
Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

author:Shangguan News

Narrator: Jiang Xufeng, physical education teacher and trade union member of Shanghai Guangming Middle School

Six days and five nights, yesterday was my last day at the "Clover" square cabin hospital. After the second negative nucleic acid, I finally returned to my home.

Unlike most patients, from the time I was diagnosed to the time I was released from isolation, I had no symptoms at all, not even a mild cold. This may be related to my profession as a physical education teacher, with better physical fitness. So my confirmed information is limited to the CDC calling me to inform me of "nucleic acid abnormalities". In retrospect, going to the wet market to buy vegetables and doing nucleic acid in the community was the only way I could get infected.

From the first day of my diagnosis, I followed the epidemic prevention guidelines and lived alone in the "sun room" of the family, relying on my parents to feed me, and strictly did not leave the house. My lover and children live on the third floor of the same building, and I haven't met them since I was diagnosed, so I'm thankful that my family has been safe since my diagnosis at the end of March.

Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

My "Clover" (National Exhibition and Convention Center) is currently the largest cabin hospital in Shanghai, each hall is divided into male, female, geriatric basic disease areas and special wards, I am in hall 2 A2 area. In addition to the fact that the "four-leaf clover" cannot turn off the lights at night and rest, all other guarantees are in place. We patients will joke with each other: "When I arrive here, I am relieved, and I don't have to grab vegetables to cook." "Most of the patients are very relieved when they come.

The "Clover" square cabin hospital is responsible for the national medical team, and the PLA medical personnel stationed in Shanghai are all aided by the People's Liberation Army. Because our symptoms are mild, we do not receive special treatment, and more often than not, we are waiting for the symptoms to lessen until we are released from isolation after two negative nucleic acids.

However, due to the large number of patients, the limited number of "whites" and the work is very busy, I have seen the nurse sitting on the ground several times and fallen asleep. So when I saw the volunteer recruitment, I immediately signed up. At the moment of the epidemic, Communist Party members have to report to the community, and when I am in the Cabin Hospital, I report to the temporary Party branch here and become a volunteer in a Cabin Hospital.

There are more than 10 volunteers in our Area A, with team leaders and clear responsibilities. Most of the volunteers are young people in their twenties and thirties, and their symptoms are relatively mild, including teachers like me and patients in other industries. Our work started in the morning.

Every morning at 5 o'clock, I get up on time, tidy up my housekeeping, and line up to brush my teeth and wash my face. At 7 a.m., the volunteers' day's work began. Our first job was to distribute breakfast. When I was assigned to the children, I was greeted by a "thank you uncle", which made me feel warm.

Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

The next step is to assist in the daily health circulation of the precinct. In the cabin hospital, we need to report the health situation every day, but there are many elderly people in the ward, and the collection time is relatively long, so I help the elderly patients to operate and report information.

Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

Doing nucleic acids once a day in the cabin hospital is a relatively heavy task. Because I am a physical education teacher, I have a "professional advantage" in the whole team and guidance, so I take on the task of organizing. Every time in a group of 20 people, I would guide: "Patients listen to my password, please line up according to the number of the hospital bed from small to large, pay attention to the 2-meter interval." There are more than 300 people in our ward, and everyone has been arranged in this order from the first time, and the nucleic acid test will be completed very quickly. In addition, our volunteers will also help the "big white" to take test tubes, scan codes, and label them.

In the evening, I look forward to the daily square dance time. The dance team in the square cabin will start performing on time, and there are several groups of people, which are wonderful, just like the video brushed on TikTok. Exercise time allows patients to temporarily forget the discomfort of the disease, exercise and improve immunity. I also thought about leading the patients to exercise together in the cabin, but the aunts and mothers obviously prefer the form of line dance and square dance. Every time I see everyone's positive and optimistic smiles, I will be deeply moved.

Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

Although I was not able to volunteer in the community, I can help "Big White" here, and I will feel that the life of the cabin is not so boring, and every day is also busy.

This time, I took pad to the cabin hospital. Although I am no longer in online classes, I still attend every meeting of the school: the biweekly general meeting of all faculty members, the meeting of teaching and research leaders and the regular meeting of trade union members, I will attend on time. These days, a young physical education teacher I teach is preparing to open an online district-level open class. He sent me the courseware and lesson plans, and I came to grind and control him.

Narrated| I was a volunteer at the Clover Cabin Hospital, and "the whole team called for nucleic acid" is the professional advantage of the physical education teacher

Teachers send "love" to Teacher Jiang

The life in the cabin is actually not as boring as previously imagined, as long as you make reasonable arrangements and combine work and leisure, your condition will improve quickly. In the evening, I will reflect on the harvest of the day, plan the tasks that need to be completed the next day, and I feel like I have had another fulfilling day.

I want to tell my special experience to COVID-19 patients who are waiting to be quarantined or have already entered the cabin. Winning the new crown and entering the cabin is not terrible, keep an optimistic attitude, do your best to play a little role to help more people, many years later, when looking back on the past, I can proudly say: we defeated the epidemic.

Editor-in-Chief: Xu Ruizhe

Source: Author: Gong Jieyun

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