
The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

author:Qilu one point

One father returned home to find his 15-year-old son not at home and that his room looked unusually tidy. The quilt was folded straight, and on the pillow was an envelope scrawled with the word "Daddy."

With an ominous feeling in his mind, he opened the envelope with a trembling hand:

The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

Nothing | Yin Chengwei

"Dear Dad,

"I write to you with great sadness and regret.

"To avoid you arguing with my mom, I had to elope with my new girlfriend.

The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

Careless Dad | Yu Hailin

"I found real passion in Daisy. She's a nice person, but I know you won't agree because she's tattooed and wears a tight motorcycle suit, and she's a lot older than me.

"But, Dad, we're not just passionate. Importantly, she was pregnant. We are very happy at the moment. Daisy had a trailer in the forest that allowed us to get through the winter. That's right, we want to have more babies.

The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

Baby, Daddy is back on Earth! I'll have time to come back and see you guys | Vorontsov (Russia)

"Daisy told me that marijuana doesn't hurt anyone. We grow a lot of cannabis, not only for our own use, but also for other people in the community because we also want cocaine and methamphetamine. We pray every day that doctors can find a cure for AIDS. That way, Daisy can be a little better.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm 15 years old and I know how to take care of myself and my own family.

"I'm sure one day we'll come back to see you and your mom and show you how cute your grandchildren are."

"Love you, Joshua."

The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

--Dad, the layer below is cooler | Ma Jinghai

Any parent who sees such a letter will be out of breath, right? Looking further down, there is even a side note:

"Dad, none of what is written above is true, and I'm staying at Jason's house right now. I just want to remind you that there are many worse things in the world besides the report card on the kitchen table.

"If I can go home safely, please call me this: 0981766."

The man-| a letter written by his son to Lao Tzu, which perfectly explains "sound east strikes west"

Exam machine production line | Xiao Chengsen

Compiled/Liu Zijun

Source/Satire & Humor Newspaper

Qilu Evening News editor Wang Hong

One Point Comic World

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