
Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

author:Palm Beauty

According to the British "Mirror" reported on April 20, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not bring their children Archie and Lilybert with them when they participated in the "Unyielding Games" in the Netherlands. But for the couple, their two children were never far away from them, and they kept thinking about Archie and Lilybert. They revealed that the two children also gave their dad a cute name - Papa.

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

The couple revealed to the media some clips of Archie and Lilybert growing up, including expectations for Archie's future and even how they struggled to give him a good name when Archie was born.

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

Meghan may now be reunited with the children at her home in California. Harry is also participating in the Unyielding Games in the Netherlands, where he will return home over the weekend.

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

Harry and Meghan's extended family is very harmonious and warm, as can be seen from the names of Archie and Lilybet who call Harry. Harry's children didn't call him "Daddy," but "Papa." The designation can be seen on Harry and Meghan's 2021 Christmas card.

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

The card has a homely family photo and Harry and Meghan blessing people. In the card, the couple wrote: "This year, 2021, we welcome our daughter LilyBert into the world. Azi gives us the opportunity to be "Mama" and "Papa," and Lily makes our family stronger. ”

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

While it is not customary for some to use "Papa" instead of Dad, "Papa" is common in the royal family. Last year, Prince Charles called his father, Prince Philip, "Dear Papa" in a tribute. Harry himself saw Charles as "Pa"—an abbreviation for Papa.

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

At the same time, Harry also told the media at the "Unyielding Games" that he would always work hard to create a better world for his children. Live up to the children calling him "Papa".

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

"I think we bring our children into this world and we want to make them live well and create a great future for them."

Instead of calling father, Archie and Lilybet gave Harry a cute and sweet name

Harry and Meghan are very touched by Harry and Meghan's commitment to the future of their children, believing that they will be good parents. Maybe Harry faced a lot of suffering as a child, so let him be determined to be a good father.