
Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

author:Xin Qingyang
The TV series "Tiandao", released in 2008, once created a rating myth of domestic TV dramas, and to this day, it is still sought after by many netizens.

The whole drama covers a wide range, not only penetrating the waves of the commercial sea, but also exposing the human nature behind different cultural attributes, and running through the whole text with strong culture and weak culture, which is extremely wise, philosophical and critical.

"Heavenly Tao" is more like a book that interprets human nature and laws, and everyone can draw different wisdom from it according to their own needs.

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

The main line of love between the male protagonist Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan is a highlight of the play, which completely subverts the public's inherent cognition of the previous love model, and presents to the audience a kind of pure love similar to platonic, challenging secular culture, refreshing and causing people to think deeply.

Ding Yuanying, a business ghost, has an abnormal person's thinking, rationality and coldness that go deep into the bone marrow, a lonely enlightened person, with an isolated widowhood and loneliness in the high places. In the words of his friend Han Chufeng, "The more advanced philosopher is alone, not because he is lonely, but because he cannot find his kind around him." ”

His indifference seems to be engraved in his bones, indifferent to the point that between the life and death of his old father, he can still very calmly ask the doctor about the "method of rapid death", and this eventually leads to a vendetta between brothers.

His reason is always running in front of emotions, and the state of the whole person is more like a pool of stagnant water, the breeze can't blow half a wave, rationality is excessive, giving people a very cold-blooded feeling.

It is difficult for a person who is too rational to have love, such a person seems to be a thousand-year-old iceberg, which can exhaust all the temperature of a person, and finally freeze others to death, cold-blooded and ruthless, and people are discouraged and dare not get close.

Therefore, his former female assistant, Rui Xiaodan's good friend Xiao Yawen, also said that having feelings for Ding Yuanying is equivalent to opening the door of hell, not to mention that you are tortured in the flesh, you also have to peel a layer of skin on the soul.

Xiao Yawen's meaning is extended, that is, women should not fantasize about using feelings to routine a robot that penetrates human nature, because this kind of person itself is the center of the routine, and the business elite of high double business will not easily be emotional to women.

A friend's kind words, but aroused Rui Xiaodan's small interest in Ding Yuanying's exploration, she was very surprised that the friend's mouth of the guy who resembled a human being and a demon was not a demon, what was different?

At first, Rui Xiaodan did not take her girlfriend's words to heart, she did not think that she would fall in love with Ding Yuanying, and she was quite dismissive of Ding Yuanying's background, especially scornful of his chaotic past, but with the deepening of contact, Rui Xiaoran was gradually impressed by this man's extraordinary concept and unique charm.

At first, Rui Xiaodan treated Ding Yuanying condescendingly.

Rui Xiaodan is not only beautiful and atmospheric, full of charm, her identity is also a criminal policeman, called a female Haojie, always surrounded by a large group of suitors, she confidently believes that Ding Yuanying will definitely take the initiative when she sees herself.

However, the reality is that Ding Yuanying does not seem to be cold to her, and is always polite and distant from her.

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

Perhaps because of a little setback in self-esteem, in order to make up for the gap in his heart, Rui Xiaodan began to indulge Ding Yuanying, thinking that Ding Yuanying would chase and beat her like other men.

However, a full eight months passed, and Ding Yuanying stopped surprisingly, never contacting Rui Xiaodan during this period.

In the end, Rui Xiaodan finally couldn't hold his breath and took the initiative to call Ding Yuanying, but on the other end of the phone, Ding Yuanying's attitude was still flat as water.

Ding Yuanying's move aroused Rui Xiaodan's great desire to challenge, and she began to take the initiative to come to the door for various reasons, frequently appearing next to Ding Yuanying, trying to use her charm to break a crack in Ding Yuanying's thick shell.

But then, Rui Xiaodan found that Ding Yuanying had an irresistible fatal attraction on her, and the perspective of watching Ding Yuanying gradually changed from looking down to level and then looking up, and love quietly sprouted in Rui Xiaodan's heart.

Ding Yuanying had a marriage that lasted only half a year, because rationality was too much, he could not meet the dependence and needs of women on feelings, and thus forced his ex-wife away. Thinking different from ordinary people, let him tired of coping with the trivialities of firewood, rice, oil, salt in life, but also the greed and hatred of women to avoid, in Ding Yuanying's own words, "Women are a model of formal logic, an obstacle to dialectical logic, I have no intention of destroying women, nor do I intend to be destroyed by women." ”

The loneliness of the cold in the heights is doomed to Ding Yuanying's coldness, and what he wants is a partner whose soul matches and whose thoughts resonate with it, who can get rid of the secular family culture, get rid of the restrictions of marriage, and then obtain freedom at the soul level.

"Red face is easy to seek, confidant is difficult to find", Ding Yuanying was discouraged in the center of the failed marriage, single for a long time, until later, met Rui Xiaodan...

Although Rui Xiaodan also has the innate sensibility of women, she is very special, not too dependent in feelings, independent in thought, rational and inductive coexistence, and most importantly, she understands Ding Yuanying.

If Ding Yuanying is a cold embryo, then Rui Xiaodan is a warm sun that continues to release temperature, at the same time, Rui Xiaodan loves but is not lost, loves but does not hate, bravely expresses love to Ding Yuanying, and does not require Ding Yuanying to be responsible for her and is willing to enjoy instant love.

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

Being able to fall in love with Ding Yuanying without scruples is not unrelated to Rui Xiaodan's free personality of "when born is born, when dead is dead", when love comes, it conforms to nature, does not ask about the result, and only cares about the process.

Contrarian, bold, rational and not lacking in true temperament, a woman who is as free as the wind, even if the man's heart is hard like a stone, it is difficult not to move.

Rui Xiaodan had nothing else to ask for Ding Yuanying, and even gave up a woman's full expectation of feelings, just to achieve purity between her and Ding Yuanying.

Love needs no conditions, it is pure, it is priceless, it is full of desire emotions, and it has never belonged to love.

Knowing that the ancient city temple is small and can't keep Ding Yuanying, the only time Rui Xiaodan made a request to Ding Yuanying was about the poverty alleviation in Wangmiao Village, and the reason rui Xiaodan gave was: "You leave me a thought, let me know that you once loved me like this." ”

For the title of "Daughter of Heaven", Rui Xiaodan can be said to be well-deserved, her love is noble and holy, and she has completely trapped Ding Yuanying, an "enlightened person" who is above the world.

Too much reason is the same as over-sensibility, which makes people unable to recognize themselves.

Perhaps Ding Yuanying himself did not find that he had long been deeply in love with Rui Xiaodan, he respected her, loved her, and used his usual rational way to implicitly express his love to Rui Xiaodan, not only violating his promise not to set foot in the stock market, composing a "myth" for Wang Miao Village, but also almost losing his life for this.

If someone asks what in this world can change a stubborn person and what can last forever, then there is only one answer, and that is "love."

What can make Ding Yuanying's iceberg melt is precisely the simplicity, cleanliness and purity of Rui Xiaodan's love, if Rui Xiaodan did not sacrifice, perhaps Ding Yuanying would change his mind, stay in the ancient city, and stay with Xiao Dan; or perhaps, he would wait for Rui Xiaodan to go abroad together, find a place where no one disturbed, and be a pair of immortal couples.

How can a person who has entered his heart say that he can put it down?

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

We can imagine countless beautiful moments, but Rui Xiaodan's sacrifice turned her and Ding Yuanying's countless possibilities into a bubble, and at the end of her life, Rui Xiaodan was blown off her legs and half of her face was disfigured, she still calmly insisted until she finished the task, and then raised her gun to her heart...

Learning of Rui Xiaodan's death, Ding Yuanying did not show half a wave of emotion, so that in the end even Rui Xiaodan's colleagues could not see it and could not help but accuse Ding Yuanying.

And Ding Yuanying did not defend himself from beginning to end, even if Rui Xiaodan's parents refused him to attend Rui Xiaodan's funeral, he also silently accepted, lying alone in the dim bedroom, touching Rui Xiaodan's photo alone, silently crying.

Love will definitely make people lose their minds, even people like Ding Yuanying, can not be an exception. At the moment when his heart ached to the point of vomiting blood, he truly realized that his love for Rui Xiaodan had penetrated deep into the bone marrow and was forever integrated with the blood.

When the beauty was gone, Ding Yuanying's heart was surging like magma, and he broke off the last bit of concern for the earthly world, and there was no breeze and bright moon in the world from then on.

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"

What can defeat reason is only sincerity, and in a relationship, when we attach too many unnecessary things to it, love will deteriorate.

I often hear people say, "ten loves and nine sorrows", love this thing, can not see, can not touch, but has the power of the waves lapping on the shore, shaking the earth, true love can not be sought, can be touched is cultivated, can be retained is accumulated.

Although Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaoran finally flew apart and failed to stay together, the two people have undoubtedly become the only ones in this life, and their story tells a truth from beginning to end, the true heart may be wrongly paid, but true love can only be exchanged for the true heart.

The life without love, like a dry riverbed, lifeless, such a life is a kind of consumption for anyone, and a life with love can truly make a person feel satisfied and happy.

Life is short, years are impermanent, and no one knows how many sunsets they can see in this life, and whether they will be lucky enough to see them tomorrow. Instead of calculating gains and losses, it is better to learn the appearance of Rui Xiaodan when meeting the right person, dare to love, and retain the true feelings with sincerity, so that you can write a life without regrets for yourself.

Interpret the love of Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan from "Heavenly Dao"