
Keep should sign Liu


At 7:30 p.m., are you doing "Liu Qihong Girl" or Li Jiaqi's "All Girls"?

In line with the law of "no fitness in April, sad in June", those young people who eat fried skewers late at night and lie flat on weekends brush their mobile phones began to move.

Open Liu Ruihong's live broadcast room, listen to the bgm of "Compendium of Materia Medica", and jump the fat-burning jump exercise that raises the leg and shakes the arm. "Legs up, don't bend over backwards. The extra flesh around the waist, the muscles of the mermaid line and the vest line, now practice together! The "Liu Qihong girls" have said that now they want to pat their legs when they hear the "Compendium of Materia Medica".

No need to go to the gym, do not use professional sports apps, live broadcast room cloud fitness is just on fire. In addition to the vibrato anchors, little red book and B station are also active many fitness bloggers, teaching netizens how to fitness, how to do fat-loss meals, ushering in a new wave of traffic.

So the question is - behind the differentiated content platform, what kind of creator content division? How do fitness bloggers monetize their traffic? How will the 100 billion-scale fitness market cake be divided among bloggers and platforms?

The live broadcast room became a new venue for fitness

Fitness is so difficult, how did Liu Qihong trigger a wave of the whole network?

Liu Qihong's out-of-the-loop stems from the fact that the live broadcast room was blocked three times. The first time he was banned, the reason was that the system prompted unsightly, in fact, because Liu Qihong exposed his armpit hair during live broadcasting, so he shaved off his armpit hair. The second time it was banned was when the platform detected that the lactation period wiped the edge, in fact, Liu Qihong's chest muscles were too thick, so there was a famous scene of wearing down jackets for fitness. The third time is related to medical health, stemming from Liu Qihong's wish for Jay Chou's early recovery.

Putting aside the general tortuous experience of the paragraph, Liu Qihong himself is more like a satirist, using funny passages to inspire netizens to "play chicken blood", known as "the most nagging star coach in history". The slogan of "fat oil around the waist clicks off, mermaid line vest line I want" has been deeply rooted in the mind of "Liu Qihong Girl". However, the divine operation of being able to speak without panting while jumping exercises really makes netizens envy Liu Qihong's physical fitness.

In the action display, Liu Qihong jumped the gymnastics out of the nightclub bungee feeling, and the people who followed the exercises could not help but enjoy it. Generally, a song will have four actions, the song rhythm is strengthened, and the actions are also from easy to difficult. Before the start of the exercise, Liu Qihong will point out the target part of the action to help netizens find the point of force and avoid injuries caused by the action in place.

Wang Wanfei (Liu Qihong's wife) in the live broadcast room made netizens call out as if they had seen the fitness of themselves, from the excitement at the beginning to the pain mask in the later stage, and even lazy to simplify the action. Liu Qihong and Wang Wanfei's daily couple fitness clothes also attracted the attention of netizens, and Liu Qihong replied directly on Weibo that "his wife bought it".

In addition, the label of the star coach on Liu Qihong's body made netizens feel that they could get the experience of the star personal trainer for free when they opened the live broadcast at home, and suddenly opened the yoga mat. When the real experience, netizens found that the moderate intensity of aerobic exercises not only had a moderate rhythm, but also really brought about change. Therefore, entering Liu Qihong's live broadcast room for fitness has become a continuous sexual behavior.

This also shows that the personalization of IP in the field of fitness is more obvious. Bloggers are more like coaches, and their personal stature, fitness methods, and popularity directly affect the trust of netizens. Once the user has trust in a certain coach (fitness blogger), it means that the fitness content and methods match, and the user will continue to follow his fitness, which is more sticky.

Just like the mention of Pamela now, netizens can directly think of the fitness label of "high strength, fast fat loss", and "Chinese version of Pamela" has also become an adjective. If you want to expand your fitness territory, Douyin naturally does not ignore the treasure traffic of Pamela. When Liu Qihong's live broadcast room was all over the network, Pamela entered Douyin, undoubtedly adding another fire to Douyin's fitness.

Under the popularity of summer culture, Douyin's fitness bloggers have reappeared in the form of live broadcasts. In the introduction of "A Xin Shaping Aerobic Exercise", it can be seen that the live broadcast is divided into hip and leg aerobic, abdominal aerobic and full body circulation, etc.; there are also coaches with certified and contracted brands such as "Calorie Teacher", and in the live broadcast room or homepage window, they will involve goods with goods, including fitness clothes and fat-reducing foods.

With both goods and tips, live fitness seems to be more attractive in terms of accumulating popularity, rising fans, word of mouth, and monetization.

Liu Qihong's path to the advancement of douyin proves this. In 2018, Liu Released the first video on Douyin, which mainly focused on fragments of daily life. In December 2021, after Liu Qihong signed a contract with MCN agency Worry-free Media, he first tried to live stream with goods, and in 9 live broadcasts, he brought goods a total of 6.6542 million yuan. On February 18, Liu Qihong began the first fitness live broadcast, and the growth trend of a single live broadcast increased the number of fans. Entering April, Liu Qihong's live broadcast room was frequently searched, and on April 16 alone, the increase in fans on the whole platform reached 1.3479 million.

The general live broadcast with goods is mainly based on product quality and price, celebrities and anchors mainly exert their self-influence, and there are special staff operations in the selection, pricing, process field control and other links. Unlike live fitness, although the clothes and shoes worn by the anchor will involve implantation, "moving up" replaces "123, on the link", which is based on the blogger's full exercise, more like a "performance".

The "moving" of the live broadcast room is only part of the fitness ecology, and some bloggers have gone deep into the fitness field with the content of "keeping their mouths shut". No matter which part of the bloggers in the Internet platform pay attention to the content to precipitate their own influence, in order to achieve long-term contact with users.

Content platforms usher in the spring of fitness

After Liu Qihong exploded in Douyin, the most impatient person was the Xiaohongshu user.

According to the new list data, from April 4 to April 10, "Liu Qihong" broadcast a total of 6 live broadcasts on Douyin, each live broadcast of about 1.5 hours, ranking third in the Douyin fan list, with a weekly increase of more than 1.5 million fans and a pink rate of 45.9%. In the same period, "Liu Qihong" only released 2 episodes of fat burning exercises in Xiaohongshu, but both received more than 20,000 likes, reaching the top of Xiaohongshu's powder list, rising more than 140,000 fans in a week, with a powder increase rate of 29.3%.

Although Xiaohongshu is not the birthplace of Liu Qihong's "live fitness fever", a large number of Xiaohongshu netizens have said that "10,000 people's blood book Liu Qihong came to Xiaohongshu live". On the one hand, the funny passages about Liu Qihong were created by netizens in a fancy way, triggering a new round of "terrier culture" effect. On the other hand, many users have released their real records of dancing with Liu Qihong in Xiaohongshu, and have expressed that the effect is "outstanding", forming a series of user creation ecology with Liu Qihong as the core topic within the platform.

In this case, Liu Qihong also paid more attention to the content output in the Little Red Book. Since April 12, the update frequency of Liu Ruihong's Little Red Book has become a daily change, and the content is mostly sports clips edited from live screen recordings, such as 15 minutes of shuttlecock exercises, 20 minutes of hip and leg exercises, 30 minutes of combination exercises, etc., to match the content style of Little Red Book. Many users also said that they will frequently receive Liu Qihong fitness-related content from big data pushes, and under the influence of the platform creation ecology, they will successively "enter the pit", and the reputation of the content will be split into Liu Qihong to attract waves of new traffic, and the heat will not disappear for a long time.

There are also many B station users calling Liu Qihong, but compared with the Little Red Book, Liu Qihong's B station fans are only 403,000, which is not much. Most videos have an order of 100,000 views, and only 1 video with more than one million views.

On the one hand, the decentralized community recommendation mechanism of Station B and the platform attributes of medium-length videos allow users to play more space to meet diversified fitness needs. Some "Liu Qihong girls" who cannot follow the fixed live broadcast time to participate in the sports will send the live video recording screen to the B station for their own use. At the same time, due to the different exercise levels, intensity and style preferences of each person, the users of Station B will cut out the rest links in Liu Qihong's fitness live broadcast, provide a non-commercial version of "pure practice without nagging", and adjust the rest time by themselves; and even some users will combine Pamela's stretching video with Liu Qihong's fitness exercises for "cross-trainer".

On the other hand, Station B is the incubator of many fitness bloggers, such as Saturday Ye, Ouyang Chunxiao, Liu Chuju, Han Xiaosi and other UP masters, as well as Pamela's popularity in China, all of which are indispensable to the important position of Station B. Most of the young netizens who have fat burning and shaping goals will pay attention to several UP masters with stable output fitness content for a long time in the B station. For these users, Liu Qihong is not their just need for fat loss and exercise, but more like a new choice for fitness bloggers with the aura of a star coach, a strong sense of variety, professional enthusiasm, and husband and wife training.

Liu Ruihong has indeed embarked on a new "top-notch" road to promotion. From the current point of view, Douyin is the biggest beneficiary of the platform. Users said: "For the sake of Liu Qihong, I decided to do the next Douyin", "The first time I used Douyin was to chase Liu Qihong's fitness live broadcast", "I didn't expect to be able to jump in Douyin in this life"...

It is not difficult to see that Liu Ruihong's "live fitness fever" is bringing new user growth to Douyin. Compared with platforms with more concentrated young female users such as Station B and Xiaohongshu, fat reduction and shaping fitness content is not a longboard track of Douyin. According to the "Douyin Sports and Fitness Report" released by Douyin in March this year, in the top 10 sports and fitness video categories that Douyin received the most praise in 2021, the top two were basketball and football, and women's single indoor fitness ranked third.

Another factual situation is that douyin's power in sports IP has already begun. From the Tokyo Olympics to the Beijing Winter Olympics, Douyin invited a large number of athletes to settle in and organized live broadcasts such as Lianmai. Objectively, the content of the event has a strong timeliness, the heat is explosive and easy to disperse, and the competition between major platforms is fierce, and it is very difficult to seize the user's mind. However, the layout of Douyin does not stop at the entry of star athletes, at the end of last year, Douyin launched the "DOU Movement Plan", saying that it will explore a new path for short video services for national fitness.

Combined with the communication community of "athletes + stars + talents + users" created by Douyin during the event, although the popularity of the event has faded, the fitness wind of the short video platform has not stopped. According to the "2021 Sports Content Report" released by Douyin, in 2021, the number of Douyin sports and fitness videos increased by 134% year-on-year, and the number of creators increased by 39% year-on-year; fitness anchors increased by 208% year-on-year, and live broadcast revenue increased by 141% year-on-year.

The platform's long-term investment in the field of sports and fitness has created content soil, and Liu Qihong's fitness live broadcast is a "circle-breaking" bomb, breaking the cognition of Douyin in the group of young women. From the comments of netizens, it can be seen that many "Liu Qihong girls" are not often mixed in Douyin, and may even have long-term resistance to the information flow mode of short video platforms, but they are attracted by Liu Qihong's excellent professional strength and strong personality charm, and choose to enter Douyin. At the same time, due to the wide age coverage of Douyin users, there are even "family fun styles" and Liu Qihong jumping exercises in some families, which have brought new development possibilities for Douyin in the field of fitness live broadcasting in the future.

Keep should sign Liu

At present, one of the characteristics of Liu Qihong who is sought after by fans is "only jumping exercises without goods" and "free star coach". However, in fact, Liu Qihong, who signed a contract with MCN agency Worry-free Media at the end of 2021, did not have outstanding results in the field of live streaming with goods. After the recurrence of the domestic epidemic, Liu Qihong began to switch to fitness live broadcasting from February 18, and detonated the whole network 2 months later.

In the long run, unless it is strongly bound to the platform, after having a solid traffic and content influence, monetizing through content or bringing goods, and further seeking fan growth to expand to other platforms, is almost the only way for fitness bloggers. And as the fitness track becomes more and more popular, all platforms want to share a piece of the pie. Fitness bloggers who seize the ability to continuously output content will become a major focus of the struggle between different platforms and brands.

Fitness bloggers, for example, are also becoming an important part of productivity for established fitness platforms like Keep. Station B well-known fitness UP master Saturday Wild, is also a fitness platform Keep's sports master. The "top stream" Pamela in the fitness industry has also realized multiple platforms such as B station, Little Red Book, Keep, and Douyin in China at the same time.

According to 36Kr, on February 25, Keep submitted a listing application, and the revenue in the first three quarters of 2021 reached 1.2 billion yuan, an increase of 41.3% year-on-year. Revenue is based on three main aspects, in order of contribution to revenue, including private label goods, membership subscriptions and online paid content, advertising and other services.

Among them, member subscriptions and online paid content focus on courses. According to the production body, Keep's courses are divided into platform-based PGC, PUGC provided by platform masters, and AIGC training plans generated by artificial intelligence. Keep strives to build a talent content ecosystem, with content productivity and the fan base of the whole network as the standard, the talent is divided into three stages: creation novices, seed creators, and strength creators, and supports the talents from multiple dimensions such as training, traffic, and monetization, and is committed to creating the personal IP of the talents.

On the one hand, professional coaches are keep's most important content output points, on the other hand, Keep accelerates the layout to human content creators and strengthens their PUGC content output capabilities. By signing fitness bloggers such as Pamela and Saturday Wild, Keep's content competitiveness in the face of video platforms is also gradually improving.

In the live fitness boom of Liu Qihong, there are also many Keep users shouting: "Let's start classes at Keep!" It can be seen that Keep's layout of human content has indeed formed a user's mind and played an obvious drainage effect.

Behind the talent is keep's efforts in systematic courses, but the rise of fitness bloggers on the whole network has made the fitness content of social platforms gradually free and systematic, which is tantamount to forming competitive pressure on the IP of the talents on Keep, and being divided by other platform bloggers and practicing users is only superficial, and the paid services and advertising volume on the deep level are also affected.

However, the user consumption entrance built by Keep is not only for fitness experts, but for talents as the central point, creating a fitness ecology composed of communities, courses, data monitoring, and program customization. The platform advantage of the talent makes Keep still have a sharp weapon to retain users.

The technical advantages of the platform are manifested in Keep's home intelligent fitness ecology, with smart fitness mirrors, smart treadmills and other hardware as the carrier, including hardware, software, and scenes. According to the prospectus, by the end of 2021, Keep's smart bicycles have shipped about 67,000 units and weighed 825,000 units. These self-developed hardware are part of Keep's own brand, which complements fitness experts to a certain extent and creates an attraction that users do not have on social platforms.

Fitness is an industrial chain with huge demand space. The online content community focuses on user experience sharing, fitness blogger training, professional course teaching, all kinds of low-calorie fat-reducing foods on e-commerce platforms, small household appliances related to fitness and fat loss, offline physical gyms, fitness equipment, intelligent fitness hardware and so on. Platforms and brands are looking forward to the growing fitness bloggers to "revitalize" these rich and diverse content needs and consumer needs.

It is conceivable that with this wave of menacing fitness boom, the fitness blogger industry is bound to usher in more fierce competition. Some netizens pointed out: "There is a serious doubt that Liu Qihong and his wife will make other coaches unemployed." Some users also said to hedgehog commune (ID: ciweigongshe): "Liu Qihong and his wife are so interesting! Because I wanted to practice with him, I gave up the offline personal training class that I was considering signing up for. ”

Even, these do not seem to be enough to express the love of netizens for Liu Qihong. Netizens ridiculed Liu Qihong and Li Jiaqi as a combination of "seeking wealth and killing lives", calling them "two men who accompanied us night and night" and "two people and money" for these two people.

Whether Liu Qihong will become "Li Jiaqi of the fitness industry" is still uncertain. But what is certain is that although exercise and fitness is not as easy as "planting grass and chopping hands", it can bring more sustained growth and satisfaction, and it also requires more long-term efforts. Behind Liu Qihong's explosion, in essence, the public is suffering from "inability to generate sports interest" for a long time, and also look forward to a local "national coach" for a long time.

This article originated from hedgehog commune

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