
Li Yinhe on Intimate Relationships: The Avant-Garde View of Love by China's First Sexologist (2)

author:The hearts and the world of artists

First of all, both parties should trust each other completely.

Two people together can talk about all topics, can express all opinions, can tell each other all the secrets, do not cause each other to make a fuss, even if the other person can't understand for a while, they should tell each other bluntly.

Li Yinhe on Intimate Relationships: The Avant-Garde View of Love by China's First Sexologist (2)

2. What exactly is the so-called sense of humor?

It is not a poverty-faced, but an attitude that can actively resolve detachment when facing the difficulties of real life.

For example, if two people are short of money and want to buy something but can't afford it, then the man or woman makes a joke and uses humor to solve their predicament. A sense of humor is very effective in maintaining intimate relationships.

Li Yinhe on Intimate Relationships: The Avant-Garde View of Love by China's First Sexologist (2)

3. In a relationship, there should be some personal space reserved for the other party.

4. You should leave the other person with a little normal space that will not hurt your relationship, and let him freely associate with his friends.

5. In the process of quarrelling, both parties can understand each other's true thoughts and true personality, because this is the moment when his truth is leaked.

Therefore, quarrels are not necessarily bad.

Li Yinhe on Intimate Relationships: The Avant-Garde View of Love by China's First Sexologist (2)


Who can avoid not quarrelling? Behind the bright appearance of PuYu, it has been polished through difficulties.

The quarrel itself is not a good thing, but the reflection and mutual communication and understanding after the quarrel. Just as suffering does not have any meaning, the face and courage behind suffering are meaningful.

Don't let this quarrel or the problem that can't be solved in time become the fuse or old account of the next quarrel, and try to solve something in time not to be cold.

Some couples like to mix two sentences and joke with each other without malicious intent; some couples really encounter problems, and both sides need to express their views.

Proper quarrels and tantrums are all good things in my opinion – because she dares to show you her true emotions, which is a kind of communication in itself.

Communication is a good thing, and no communication is really coming to an end.

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