
Hotspot response | Wang Zhenyao: Fighting the epidemic is not a one-man show between the government and the community

author:China Philanthropy Research Institute


In the face of the pressure of anti-epidemic and material supply brought about by the severe and complex epidemic situation in Shanghai, professionals have provided advice for the fight against the epidemic. Wang Zhenyao, president of the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, recently talked with the Voice of China "News has a point of view" and said that "the fight against the epidemic is not a one-man show between the government and the community, and it is necessary to strengthen communication at all levels and form various forms of mutual assistance behavior". The following is a compilation of the dialogue content of the program.

The following is a compilation of the "News has a point of view" dialogue

"News has a point of view": Hello Dean Wang, often talk to you about public welfare topics, but also often listen to your views, in fact, many of us seem to understand the public welfare, that is, everyone to work together to help people in need. In this program, we told some stories and cases, these ordinary people are actually trapped in the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, or there are difficulties in material shortages, but they help improve the efficiency of the system through these small methods. So I want to ask you if this is also a kind of public welfare?

Wang Zhenyao: This is a kind of public welfare, which should be an important manifestation of public welfare with Chinese characteristics. Because the neighborly mutual assistance of Chinese civilization, including the world is for the public, that is, when encountering some major disasters, everyone is helping each other from the heart, and even in a very closed space, everyone is also thinking about a lot of small things that are beneficial to neighbors, communities, and countries.

I think it is particularly good, which shows that many ordinary people still think about how to improve their lives in front of them in the difficulties of the epidemic, and what technologies and details in front of them can be improved, which is precisely a very important embodiment of our national cohesion.

It is through these small improvements in life that many of our big problems will be resolved, and many social contradictions will soon be resolved in this kind of daily interaction through mutual understanding and communication. I think these delicate acts of these ordinary people have just converged into such a huge force that our big family of the Chinese nation can last for thousands of years.

So I pay special attention to this kind of public welfare, I used to call this civilian public welfare, civilian charity, in fact, these ordinary people are very delicate and very small these behaviors, a lot of a little dedication adds up to a terrible, I think this is the best way for ordinary people to do public welfare.

"News has a point of view": What impressed you more in this kind of story, or what do you think is more special? In fact, we have told several stories today.

Wang Zhenyao: In these stories, I can especially feel how they thought of making the community test nucleic acid faster, and all kinds of dedication are typical of working for the country, for the society, and for the community. They don't just think of themselves, but they think of improving from technology, thinking about how to make them more efficient. This is the Shanghai characteristic of Shanghai's fight against the epidemic. Shanghai should be said to be our earliest place with large industrial workers, the industrial workers as a whole are relatively strong, there are more skilled workers, and a special culture has been formed.

They think of technological improvement, but also with a strong tradition of Chinese civilization, think of mutual help and mutual learning, think of popularization. After reading these stories, I was very moved, and I think this is the vitality of society, which is also the smooth progress of our anti-epidemic work, which is a very important social support.

"News has a point of view": So I also want to talk to you about the next step of advancement, you just commented that these ordinary people their way of doing public welfare may be the best way, it has made local efficiency have been improved and improved. And they also want to promote this thing, for example, we talked to a professor of The China Normal University in our program today, they give their own community to do this kind of distribution of the optimization model map, other communities want to use it can contact him, he also has some students to help other communities are drawing maps, but at this time, such as the innovation of these ordinary people, how can we let it benefit more people, bigger faces, is there a more convenient channel?

Wang Zhenyao: I think first of all, I would like to thank Yangguang, when you introduced it, you were advocating such behavior in the whole country, in fact, your design is a kind of promotion, you are also doing public welfare, frankly speaking, this is a use of the national media as a platform to show these ordinary people, this is a big advocacy.

I think this is a very good channel, a particularly important channel, and this is also a manifestation of the superiority of China's socialist system, which is a very vivid embodiment, and it is a mechanism that everyone is brewing together. But technically, I have some additional suggestions:

First, I think we can use our current vibrato, or use other social media means, in a more convenient and popular form to spread, master modern means to speak.

Second, you can use some friend groups to briefly talk about these good practices. Some professors are embarrassed, thinking that their inventions may be very small, but it does not matter, I think it is necessary to use these modern scientific and technological information technology means.

Third, I think there must be some social organizations, community organizations to spread. I think it should be regarded as an important invention of a community, which should be told that they can be used as a reference, and it can also be used as an achievement of the community, because it solves a lot of community-specific problems and can also be demonstrated through such an organizational system.

I know that there are many social organizations that are also involved in the whole anti-epidemic action, and if these social organizations know, they know more, spread more widely, and then they can form a network of such a learning mechanism. I think that a small invention like this can be quickly disseminated in the whole society, and then everyone will learn, and I think there are still many delicate methods, delicate creations, so that such behaviors and projects can achieve greater social value.

"News has a point of view": You just talked about multi-channel communication, and it is true that everyone can make efforts to do this thing. In fact, I also want to ask you, for example, the story told today is some folk forces, ordinary people want to fill in the gaps or play their role, at this time, is it possible for our grassroots government to do something on this basis, or what kind of role do you think they should play, what kind of role can they play?

Wang Zhenyao: Grassroots organizations, especially grassroots governments or local governments, for example, we generally talk about district governments, neighborhoods, neighborhood committees, that is, community-level organizations can actually play a great role, which is the docking of two aspects. In fact, Shanghai is the first to do this kind of exploration of the modern grass-roots governance system in the city, I think Shanghai has been in the forefront of the country for many years, in fact, more than 20 years ago they were doing a variety of explorations.

I think it is completely possible to combine the anti-epidemic work with the original governance system and social participation now, because when the fight against the epidemic begins, everyone will be nervous, but it will last a long time, it actually needs a lot of institutional adjustments, both the institutional mechanisms of the big country, but at the same time, more grass-roots communities and grass-roots street neighborhood committees are good at paying attention to and finding some models, and I estimate that there will be thousands of such models in Shanghai. If our neighborhood committees incorporate it into the grass-roots governance system, in fact, we can use many of these grass-roots governance systems that we have been effective for many years to sublimate, promote, dock, and organize various mass activities, so that our current epidemic prevention is more effective, and social cohesion is strengthened, so that we will be more powerful in responding to the epidemic.

At the same time, I also feel that social organizations should also pay attention to strengthening cooperation with neighborhood neighborhood committees, forming a kind of complementarity, and combining these masses and active participation of these masses and society that are really based on the land of China and based on community neighborhood committees into a huge anti-epidemic force, so that the government has more social resources to develop, to guide and sublimate, through a very flexible way to dock social resources, through discovery and praise, and more contact with the outside world, so that it can form a great mobilization ability of social resources.

"News has a point of view": Indeed, this mobilization ability is what we need more at this time, as you just said, maybe these government agencies, social organizations, and communities at the grassroots level can play a role. In fact, we discuss the public welfare of ordinary people like you said under the epidemic prevention and control, including how to enlarge the public welfare, and the background of discussing this topic is definitely not easy for everyone in this process. So you just talked about social mobilization, and I would like to ask you at the end, do you have any suggestions for us ordinary people who have changed their daily lives in cooperation with the prevention and control of the epidemic? At this time, everyone can cooperate with something to do something

Wang Zhenyao: When fighting the epidemic from Wuhan, in fact, there are many stories of ordinary people who make people cry, and I think that in such a big environment, in such a big macro atmosphere, we ordinary people can still do a lot of things. In the community, we can use WeChat to change the situation that in the past in the community was not connected, these professors have given us some examples, we need to strengthen communication in the community, the formation of a variety of forms of mutual assistance behavior.

Because we have a great social resource, that is, neighborhood mutual assistance, neighborhood mutual assistance plus active participation, such as applying for volunteers in the neighborhood committee, taking the initiative to mobilize to play their own strengths, and not letting the neighborhood committee sing a monologue.

Cadres are on duty all year round at such times, there is almost no time to rest and can not go home, their emotions also need to be soothed, we ordinary people can take the initiative to think about action, organize in the community. In fact, there are many social organizations in Shanghai, so that social organizations and communities can also form an effective docking, thus forming a multi-faceted social bond social network, and transforming some of the operating mechanisms that are usually very effective into such social resources for epidemic response.

I think each of us should say that we can contribute to the epidemic, in fact, at home we can form a big social torrent, that is, everyone contributes a little, in fact, it will form a huge social force. When Wuhan was fighting the epidemic, everyone also said that no matter how big the difficulties are divided by 1.4 billion, they will become very small, and no matter how small the dedication is multiplied by 1.4 billion, that is a huge force.

In Shanghai, for example, our huge difficulties divided by more than 20 million people will also be reduced to very small difficulties and overcome well. Moreover, a small contribution multiplied by more than twenty million, what a great social resource it will be, I think there are many things that need to be taken action at this time.

Hotspot response | Wang Zhenyao: Fighting the epidemic is not a one-man show between the government and the community


■ Wang Zhenyao

Dean of China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University

Hotspot response | Wang Zhenyao: Fighting the epidemic is not a one-man show between the government and the community

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Coordinator: Gao Huajun

Editor-in-charge: Li Jing, Zhang Dong

Editor: Yingzi Zhang

Source: Voice of China

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