
The good news is sent home, and the double embrace warms the heart

author:Defense Times

On April 19, 2022, the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Huizhou District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, together with the responsible persons and staff of the District People's Armed Forces Department, Qiankou Town, and Fengle Community, went to the homes of Hu Changkun and Zhang Hao to send third-class meritorious reports and condolences to the military dependents, bringing the concern and greetings of the party and the government.

The good news is sent home, and the double embrace warms the heart

At the scene of the event, the condolence group had a cordial conversation with the family members, expressed high respect for Hu Changkun and Zhang Hao, who had contributed to the country and the army, and the military merit medal condensed their hard work and sweat, and also contained the strong support and silent dedication of military dependents to the cause of national defense. I hope that in the future, we will continue to encourage the children to carry forward the fine work style in the army, strive to make new contributions, and add glory to their hometown.

The good news is sent home, and the double embrace warms the heart

"Thanks to the care of the party and the government for them," military families said one after another that in the future, they will continue to support national defense construction and encourage children to serve in the army with peace of mind, build military camps, and achieve good results.

The good news is sent home, and the double embrace warms the heart

Hu Changkun, a native of Qiankou Town, was admitted to the military academy in 2012 and is currently serving in a certain Tibetan unit of the Army. Zhang Hao, a native of Fengle Community, joined the army in 2007 and is currently serving in a certain unit of the Air Force Aviation Corps. In their respective positions, they studied diligently, trained hard, and achieved outstanding work results, all of which were awarded the third class merit once in 2021.

The good news is sent home, and the double embrace warms the heart

Since the implementation of the "Work Measures for Sending Good News to the Families of Meritorious ServiceMen Who Have Received Meritorious Service Awards," the district has conscientiously organized and implemented them, and has successively sent good news and condolence money to the families of 31 military personnel who have been honored with "third-class merit" and "four haves." While implementing various preferential care policies, it has also publicized and reported on the advanced deeds of the frontier through various new media, which has greatly enhanced the sense of happiness, honor and pride of active servicemen and their families, and encouraged more young people with lofty ideals to join the army and take root in the military camp to make meritorious achievements.

(Cao Bee, Hong Cheng, Qiu Zhiqiang)

Source: Defense Times

Edit: Qiu Bing

Editor: Xu Xiaojuan

Defense Times News Center [email protected]