
Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

author:History tells the truth

A 63-year-old man marries a 38-year-old woman, and many people's first thoughts about this may be "Does the man have a mine at home?" It's a joke, but in today's story, the 63-year-old protagonist really has a mine in his home.

His name is Chen Jinghe, and he spent ten years turning a "waste mine" into a "golden mountain" and married a model who was 25 years younger than her.


In 1977, the college entrance examination, which had been dormant for many years, finally recovered. This year, Chen Jinghe was 20 years old, born in a farming family in Longyan, Fujian Province, and did not want to give up this opportunity to change his destiny. He stepped up his revision, took the college entrance examination, and successfully entered Fuzhou University.

But in terms of profession, Chen Jinghe chose a relatively unpopular geology. In the eyes of ordinary people, geology and archaeology are slightly similar, and they belong to the professions that are laborious and not easy to employ. But it is this choice that makes Chen Jinghe the future "Golden King".

College students in that era were assigned in packages, and did not have to look for jobs as tired as today's college students after graduation. Chen Jinghe was assigned by the school to the Fujian Province Minxi Geological Brigade as a surveyor to explore the Purple Mountain in Fujian Province.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Young Chen Jinghe

Purple Mountain is located in Shanghang County, Fujian Province, where gold and copper mines are very rich, but the state has sent many exploration teams, and no mines with greater mining value have been found.

Chen Jinghe firmly believes that Purple Mountain is not what many geological experts call the "chicken rib mine", he and the team members went up the mountain to investigate, the geological census technology at that time was relatively simple, they often did not have enough protective measures, climbed on the cliff cliff of Purple Mountain, using instruments to measure the huge section, sometimes a foot slip can scare people half to death.

Such a day, Chen Jinghe insisted on ten years. Many relatives and friends do not understand his choice, if he spends his whole life on that mountain, will the hard-working university not be in vain?

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Purple Mountain

Lai Jinlian, the wife of tie-hair, may have been the most aggrieved person during that time. She was working at Longyan Hospital in Fujian Province, not far from where her husband Chen Jinghe worked, but the two were less and more together. Almost every time, Chen Jinghe promised his wife to accompany her to go shopping or travel, but then he would release Lai Jinlian's pigeons, for the simple reason that there was something to see in the mine.

Lai Jinlian was very helpless, who let her husband's eyes shine as soon as he mentioned the mine, in order to "punish" him, gave him a nickname called "verbal check".

During that time, Chen Jinghe felt that it was inconvenient to live at home and go to the mine, and directly lived on the mountain with other team members, sometimes directly in a broken temple that leaked wind and rain. A dozen people slept on the floor at night, chatting about what new discoveries had been made recently.

The effort paid off, and they finally found a gold mining area of nearly 440 square meters near the main peak of Purple Mountain at an altitude of more than 1100 meters.

After the news spread, the government sent several groups of prospectors, but the results they gave disappointed Chen Jinghe. They believe that the mine has more copper reserves, but the approved gold reserves are too small, only about 5.4 tons, so the mining value is not very high.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Purple Mountain

In 1992, Shanghang County, Fujian Province, decided to mine the mine, which caused a lot of controversy at the time. Because of the high cost of mining, if the gold reserves are indeed only the estimated 5.4 tons, then mining this mine is undoubtedly a loss-making transaction.

The main body of development is the Shanghang County Mineral Company, of which Chen Jinghe is the general manager, and the reason why he held this position was to develop the unpopular mine, so he quit his job at the Fujian Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. "I know this mine very well, and I wouldn't be happy if I gave up like this." Chen Jinghe said.

If the traditional gold extraction process is used, the first phase of the mining mine will cost 30 million yuan. Chen Jinghe realized that this was not a feasible move, so he boldly innovated and creatively used the "heap dip gold extraction method", which cost only 7 million yuan.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Purple Mountain

In addition, in order to further improve the output under the premise of reducing costs, Chen Jinghe and the company's technical personnel, after many tests, sieving ore, washing ore and other multi-channel processes, greatly improved the mining value of the mine, the gold inside "more and more digging", it is expected that the mineable gold rose from 5 tons to about 300 tons.

In 1993, Chen Jinghe's Shanghang County Mining Company was renamed Zijin Mining Corporation, and in December 2003, Zijin Mining was listed in Hong Kong. In 2007, Zijin Mining's sales reached 15 billion yuan. Today, Zijin Mining is China's premier gold mining company.


When he was young, Chen Jinghe liked to observe things like stones and dirt, and when he came back from playing outside, he often held a handful of plants in his hand.

In high school, he met his future wife, Lai Jinlian. Chen Jinghe and she are both playful but also thinking students, often studying together, taking care of each other, and forming a very deep feeling.

When they graduated from high school, the college entrance examination had not yet resumed, so at that time, the two people did not have the opportunity to go to college, but went home to help the family do some farm work.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Chen Jinghe

After returning home, Chen Jinghe and Lai Jinlian maintained correspondence, and in addition to telling the bits and pieces of life, the two also had some small hints of affection.

By 1977, the state resumed the college entrance examination. Chen Jinghe and Lai Jinlian both decided to participate, and finally Chen Jinghe went to Fuzhou University, while Lai Jinlian went to the local Longyan Health School to study nursing.

On the day Chen Qinghe went to Fuzhou, many high school classmates came to the station to send him, and Lai Jinlian was also among them. On that day, Chen Jinghe plucked up the courage to explain his inner feelings to Lai Jinlian. Lai Jinlian's face has no fat powder, but it is red, which seems to confirm the sentence "A woman's blush is better than a large section of dialogue".

The two still maintained correspondence, Chen Jinghe would send some food to Lai Jinlian, and Lai Jinlian would knit scarves, sweaters and other clothes to send to Chen Jinghe.

After graduation, Chen Jinghe quickly proposed to Lai Jinlian's parents, and the Lai family liked this young man very much, and happily agreed, not only did not care that Chen Jinghe did not have enough dowry, but also gave him an aluminum alloy bicycle, and the two eventually became family members.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Chen Jinghe and Lai Jinlian

At the end of the first year of marriage, they gave birth to their first child, but after the birth of the child, because Chen Jinghe had been in the mine for a long time, Lai Jinlian also had to work as a nurse in three shifts, so she often had to find an aunt to help with the child, and the economy was not rich, and the life of a family of three in the first few years was very difficult. But fortunately, later Chen Jinghe made a fortune in the mines, and his life gradually improved.

Lai Jinlian accompanied Chen Jinghe for most of his life, accompanying him from the trough to the peak, from youth to maturity. With the development of Zijin Mining, Chen Qinghe's annual salary reached 5 million, his value exceeded 500 million, and Lai Jinlian also became a veritable "rich lady".

In 2015, Lai Jinlian went to the hospital for examination due to severe pain in her waist, and finally found that she was in advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Chen Jinghe, who learned the bad news, was grief-stricken and rushed to his wife's side to accompany her to resist the disease.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Even if Chen Jinghe can buy his wife the best medical resources, the virus is still ruthless. On January 23, 2019, Lai Jinlian passed away forever. Chen Jinghe was devastated and tearfully wrote "Remembering His Beloved Wife Jin Lian", expressing his strong reluctance for his wife, and at the end he wrote emotionally: "When one day, I will also enter that world, I will find her to renew the marriage." ”

However, Chen Jinghe soon had a new wife in the real world: Qian Bing, a 38-year-old model. Qian Bing is a native of Anhui, studied in Fujian, and was married to her boyfriend during college, and the two had a son. But the good times did not last long, Qian Bing parted ways with her ex-husband and went to the United States to study for graduate school until he graduated and returned to China in 2017.

After returning to China, Qian Bing met Chen Jinghe in a coincidence, and the two fell in love and held a grand wedding ceremony in October 2020.

Chen Qinghe, a 63-year-old gold mine boss, married a 38-year-old model a year after his wife's death: he found love

Qian Bing and Chen Jinghe (middle)


At the wedding, Qian Bing said: "We will prove to everyone that love can cross the age." "Do you think so too?" Feel free to leave your comments.