corps of the Provincial Public Security Department at night, they drive more than 300 kilometers a day rain or shine. In the snowy days, the traffic jam, the police car can not move, they can only rely on walking, trekking on both ends of the tens of meters of the dragon, one knocking on the door, one by one to guide. Sometimes there are consecutive accidents, they deal with one scene and then go straight to the next scene, often at the end of 7, 8 or even more than ten hours of on-site disposal, come back to see a room full of people looking forward to finishing things as soon as possible to go home, they are stretched with bloodshot eyes, pulling a dry voice to continue to work. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, they took the initiative to ask for help, went up against the current, and insisted day and night, building a solid safety barrier for the safety and health of the people in the city...

On this not long and not short seventy-seven point eight, day and night, how many heart-warming stories were deduced: some vehicles ran out of oil halfway, they gave oil; some vehicle engines froze, they took the baking lamp to burn; some vehicle goods were lost, they helped to find; some of the people with the car stayed for a long time, they delivered water and food, settled in thoroughly; and the most beautiful female police turned into a temporary mother to rescue the trapped children and was praised by tens of thousands of people. They left the warmth of spring to the passers-by, and practiced the brightest business card of the Jinchang high-speed traffic police.

It is precisely because of their persistence and dedication that in the past three years, there have been no road traffic accidents above the large number of road accidents in the road sections of the jurisdiction, and the number of accidents, the number of deaths, the number of injuries, and the number of direct property losses have decreased comprehensively. In particular, in 2021, the four indexes of traffic accidents have dropped by 81.82%, 75%, 90.91%, and 89.28% respectively, creating an orderly, safe and smooth road traffic environment for the people to travel.

And this seventy-seven point eight, which has carried a lot of hardships and hardships, has also created their glory and glory: since 2004, the brigade has received 36 commendations at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and on November 23, 2021, it was praised by the Ministry of Public Security as "100 Traffic Police Brigades with Outstanding Achievements in Public Security Organs Across the Country". The number of pennants sent by the masses is even more numerous. Almost all the team members have been awarded meritorious service awards, of which 60% are third-class merit and above. Since the management of the subordinate areas, many leaders of the city have come to express their condolences many times and fully affirm and praise their work.

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

26 twenty-four hours

On the road, unconsciously, the night has quietly fallen, the sky is like a vault, the cage covers the four fields, and the distant city lights are sparsely visible.

Got off the highway and came to the team.

Snowflakes fluttered in the sky, mixed with raindrops. Destined to be another sleepless night tonight.

Squadron Leader Liu Sangang was already sitting in the duty room, neatly dressed, well-equipped, and ready to fight. Other staff members also arrived.

Such rainy and snowy days are the days when accidents are high, and they are also the busiest times, at such times, without any orders, they are consciously fully in place and always on standby.

I looked over their duty table, dense personnel arrangements, one three five seven, two four six, counted, each person averaged 13-14 duty (24 hours), 10 preparations (24 hours), so calculated down, each month completely belonged to their own time is only 4-5 days, and Liu Sangang Squadron Leader told me that this is just a theoretical arrangement, in actual work, in case of sudden emergencies, holiday traffic peak season and the end of the year and the beginning of the year when there is more snowfall, often even 4-5 days can not be guaranteed, The head of the brigade is even more non-stop all year round, often stationed for several months and unable to go home...

The eye sockets are instantly moistened.

The back of righteousness

After following them for a day, I didn't see a hint of sluggishness in their eyes, but there was something shining, I know, that's called faith. Perhaps because of the party's entrustment, perhaps it is the oath to defend themselves in the police, or perhaps it is for the smile of the people, where they always only have the loyalty to perform their duties and the mission.

The duty phone rang, there was a police situation, and Squadron Leader Liu Sangang went out with two comrades. Heavy snow was falling, they were dressed in small yellow clothes and drifted away, and the two big words "police" on their clothes were getting brighter and brighter.

Since they have chosen to go far away, all they can leave their families with is the back again and again. Stepping on these seventy-seven points and eight, they have no hesitation and bravely move forward.

All the years in the world are quiet, and someone is carrying the weight forward.

Regards, my traffic police brother.

Under the Qilian Mountain, they guarded the seventy-seven point eight

About the author: Lu Xiaoxing, a native of Yongchang, Gansu, works in the Longshou Branch of the Jinchang Municipal Public Security Bureau and loves to write police stories. He has published on various platforms and magazines. There are mainly many works such as "Police Day Testimonials", "Director Yang's Day with a Shift" and documentary literature "The Man Who Went Down the Well Wearing a Police Uniform".