
Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!

author:Read Time Magazine

Time is the cure for everything.

Speaking, doing things, and treating people all need to be fermented by time.

The "3-minute rule" is a practice that ushers in a better self.

Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!

Talk and deliberate for 3 minutes

As the saying goes: "The depth of the water is slow, and the people are expensive and late." ”

The words that are spoken are like water spilled out, and they cannot be collected at all.

Speaking is an art, a sentence makes people laugh, a sentence makes people jump.

Some people, some words, without thinking about it, can easily say it.

Even if there is no malice, it is easy to hurt others and cause disaster to yourself.

The Langya Wang clan is one of the most prominent families in Chinese history.

There is a six-character family motto in the clan: "Words should be slow, and hearts should be kind." ”

Wang Ji, the ancestor of the Wang clan, is precisely because he abides by the first three words.

Only in the sinister official arena can we smoothly tide over various difficulties.

From a small official, he became an important minister of the imperial court.

Before speaking, be sure to filter through your head.

Think clearly about what kind of consequences will be caused to yourself and others when you say it.

I have to say, how to say, but also pay attention to the way and method:

You can say less, never more; you can speak slowly, never quickly; you can speak softly, never hard.

Shut up and you win.

Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!
Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!

Get angry and calm down for 3 minutes

In life, it is inevitable to encounter some unpleasant things.

Learn to control your emotions and don't let the anger rise.

When people are angry, it is easy to act impulsively.

At this time, what you say and do can only hurt others and hurt yourself.

Before Wang Yangming quelled the rebellion of King Ning, many veterans were not convinced by him.

He often gathered outside the barracks to insult and stir up trouble.

Wang Yangming sat firmly in the tent, unmoved.

He said:

"How can there be no biased emotions such as anger in the human heart?" And if the anger cannot be controlled, it will be excessive. ”

The best way to control anger is to soothe it.

Instead of regretting and hating things, it is better to calm yourself for three minutes and wait for the mood to ease before making a decision.

In the small daily things, deliberately temper yourself and learn to control emotions.

Over time, the problem will not be so extreme.

Learn to deal with it coldly, only to find that the things that originally did not make sense are not worth your anger at all.

Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!
Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!

In case of trouble, 3 minutes in advance

The Book of Rites says: "Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished." ”

Do anything, be sure to have a pre-amount.

Preparation in advance will lead to success, and failure without preparation will easily lead to failure.

Once you develop the habit of being late, you must end up losing money yourself.

When Zhang Liang was in Xia Pi, he met an old man who talked well.

The old man said to Zhang Liang, "In the morning after five days, you will come to see me on the bridge." ”

Zhang Liang rushed to the appointment on time after five days.

But he did not expect that the old man had come earlier than him and had been waiting for him for a long time.

The old man saw Zhang Liang and reprimanded:

"Agree with the elders, do you dare to be late?" Come see me early in five days! ”

After saying that, the old man left without looking back.

After another five days, as soon as Zhang Liang heard the chicken crowing, he hurried to the appointment.

This time, the old man saw that Zhang Liang had come so early and nodded with satisfaction.

Take out a book and give it to Zhang Liang, which is the famous "Taigong Art of War".

Zhang Liang carefully studied this book and finally achieved a career.

Three minutes in advance is a form of respect for others.

Make a good impression and let people see your sincerity.

Such a person, wherever he goes, will be welcomed.

Three minutes in advance of everything is also a kind of responsibility for oneself.

Set aside time for yourself to buffer and not be caught up in a hurry and lose everything.

Even if you encounter any unexpected situation, you can calmly deal with it.

Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!
Amazing "3 minute rule" that has changed countless people!

Treat people and introspect for 3 minutes

Lao Tzu said: "The journey of the great avenue is not responsible for people." ”

One of the weaknesses of human nature is the habit of looking outward with both eyes.

Always staring at other people's mistakes, but not seeing themselves.

The "New Language of the World" records that Zhou Fu was arrogant and unreasonable when he was young.

However, he advertised himself as a chivalrous man, determined to eliminate the "three harms" for the villagers.

The villagers told him that the first two evils were the evil tigers in the mountains and the dragons in the sea.

Everywhere around, he went up the mountain to shoot tigers and went down to the sea to kill jiao, and he didn't go home for three days.

The townspeople thought that Zhou had been executed and congratulated each other.

After hearing about it, he realized that he was the third evil that he was called the evil tiger and the dragon.

Since then, he has repented and rehabilitated, abandoned evil and followed good, and eventually became a generation of famous generals.

When you get along with people, learn to see the world with one eye and look at yourself with the other.

Being picky about others will only make you look very low.

When you have time to complain about others, it is better to do your best to change yourself.

Mencius said, "If you can't do anything, ask for yourself." ”

When encountering problems, we must first find the reasons from ourselves.

No prevarication, no evasion, every failure, is the time to grow.

Source: There are books

Author: Ru Fengjun

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