
Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

author:Anime quack-kun

With the development of the second dimension, many fans have joined the ranks of cosplay. Comic fans will be their favorite anime characters cos, has always been the Thai brother relying on low-cost cos, attracted the attention of comic fans. The recent Thai effect cosplay character of "Devil's Blade" can't help but feel "bright". The effect of this cos out makes people scream hot eyes, of which the honey glass is blackened, and it is even more tragic, directly crying in the toilet. Let's take a look at the cos effect of the Thai guy.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

First of all, let's talk about the Thai little brother cos Yu Hip Tianyuan. Yukiso Tengen is a character in Ghost Blade Youguo and is a sound pillar for one of the members of the Ghost Squad. If he is the most enviable man in Ghost Blade, this is not an exaggeration. He has 3 wives, and has a super high appearance and super strength, which can be called perfect. These 3 advantages are what countless men dream of and want, and he possesses them all, which is really envious and hateful. Therefore, some friends joked that the reason why the prostitute Taro was so desperate to fight with YuJi Tianyuan was related to this factor.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

Back to the point, the Thai little brother Cos Yu Hip Tianyuan actually used the material of fish balls and fish tofu, which really reflects the essence of his low-cost cos. As far as the effect of cos is concerned, it is still somewhat similar. But still to say, the Thai brother still has to use dim sum ah, Yu Hip Tianyuan has no beard, trouble you can shave that sexy mustache.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

Then let's talk about the Thai effect cos Taro, the fate of the prostitute Taro is more tragic, if the prostitute Taro and Uchi Tengen are two extremes, this can also make sense. Because of his ugly appearance, the prostitute Taro was spurned by everyone until he was burned and his life was in danger, and he was treated by Tong Mo and became the sixth in the string. However, the prostitute Taro has a kind personality and has always used his life to protect his sister Aboruhime.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

All along, the prostitute Taro thought that his sister was the most pitiful and most needed to be guarded, but he did not know that he was the most pitiful person who needed to be guarded, and it could be said that the prostitute Taro was the best brother under the heavens. Thai little brother cos prostitute Taro, only using green vegetables and two oranges, the effect of cos, or somewhat similar. If the Thai guy had drawn the eyes of a prostitute on an orange, the effect might have been better.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

Let's talk about the Thai little brother cos you beans. YouDouzi has always been very popular and will always jump out to protect Tanjiro when he is in danger. In "Ghost Annihilation Blade Youguo Chapter", You Douzi successfully evolved, from a thin and small body to a big girl, and some friends said that You Douzi grew up.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

The Thai brother cos bean, with a paintbrush, simply draws your bean clothes on the body, and then with the help of the symmetry of the mirror, easily cosify a good effect. It's just that the brother directly used the head of the bean, if the Thai brother uses his own avatar to cos, it will surely get a different effect. I have to say that the Thai brother's brain hole is not the usual big ah.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

Next will be a heavy appearance, Thai little brother cos Ganlu Temple honey glass, this cos, is really the Thai brother's "masterpiece". The material used by the Thai brother is also very simple, two bundles of colorful rope, coupled with stick figures, successfully put the cos up honey glass. It's just that the Thai effect also uses a prop, which can't help but surprise people. This should be the most miserable time when the honey glass of Ganlu Temple was blackened. Without further ado, go directly to the picture, and the little friends think that this cos effect should be good.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

If you talk about the appearance value, in "The Blade of the Ghost", the appearance value is super high and there is no misery, just began to appear as a boy, to the back, it is a little unclear whether he is male or female, anyway, it feels a little messy. As the big boss of the villain of "Devil's Blade", how could the Thai brother let him go, and also adopt a low-cost way, cos no misery.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

The props used by the Thai brother this time are very common, a porcelain soup pot with white stew, plus a few kelp soaked in water. Judging from the cos effect, it is somewhat similar. However, as the villain boss, such a simple prop, this makes no misery how unbearable, it is estimated that at this time, the no misery has fainted in the toilet. However, it is worth mentioning that the Thai brother painted his eyes and drew eyeliner, which still gave enough facelessness.

Thai little brother cos ghost blade, honey glass is black, no miserable cry fainting in the toilet

I have to say that the Thai effect is low-cost cosplay, the effect is still there, and it is also very careful, it is combined with the characteristics of anime characters, cos. As for the cos ganlu temple honey glass, the Thai brother is using his own advantages to cosify the characteristics of the honey glass. For wu miserable, I can only say that the conditions are simple, and it is okay. At the very least, the image features of no misery are out. Dear friends what do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, like the work of the small partner to a one-click three consecutive, pay attention to the author Oh.

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