
Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

author:Watch plays with books
Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

The sister-in-law played by the old drama bone Liu Lin appeared again. After Hehe was diagnosed with leukemia and was hospitalized, Fang Yinuo accidentally saw an old acquaintance. She is now a caregiver in the hospital.

Originally, I thought that Sister-in-law Yue was in conflict with Fang Yinuo, and she went offline without saying goodbye. Unexpectedly, she appeared again.

Sister-in-law Yue used her experience in working in the hospital for more than a year to comfort Fang Yinuo: she sent away many people, and she also saw many people get better. Hehe will definitely get better.

I don't know why my sister-in-law changed from a profession that witnessed the growth of a new life to a job that required a habit of saying goodbye. From the slightly embarrassed expressions of the two when they met, it can be seen that the past employment relationship was really not happy enough!

Presumably, after the sister-in-law left that year, according to Fang Yinuo's harsh and stubborn personality, he would definitely stick to his own ideas and complain to the housekeeping company about the sister-in-law! But five years have passed, and the original displeasure has long since dissipated.

We can feel that the worry and comfort of the sister-in-law at this time are full of kindness.

Not long after, Sister-in-law Yue came to Fang Yinuo again, and at this time she was still carrying the book. The book that fascinated her at Fang Yinuo's house was exactly that scene that ignited Fang Yinuo's anger.

Fang Yinuo was frightened and quickly recalled that in fact, she already knew that this book had been taken away by Sister-in-law Yue. At that time, it was the time when the whole family chicken flew and the dog jumped, and I thought that I would pay a high price to invite a gold medal sister-in-law, who I chose from a thousand times, which could reduce my parenting pressure, let myself rest better, and recover my body faster!

Who knew that after several frictions and contradictions, the sister-in-law did not say a word, packed up her things and left.

At this time, the return of The Sister-in-law is actually the director's ulterior motives, and it is the book that returns, which completely unveils the true face of Fang Yinuo.

Carefully selected ace sister-in-law

If melasma and stretch marks during pregnancy are the fuse of Fang Yinuo's anxiety, then the pain of childbirth and postpartum urinary incontinence are the boosters of postpartum depression.

After returning home, Fang Yinuo thought that when his personally selected ace Yue Yue came, his scientific parenting life could also be unveiled.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

In particular, I saw the professional standard displayed by the sister-in-law: she accurately said that the most suitable indoor temperature for newborns was between 24 ° C and 26 ° C, and the temperature at home was just 25, which was very suitable.

Seeing Hehe crying, she first checked Hehe's stool, the color was healthy light yellow, and then saw that the secretion of the navel eye was a little more, and immediately wiped it clean with a cotton swab from the inside out, little by little.

And told Fang Yinuo to keep the navel and eyes dry and clean, so that the child will feel comfortable and will not cry.

Sister-in-law Yue promised Fang Yinuo that she would use professional knowledge and skills to take good care of Hehe, so that Fang Yinuo could rest assured and concentrate on raising her body. It can be said that Fang Yinuo's first impression of Yue's sister-in-law is quite good.

When Sister-in-law Yue saw the bookshelf full of books on Fang Yinuo's family, she was envious. It can be seen from here that YueJie is a person who loves knowledge, combined with her professional degree, it is not difficult to think that she must be diligent and studious.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

I have to say that Fang Yinuo has a good vision, but unfortunately, things have not developed in a pleasant direction.

Fang Yinuo is picky and harsh, stubborn

Although Yue Yinuo did her best and took care of Hehe, Fang Yinuo's anxiety gradually became serious.

When Fang Yinuo got up in the middle of the night to feed Hehe, and when he was thirsty and wanted to drink water, he couldn't wake up or kick Xiao Lu. It was sister-in-law Yue who immediately handed over a cup of warm water, which made her moved.

One second it was still a happy and harmonious employment relationship, but the next second, because of her mother's words, Fang Yinuo became nervous.

Her mother told her that she had heard from her friends that there were many unscrupulous sisters-in-law, and in order to make the baby not get up at night, she fed him sleeping pills.

Fang Yinuo thought about it, before he finished feeding himself, his sister-in-law carried Hehe back to the room, and the child slept quietly. The seed of doubt in my heart began to take root.

She began to pay attention to her sister-in-law's every move. One day, she saw yue sister-in-law washing bottles in the kitchen, so when yue sister-in-law returned to the house, she sneaked into the kitchen, picked up the bottles, and carefully examined them.

As a result, Fang Yinuo smelled milk powder. In her heart, she believed that in order to reduce the number of night ups, she secretly fed Hehe milk powder.

The next day, Fang Yinuo was ready to talk to yue's sister-in-law, but found that she was sitting comfortably on the sofa reading a book. The idea of good communication was instantly forgotten by her.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

She scolded her sister-in-law for not looking after the child and not knowing what to do. The implication is that I spend so much money, not for you to enjoy, you should do things all the time.

Then Fang Yinuo asked Yue He whether she had given Hehe milk powder, and Yue He was particularly surprised and explained to her that he would not feed He he to drink milk powder without her consent.

She said that she did bottle milk powder yesterday, in order to give her a sniff when Hehe was sleeping unsteadily, so that she felt that her mother was around and felt safe.

At the same time, Sister-in-law Yue also patiently pointed out that mixed feeding is not a crime, so that Fang Yinuo should not be affected by the comments on the Internet.

However, Fang Yinuo could not listen to a word, and she insisted that she breastfeed until she was one year old. And let the sister-in-law take Hehe into the master bedroom that night, ostensibly for the convenience of feeding in the middle of the night, but in fact it is surveillance.

This conflict has laid a time bomb for the complete rupture of the employment relationship later.

Soon, Fang Yinuo found that Hehe jaundice was getting more and more serious, but yue sister-in-law let her relax her heart, each baby's situation was different, some retreated quickly, some retreated slowly. Judging from her previous theoretical and practical experience, this situation of Hehe is normal.

Fang Yinuo had already distrusted yue's sister-in-law in his heart, and he insisted on taking Hehe to the hospital for examination. The result is really quite serious, the hospital let the direct hospitalization to take blue light.

With the doctor's official appraisal, Fang Yinuo was even more dissatisfied with the sister-in-law, believing that the sister-in-law had delayed the condition, causing their mother and daughter to be separated, so the small child lived in the incubator, crying and making a lot of noise.

Her anxiety had reached its peak.

But what Fang Yinuo did not know was that Hehe's jaundice was breast-milk jaundice, which was the result of her insistence on breastfeeding. In order not to let Fang Yinuo blame himself, Xiao Lu specifically instructed Yue Yinuo not to tell her.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

As a result, after returning home, Yinuo was anxious and asked why the jaundice could not go down, and the sister-in-law remembered not to disclose the truth.

I had to tell her that the jaundice value dropped so much that the child ate more Dora, but she did not have enough breast milk, the child did not have enough to eat, and naturally there was not much. This is good, directly hit Fang Yinuo's death hole.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

Fang Yinuo was directly furious and asked Sister-in-law Yue whether she had already fed milk powder to Hehe. Xiao Lu saw the situation and hurried to the round field, saying that there were many reasons, and the doctor said that it may be breast-milk jaundice.

At this point, Fang Yinuo's anger immediately turned to Xiao Lu and asked him what he meant, that is, there was a problem with his breast milk? ......

Fang Yinuo's hysteria is really devastating. On the one hand, it was anxiety caused by hormonal imbalances, and on the other hand, it was her own problems.

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

The next day, sister-in-law Yue did not quit and said goodbye.

Sister-in-law Yue returned the book, completely unveiling the true face of Fang Yinuo

After so many years, why did Sister-in-law Yue still return the book to Fang Yinuo? Time has passed, I believe that Fang Yinuo will not pursue it, but putting this matter on the surface is not putting the hat of stealing on himself?

Dear child: Liu Lin's sister-in-law is Wang Dynamite, revealing the true face of Fang Yinuo

From here, it can be seen that Yue Jie is a person with a heart, who dares to face her mistakes and correct them. No matter what the reason was at the beginning, it was always wrong for me not to say goodbye, and this book that was too late to return was also my own problem.

Returning the book to Fang Yinuo just shows that Sister-in-law Yue is frank in her heart, she has never done anything to hurt Hehe, or perfunctory or not fulfill her duties.

On the other hand, although she is a teacher, she can't find her own problems and must adhere to her own views on everything.

She stubbornly believes that insisting on breastfeeding is scientific parenting, and the mixed feeding recommended by her sister-in-law is to be lazy. Neither listen to other people's explanations nor take the initiative to seek verification.

Fang Yinuo is strong and stubborn, has a strong desire for control, and whenever the people and things in the family do not develop towards her plan, she will jump out and take responsibility for the wrongs of others. This is true for Sister-in-law Yue, and it is also true for Xiao Lu and Xiao Lu's mother.

It is true that having children and raising children is not an easy task, but her nerves, nervousness and anxiety have made the home cloudy, and she can't see the beauty of a new life.

She never thought about whether she had a problem, but she pointed out the country every day. From this point of view, Fang Yinuo, as an intellectual, is really inferior to the low-educated Yue Sister-in-law.

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