
Big Data Group Chat, Ambari Group Chat Invitation

author:Big data practical exercises

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Big Data Group Chat, Ambari Group Chat Invitation

Hello everyone, I'm create17. It has been operating this public account for three and a half years, and has accumulated 150+ originals, which are well received by readers. During the period, I have written a lot of big data-related technical dry goods, including Elasticsearch, FastDFS, HBase, HDFS, HUE, Kafka, Kerberos, Kylin, Linux Shell, Solr, Spring boot, Yarn, Zookeeper, of course, the most is the Ambari series, the above technology stack articles can be clicked "Three Years, Public Account Original Good Article Summary" to view.

For readers and friends, I created a WeChat group called "Big Data Practical Exercise Exchange Group", which is mainly for the discussion of big data technology stacks. If you crave a big data community that is active, ad-free, and purely technical, then this is for you. Add my friend at the end of the article, note [big data into the group], I pull you into the group.

For the friends of the Ambari technology stack, there are many friends who add me, and they are suffering from not having a platform for mutual communication, so I joined forces with several Ambari head students to create the [Ambari Exclusive Technology Exchange Group], the effect is not bad, and sometimes I will answer questions in it. Ambari technology stack friends can join a wave, add my friends at the end of the article, note [Ambari into the group], I pull you into the group.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have been working on Ambari's Q&A service and have helped many of my friends solve Ambari problems. Two Ambari hands-on video courses were recorded, namely "Ambari Custom Service Integration Eighteen Lectures" and "Ambari Source Code Compilation and Front-end secondary Development Practice". The content of the practical course is all production-level operations, and it is all about the actual dry goods developed for Ambari for the second time in the enterprise, and the kind that can be learned and used now. You can click "Make Ambari No Longer Difficult to Learn, So That Everyone Can Master the Integration of Custom Services" and "Ambari Source Code Secondary Development Practical Course (Continuous Update)" to view the course details.

The above two practical courses correspond to the WeChat group chat, which are paid to register the course students, so the quality is quite high, the people who love to learn, love to study Ambari, people who are willing to put into action in order to study Ambari, even if it is paid ~ The content discussed in it is not limited to Ambari, but also Ambari, HDP ecology, Kerberos, Ranger, etc., everyone will exchange their ideas with each other, very positive, So it's easy to find like-minded people inside. Most of my energy is usually solving problems in the student group, and the quality of students' learning is guaranteed. Anyone who signs up for a video combat course, I will take the initiative to pull you into the corresponding WeChat group chat.

Take a look, there are currently three group chats, see which one you want to join? If you want to join, WeChat plus my friend: create17_, remember the note Oh ~

---------- END ----------

Past Hot Articles:

- Come and learn! The most comprehensive Ambari knowledge base on the whole network has appeared

- Abari and HDP-related source code addresses are summarized

- Make Ambari no longer difficult to learn and make sure you're proficient at integrating custom services

- Ambari Source Code Secondary Development Practical Course (continuously updated)

- After working so long, do you really ask questions?

One last word (please pay attention, don't prostitute me)

Sweep and our story begins.

In addition, the public account changed the push rules, everyone read the article do not forget to click the bottom of the look, like button, so that WeChat automatically recognized as a frequent public account, otherwise it is likely to push the article may be drowned in other articles can not be found, thank you.

Big Data Group Chat, Ambari Group Chat Invitation

Use your small hands to let more people who need to see ~

Big Data Group Chat, Ambari Group Chat Invitation